NUTR 609

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 467
subject Authors Ellie Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes

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1) Which of the following is NOT among the signs of iron toxicity?
c.Hypochromic anemia
d.Increases in infections
2) Which of the following products is NOT generated via the TCA cycle or electron
transport chain?
d.Carbon dioxide
3) Which of the following is an example of a food preservation technique?
a.Irradiation used to sterilize spices
b.Carotenoids used to retard formation of nitrosamines
c.Sulfites used to retard growth of pathogenic organisms
d.Nitrites used to form unique radiolytic particles when the food is overheated
4) You are planning a diet for a hospitalized patient who cannot participate in physical
activity because both of his legs are broken and he will be bedridden for 6 weeks.
Which of the following would best assess the patients energy expenditure?
a.Body composition
b.Basal metabolic rate
c.Physical activity level
d.Adaptive thermogenesis
5) You work part-time at a local diner and have noticed that there are a few questionable
practices going on behind closed doors. An older employee tells you that the worst of
these oversights is the workers disregard for the danger zone. Which of the following
applies to this employees warning?
a.Keeping the freezer at 35F
b.Serving raw seafood without proper cooking techniques
c.Keeping beef patties on a warm grill (135F) for up to 3 hours
d.Not disposing of egg shells immediately after use and allowing them to sit on
6) How many vitamins are known to be required in the diet of human beings?
7) What are the chances of contracting diarrhea from travel to other countries?
a.1 in 2
b.1 in 10
c.1 in 100
d.1 in 1000
8) The outer, hard shell of bone is called
a.cortical bone
b.dolomitic bone
c.trabecular bone
d.hydroxyl bone
9) Obesity resulting from an increase in the size of fat cells is termed
a.hyperplastic obesity
b.hypertrophic obesity
c.idiopenthic leptinemia
d.anaplastic hypometabolism
10) MyPlate was created to
a.illustrate the five food groups
b.reinforce the MyPyramid concept
c.reinforce the Healthy Eating Index
d.encourage more meal eating at home
11) In what chief capacity does vitamin K function?
a.Blood clotting
b.Energy metabolism
c.Calcium utilization
d.Epithelial tissue renewal
12) About how many kcalories of fuel are used to produce 100 kcalories of grains?
13) Which of the following is a characteristic of obesity in childhood?
a.The typical obese child does not learn food behaviors from his family
b.A nonobese child of nonobese parents has a less than 10% chance of becoming obese
in adulthood
c.An obese adolescent with one obese parent has virtually a 100% chance of becoming
obese in adulthood
d.The typical obese child today has approximately the same energy intake as did
children 30 years ago
14) What is colostrum?
a.A clot in the bloodstream
b.A major protein in breast milk
c.A hormone that promotes milk production
d.A milk-like substance secreted right after delivery
15) Approximately what percentage of a persons life expectancy is under control of her
16) The optimal carbohydrate concentration of sports drinks for the endurance athlete is
17) Infants should not be given canned vegetables due to excessive amounts of
d.botulinum spores
18) Which of the following symptoms would ordinarily NOT be found in individuals
with iron-deficiency anemia?
c.Concave nails
d.Diminished sense of smell
19) Which of the following defines central obesity?
a.Accumulation of fat during the mid-years of life
b.Storage of excess fat around the trunk of the body
c.Overfatness due to a large number of interacting behavioral problems
d.Overfatness due to reliance on high-fat foods as a central part of the diet
20) What is a triacylglycerol?
a.A triglyceride
b.A phospholipid
c.A partially hydrolyzed lipid
d.A lipid found only in cold-water fish
21) Moderate intakes of which of the following would provide sufficient amounts of
vitamin C?
b.Brown rice
c.Low-fat milk
d.Whole-wheat bread
22) The most common forms of neural tube defects are spina bifida and
d.cesarean section
23) Which of the following is a rich source of phytoestrogens?
c.Cold-water fish
d.Green, leafy vegetables
24) Which of the following is NOT a feature of the adaptive response to regular
physical exercise?
a.It curbs appetite
b.It stimulates digestive function in the postexercise period
c.It increases energy expenditure in the postexercise period
d.It triggers release of lipids from adipocytes from all over the body
25) Which of the following describes the findings from studies of lactating women who
exercised intensely compared with sedentary lactating women?
a.They had similar energy intakes
b.Their milk was more nutrient dense
c.They had a slightly greater amount of body fat
d.Their milk contained more lactate, which altered the milks taste
26) Which of the following methods of thawing meats or poultry increases health risk?
a.In the refrigerator
b.At room temperature
c.In a microwave oven
d.Under cool running water
27) Which of the following is a feature of heavy metal intake and pregnancy?
a.Mercury, but not lead, can easily cross the placenta
b.Lead and mercury both damage the fetal nervous system
c.Pregnant women are advised to limit consumption of shark and swordfish to no more
than once per week
d.Pregnant women are advised to avoid shellfish around the critical period of brain
development but may resume normal intake thereafter
28) Which of the following is a feature of ghrelin?
a.It is a metabolic antagonist of leptin
b.It stimulates appetite and energy storage
c.The blood level in the fasting state correlates directly with body weight
d.It is released in high amounts from adipocytes during periods of excess energy intake
29) What population group is at highest risk for osteomalacia?
b.Elderly men
c.Adult women
d.Children ages 2-12 years
30) All of the following factors are known to enhance the absorption of iron EXCEPT
a.MFP factor acids
c.ascorbic acid
d.calcium from milk
31) Consider the following menu from the point of view of the USDA Food Patterns.
Which of the following describes the nutritional value of the fruits and vegetables in
this menu?
a.A source of vitamin A is missing
b.A source of vitamin C is marginal
c.The daily amounts recommended for a 2000-kcalorie diet are met
d.The daily amounts recommended for a 2000-kcalorie diet are exceeded
32) What is the classification of a person who is 6 feet 4 inches tall and 202 lbs?
b.Healthy weight
33) Explain the association of ATP and creatine phosphate in physical performance.
34) Discuss the choices of diet and drugs for the treatment and prevention of
osteoporosis in women.
35) The very best combination of diet and exercise for an individual who is interested in
achieving the basic elements of health is
lots of complex carbohydrates and regular exercise regardless of the intensity
exercise two times a week with occasional "junk" food treats
moderate amounts of meat and fried foods combined with weight training two times a
regular consumption of sports drinks and vigorous exercise at least three times a week
36) How does genetic engineering differ from traditional selective breeding?
37) Some people have been known to react to the food additive known as MSG by
exhibiting symptoms, such as
stomach ulcers
intense headaches and depression
muscle pain, especially in the calves
all of the above
38) What methods are used by the food industry to inhibit rancidity of the unsaturated
lipids in foods?
39) The most important component(s) of exercise from a health and longevity
standpoint is(are)
the intensity and duration of the activity
the duration and frequency of the activity
the frequency and regularity of the activity
the warm-up and cool-down periods
40) One of the lessons the subject with type II diabetes learned from the program about
food intake was that
deprivation is one reason why people fail at weight loss
people can have desserts, but in moderation
people must change their attitudes regarding sweets as being off limits
all of the above
41) List reasons that qualified people may fail to self-enroll in federal food assistance

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