Nutrition 224 Quiz 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 1216
subject Authors Eleanor Noss Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes

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1) What percentage of older adults live in poverty?
a. 7
b. 9
c. 11
d. 13
e. 15
2) Among the following, which is the most important strategy for an underweight
person who wishes to achieve a healthy body weight?
a.A high-kcalorie diet plus regular exercise
b.A high-kcalorie diet and minimal exercise
c.A high-protein diet plus regular exercise
d.Total elimination of alcohol and exercise
e.High-protein, high-kcalorie diet and minimal exercise
3) Which of the following enables much of the world's population to maintain adequate
vitamin D status?
a.Outdoor exposure of the skin to sunlight
b.Wide availability of low-cost fish products
c.Wide availability of food assistance programs
d.World Health Organization distribution of vitamin D capsules
e.Genetically modified crops such as Golden Rice
4) What percentage of the world€s children under the age of 5 have short stature for
their age?
a. 5
b. 10
c. 15
d. 20
e. 25
5) What is the range of body fat content for normal-weight men 20-39 years of age?
6) What is one major weakness of a laboratory-based study?
a.The costs are typically prohibitive.
b.Findings are difficult to replicate.
c.Results from animal testing cannot be applied to human beings.
d.Experimental variables cannot be easily controlled.
e.Causality cannot be inferred.
7) Which of the following foods is highest in folate?
c.Dairy products
d.Green, leafy vegetables
8) Which of the following is a feature of gastric surgery for the treatment of clinically
severe obesity?
a.It is almost never followed by weight regain.
b.It is always an irreversible medical procedure.
c.It is less effective than traditional liposuction.
d.It diminishes the amount of food that can be eaten without GI distress.
e.It has dramatic effects on physical and psychological health.
9) The weight of a body minus the fat content is known as the ____.
a.cherubic index
b.lean body mass
c.body mass index
d.ideal body weight
e.lean weight
10) Which of the following describes a relationship between leptin and energy balance?
a.Fat cell sensitivity to leptin is higher in obese people.
b.A deficiency of leptin is characteristic of all obese people.
c.Blood levels of leptin usually correlate directly with body fat.
d.Major functions of leptin include an increase in hunger and a decrease in metabolic
e.Blood levels of leptin only correlate with body fat at extremely high and low body
11) Which of the following is a feature of creatine supplementation in athletes?
a. It may enhance performance of endurance athletes.
b. Long-term use adversely affects liver and kidney function.
c. It may enhance performance of weight lifters and sprinters.
d. It induces short-term weight loss consisting primarily of lean tissue.
e. It is especially useful for distance swimmers.
12) In the immediate postexercise period, what type of diet enhances muscle protein
a. Fat alone
b. Carbohydrate alone
c. Carbohydrate plus fat
d. Carbohydrate plus protein
e. Protein alone
13) Young children who drink more than 2 to 3 1/2cups of milk a day are most likely at
increased risk for deficiency of
a. iron.
b. folate.
c. vitamin A.
d. vitamin C.
e. vitamin D.
14) a. 1 in 75 k. Zygote
b. 1 in 13 l. Embryo
c. 7 1/2 m. Alcohol
d. 17-30 n. Eclampsia
e. 25 o. Amniotic
f. 35 p. Birthweight
g. 38 q. Preeclampsia
h. Iron r. Breastfeeding
i. Pica s. Eat small, frequent meals
j. Folate t. Drink at least 8 glasses of liquid a day
1)A newly fertilized ovum
2)Fluid in which the fetus floats
3)Developing infant from 2 to 8 weeks after conception
4)Number of days after conception during which the neural tube is highly vulnerable to
nutrient deficiency
5)Number of U.S. women who report binge drinking during pregnancy
6)Adequate intakes of this nutrient within the 30 days prior to conception are especially
important to lower risk of birth defects
7)Most reliable indicator of an infant€s health
8)An infant born prior to this number of weeks of pregnancy is classified as preterm
9)Upper limit for the recommended number of pounds that a pregnant woman of
normal weight should gain
10)Approximate weight, in pounds, of average newborn baby
11)Number of grams of extra protein per day recommended for the pregnant woman
12)Dietary supplements of this nutrient are recommended early in pregnancy
13)A recommended practice to prevent or relieve heartburn
14)A recommended practice to prevent or alleviate constipation
15)A craving for non-food substances
16)A condition characterized by high blood pressure and protein in the urine
17)A condition characterized by seizures
18)Number of women who report drinking during pregnancy
19)Excess intake of this substance in pregnancy is known to result in mental retardation
of the child
20)A practice that conserves maternal iron stores
15) Which of the following is a characteristic of farm irrigation?
a. It makes the soil more porous.
b. It helps preserve the water supply.
c. It contributes to soil preservation.
d. It increases the salt content in the soil.
e. It raises water tables.
16) Which of the following is a feature of hypertension in pregnancy?
a. Chronic hypertension increases risk for stillbirth.
b. Chronic hypertension often leads to macrosomia.
c. Gestational hypertension usually develops in the first trimester.
d. Gestational hypertension is most common in women who had normal blood pressure
before pregnancy.
e. Gestational diabetes typically persists after pregnancy.
17) The major function of vitamin E is to inhibit the destruction of
a.lysosomes. radicals.
d.polyunsaturated fatty acids.
e.monounsaturated fatty acids.
18) Approximately what percentage of U.S. children between 2 and 19 years of age are
a. 4
b. 8
c. 16
d. 32
e. 48
19) Which of the following is a feature of vitamin D synthesis?
a.Tanning lamps and tanning booths do not stimulate vitamin D synthesis.
b.Sunscreens with sunburn protection factors of 2 and above prevent synthesis of
vitamin D.
c.The ultraviolet rays of the sun are able to easily pierce heavy clouds and smog to
promote vitamin D synthesis.
d.Dark-skinned people require longer sunlight exposure than light-skinned people to
synthesize equivalent amounts of vitamin D
e.The risks of skin cancer often outweigh the benefits of sun exposure for very
light-skinned people.
20) A person who eats a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast every day is most likely making
a food choice based on ____.
c.body image
d.environmental concerns
e.cultural values

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