OBHR 706 Quiz 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 2477
subject Authors Mary Von Glinow, Steven Mcshane

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Organizational behavior emerged as a distinct field around the 1940s. Before that,
organizations had not been studied at all.
Employees with very high loyalty tend to have high conformity, which results in lower
Employees in jobs with low task variability have nonroutine work patterns.
The strength of an organization's culture refers to how widely and deeply employees
hold the company's dominant values and assumptions.
A problem with the team-based organizational structure is that employees may
experience more stress due to ambiguity of their roles.
Knowledge-based trust is confidence in one's own ability or knowledge.
The influence of both cognitive reasoning and emotions on attitudes is most apparent
when they agree with each other.
Buffering occurs when we decide to overlook messages, such as using software rules to
redirect email from distribution lists to folders we never look at.
Team cohesiveness decreases with increased interaction because there are more chances
for conflicts to emerge.
Research suggests that increasing job enlargement increases employee motivation
almost as much as job enrichment.
The largest portion of most paychecks is based on a person's membership and seniority
in an organization.
Job descriptions help improve quality and consistency of a product or service by
standardizing work activities.
Negotiation occurs whenever two or more conflicting parties try to redefine the terms of
their interdependence.
A task force refers to any:
A. informal group that has the same members as the permanent task-oriented group.
B. formal group whose members work permanently and spend most of their time in that
C. formal group whose members must be able to perform all of the tasks of the team.
D. temporary team that investigates a particular problem and typically disbands when
the decision is made.
E. temporary team that has members in different locations who depend on information
technologies to communicate and coordinate their work effort.
According to the Four-D Model, appreciative inquiry begins by:
A. determining the cause of the problem.
B. determining whether there is a problem that needs to be fixed.
C. involving employees in the process of refreezing.
D. identifying the positive elements of an organization or work unit that is performing
E. creating a common image among participants of what should be in their own
The simple structure usually depends on _____ to coordinate work activities, so it is
very difficult to operate as the company grows and becomes more complex.
A. the owner's direct supervision
B. standardization through formal instructions
C. formal training (standardizing skills)
D. standardization of product or service outputs
E. decentralization
The triple bottom line philosophy says that:
A. companies should pay three times as much attention to profits as they do to
employee wellbeing.
B. the main goal of all companies is to satisfy the needs of three groups: employees,
shareholders, and suppliers.
C. business success increases by having three times more contingent workers than
permanent employees.
D. companies should treat their local, national, and global customers fairly.
E. companies should try to support the economic, social, and environmental spheres of
_____ involves actively applying legitimate and coercive power to influence others.
A. Assertiveness
B. Upward appeal
C. Persuasion
D. Coalition forming
E. Information control
A diverse team is better than a homogeneous team:
A. when designing and launching a new product or service.
B. on tasks requiring a high degree of cooperation.
C. in situations where the team must reach the performing stage of team development
D. in most organizational activities as they will have fewer conflicts.
E. if the team is working on a project that involves routine tasks.
The competency perspective of leadership identifies drive, integrity, and emotional
intelligence as the:
A. substitutes for leadership.
B. main elements of situational leadership theory.
C. competencies of effective leaders.
D. contingencies in path-goal theory.
E. essential traits of engaging in managerial leadership.
Which of the following characteristics addresses leaders' high need for achievement?
A. Integrity
B. Emotional intelligence
C. Drive
D. Self confidence
E. Leadership motivation
Gainsharing plans tend to:
A. increase efficiency without paying employees any financial reward.
B. distribute a portion of company profits to employees in the form of company stock.
C. create a reasonably strong effort-to-performance expectancy.
D. reward individuals for their own personal performance rather than team or
organizational performance.
E. increase efficiency without paying employees any financial reward creating a
reasonably strong effort-to-performance expectancy.
The illumination stage in the creative process:
A. provides a tested solution to complex problems.
B. occurs after the verification stage in the process.
C. generates long-lasting thoughts in the memory.
D. is characterized by convergent thinking.
E. can be quickly lost if not documented.
The Director of Nursing is looking throughout the hospital for a new format of a work
schedule for nurses. She evaluates each schedule system as soon as she learns about it.
Eventually, she finds a schedule that is "good enough" for her needs and ends her search
even though there may be better schedules available that she hasn't yet learned about.
The Director of Nursing is engaging in:
A. escalation of commitment.
B. satisficing.
C. perceptual defense.
D. post-decisional justification.
E. open rationalization.
Rituals are:
A. programmed routines of daily organizational life that dramatize the organization's
B. more formal artifacts than ceremonies.
C. verbal symbols of cultural values that reveal how employees talk to one another,
describe customers, express anger, and greet stakeholders.
D. physical structures that convey the dominant values of an organization's culture.
E. games that people play to defy the dominant culture and, instead, support
countercultural beliefs and values.
Out of the generational groups discussed in the textbook, which group has the highest
preference for leisure and the lowest value of social interaction?
A. Gen-Xers
B. Gen-Yers
C. Baby Boomers
D. Millennials
E. Silent Generation
Which of the following statements about emotional intelligence and leadership is true?
A. Emotional intelligence is one of the most frequently identified contingencies of
employees when choosing the best leadership style.
B. Emotional intelligence is one of the desired competencies of effective leaders.
C. Emotional intelligence is the psychological condition that makes people want to
believe that leaders make a difference.
D. Emotional intelligence refers to the leader's above-average cognitive ability to
process information.
E. Emotional intelligence makes leaders function with a managerial rather than a
transformational orientation.
Which of the following refers to the result of the division of labor in which work is
subdivided into separate jobs assigned to different people?
A. Piece rate system
B. Job rotation
C. Job specialization
D. Profit-sharing bonus
E. Gainsharing plan
The more you fill structural holes in a network, the more likely you are to:
A. be laid off or demoted.
B. be seen as someone who engaged in unethical practices.
C. engage in impression management.
D. be taken advantage of by others in the network.
E. get early promotions and higher pay.
Which of the following communication media tends to be the best for transmitting
A. Newsletters
B. Email messages
C. Telephone conversations
D. Face-to-face meetings
E. Written messages
People who seldom trust coworkers and tend to use cruder influence tactics have:
A. strong Machiavellian values.
B. a high level of organizational citizenship.
C. excellent Skills for working in teams.
D. more expert power than most people in organizations.
E. strong work ethics.

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