Nutrition 336 Quiz 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 776
subject Authors Eleanor Noss Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes

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1) Approximately what percentage of the world’s population experiences persistent
a. 4
b. 8
c. 12
d. 16
e. 20
2) Which statement characterizes vitamin B12nutrition in vegetarians and vegans?
a.Vitamin B12in fortified cereals has low bioavailability.
b.Vegan mothers need only infrequent intake of vitamin B12-fortified cereals.
c.The vitamin B12in fermented soy products may be present in an inactive form
.d.Infants born to vegan mothers are resistant to the development of vitamin
e.Vitamin B12is problematic in vegetarians but not vegans.
3) Which of the following is a feature of vitamin K?
a.Vitamin K participates in synthesis of bone proteins.
b.Large amounts can be stored in adipose tissue.
c.Good food sources are legumes and raw fruits.
d.Intestinal bacterial synthesis provides over 90% of the body's need for most people.
e.A single oral dose is given at birth to promote blood clotting.
4) What is the AMDR for carbohydrate?
5) The flavor enhancer MSG represents a dietary source of
a. sulfite.
b. sodium.
c. acrylamide.
d. bicarbonate.
e. manganese.
6) What are the precursors for synthesis of the eicosanoids?
a. Steroids
b. Short-chain fatty acids
c. Medium-chain saturated fatty acids
d. Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids
e. Monounsaturated fatty acids
7) What is the significance of the uncoupling proteins in adipose tissue?
a.Increased loss of energy as heat
b.Reduction of fat cell number
c.Lowering of basal metabolism
d.Proliferation of fat cell number
e.Increased fat storage
8) What method is used to measure the amount of heat given off by the body?
a.Bomb calorimetry
b.Basal calorimetry
c.Direct calorimetry
d.Indirect calorimetry
e.Computational calorimetry
9) Worldwide, the poorest poor subsist on less than ____ per day.
a. $1
b. $3
c. $5
d. $7
e. $9
10) One function of sphincter muscles is to ____.
a. control peristalsis
b. grind large food particles
c. secrete digestive juices into the GI tract
d. control the passage of food through the GI tract
e. trigger hormone release
11) Greg is trying to decide which brand of cereal to buy, but he is a somewhat
confused by the health claims. Which statement represents the highest level of
significant scientific agreement?
a."This cereal promotes a healthy heart."
b."This cereal supports heart health."
c."This product contains whole grains, which have been proven to reduce the risk of
heart disease and certain cancers."
d."Very limited and preliminary scientific research suggests this product can reduce risk
for cancers; FDA concludes that there is little scientific evidence supporting this claim."
e."Anecdotal evidence demonstrates a clear relationship between consumption of this
product and elimination of health risk factors."
12) For maximum benefits, cardiorespiratory endurance episodes should be sustained
for at least
a. 20 minutes.
b. 40 minutes.
c. 1 hour.
d. 1 1/2 hours.
e. 2 hours.
13) Which of the following is a feature of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)?
a. FAS cannot be treated, only prevented.
b. Cognitive function is affected the least when physical abnormalities are most severe.
c. Diagnosis is apparent within 6 months of birth for virtually all children with FAS.
d. The most severe physical abnormalities in most FAS children are covert rather than
e. No harm will result to the infant unless the mother is actually drunk.
14) In the time between meals, what organ releases glucose to help maintain normal
blood glucose levels?
a. liver
b. pancreas
c. intestines
d. skeletal muscle
e. pineal gland
15) What percentage of people with diabetes have type 1?
a. 5-10
b. 10-15
c. 15-20
d. 20-25
e. 25-30
16) What term is specific to reactions in which simple compounds are combined into
more complex molecules?
a. Anabolic
b. Catabolic
c. Ergogenic
d. Gluconeogenic
e. Anaerobic
17) The process by which maternal nutrient intake affects the child€s development of
diseases later in life is known as
a. retrogenetics.
b. reverse genetics.
c. fetal programming.
d. postpartum degenerative expression.
e. genetic mutation.

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