NUTR 73846

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 1527
subject Authors Dianne Hales

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"Being on the down low" refers to
a. a man who publicly presents as heterosexual while having sex with men in secret
b. a man being anally penetrated by more than one man during one sexual episode
c. a woman giving oral sex to a female
d. a woman who secretly has multiple sex partners
People with limited health literacy skills are also more likely to:
a. skip important preventive measures
b. to go the emergency room less often
c. take medication as prescribed
d. feel generally good about their health
The feeling of fullness indicates:
a. hunger
b. appetite
c. satiety
d. set-point
New parents Frida and Justen are completely exhausted after the first night home with
their newborn twins. While the babies are napping the next day, Frida and Justen remain
wide awake and overwhelmed, yet strangely thrilled and happier at the same time. This
best illustrates ____.
a. chronic stress
b. distant stress
c. acute stress
d. eustress
Who is most likely to use weight loss supplements?
a. Teenage girls aged 13-17
b. Teenage boys aged 13-17
c. Women aged 18-35
d. Men aged 18-35
A detailed examination of a body after death is called a(n)
a. physical exam
b. autonomy
c. autoscopy
d. autopsy
Performing a number of repetitions of the same movement is known as a:
a. set
b. lift
c. rep
d. max
Karolyn is addicted to alcohol and also has major depression. She would be classified
as having a ____ diagnosis.
a. dual
b. opposing
c. dependency
d. pathological
What term refers to maleness or femaleness, as determined by a combination of
anatomical and physiological factors, psychological factors, and learned behaviors?
a. sex
b. gender
c. sex role
d. orientation
The term carcinogenic refers to ____.
a. heart disease
b. mental alertness
c. cancer cell growth
d. hunger and appetite
Troy enjoys being with other people but finds himself to be horribly self-aware and
anxious during these occasions. What type of shyness does Troy experience?
a. fearful
b. anxious
c. self-monitoring
d. self-conscious
Which statement about antiretroviral therapies is true?
a. ARTs can eradicate the HIV virus.
b. ARTs involve the use of combinations of drugs.
c. ARTs are no longer used for treating HIV.
d. ARTs reduce HIV transmission but not the amount of HIV in the bloodstream.
Recent changes in the economy has created an epidemic of financial stress. According
to the American Psychological Association, what proportion of Americans describe
their stress level as extreme?
a. about one in ten
b. one-quarter
c. one-third
d. two-thirds
Consumption of ____ increases harmful cholesterol and, in large amounts, can decrease
good cholesterol.
a. omega-3 fatty acids
b. simple fats
c. complex fats
d. trans fats
The ability to cultivate independence from familial and societal influences refers to
a. mood management
b. autonomy
c. emotional quotient
d. identity security
The most common complaint of college students is ____.
a. daytime sleepiness
b. insomnia
c. restless leg syndrome
d. sleep apnea
Alcohol is classified as a(n) ____.
a. stimulant
b. hallucinogen
c. depressant
d. opioid
Normal driving skills remain impaired for up to ____________________ hours after
smoking a single joint of marijuana.
____ refers to sexual intercourse between a male over the age of 16 and a female under
the age of consent.
a. Sexual abuse
b. Statutory rape
c. Sexual coercion
d. Date rape
Formaldehyde is commonly used in which of the following?
a. paint
b. nail polish remover
c. carpet backing
d. drain cleaner
A ____ is a "little stroke."
a. transient ischemic attack
b. sarcoma
c. diastole
d. myocardial infection
Which of the following is most likely to kill young, healthy people between the ages of
16 and 24 who are not known to be regular drug users?
a. Ecstasy
b. Spice
c. Special K
d. GHB
According to the textbook, what is the most effective way to increase self-esteem?
a. meditation
b. exercise
c. friendships
d. positive thinking
A teenager decides to wait until he is married to have sex because he believes it's the
right thing to do. This is an example of which type of influencing factor?
a. behavioral
b. reinforcing
c. predisposing
d. enabling
An important carcinogenic agent found in cigarettes is:
a. nicotine
b. tar
c. carbon monoxide
d. carbon dioxide
The____ controls breathing, blood pressure and heart rate.
a. axon terminal
b. dendrite
c. brainstem
d. nucleus
In the ____ model, failure is a sign of character weakness.
a. enlightenment
b. moral
c. medical
d. compensatory
____ refers to willful, repeated, and malicious following or harassing of an individual.
a. Nonvolitional sex
b. Stalking
c. Sexual coercion
d. Stranger rape
Stopping any extraordinary efforts to sustain life is called:
a. passive euthanasia
b. autoscopy
c. autonomy
d. suicide
The lining of the uterine wall is known as the:
a. endoplasm
b. endometrium
c. menses
d. chorionic membrane
A breech birth refers to which of the following conditions?
a. The baby is presented with the feet or buttocks first.
b. The baby is surgically removed through an incision in the uterus.
c. The baby cannot be born unless an episiotomy is performed.
d. The placenta separates from the uterine wall.
What smoking condition causes the bronchial tubes to become inflamed and mucus
production to increase?
a. emphysema
b. chronic bronchitis
c. chronic obstructive lung disorder
d. asthma
An annual flu shot is recommended for: adults
a. all adults
b. adults with no preexisting conditions
c. adults ages 18"65
d. adults age 65 and older
What is perhaps the greatest benefit of physical activity for older Americans?
a. lower risk of cataracts
b. greater ability to live independently
c. better memory
d. faster recovery after replacement surgeries
What type of death is confirmed by an electroencephalogram?
a. functional death
b. cellular death
c. cardiac death
d. brain death
Discuss how having a spiritual life can enhance one's overall health and wellness.
Nicotine is released transdermally by nicotine ____________________.
The moment the soul leaves the body is considered ____________________ death.
____________________ is the discomfort that may occur from ovulation until the onset
of menstruation.
Positive thinking and talking is one of the most useful techniques for boosting
The calendar method is also known as the ________________ method.
Predict four factors that increase the likelihood of having an accident.
____________________ stretching involves movement.
Sexual intercourse with an unconsenting partner under actual or threatened force is
considered ____________________.
The range of motion around specific joints refers to ____________________.
____________________ stress is an individual's view of how challenging life is.
The procedure used to widen a clogged artery through insertion of a catheter with a tiny
balloon is called ____________________.
HIV destroys the cell-mediated immune system, particularly the
____________________ (also called T4 helper cells).
____________________ consists of mood swings that may take individuals from manic
states of feeling euphoric and energetic to depressive states of utter despair.
A nine-week-old embryo is called a(n) ____________________.

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