NUTR 480 Homework

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 931
subject Authors Eleanor Noss Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes

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1) Which of the following was a finding of the Feeding Infants and Toddlers Study?
a. Most toddlers but not infants consumed insufficient intakes of sodium.
b. The most popular food among these population groups was baked potatoes.
c. Most infants but not toddlers demonstrated food intake patterns consistent with
MyPlate recommendations.
d. About one-fourth of the infants and toddlers failed to consume even one serving of
fruits or vegetables daily.
e. Less than 10% of young preschoolers consumed nutrient-poor, energy-dense
beverages, desserts, and snack foods each day.
2) Which of the following represents a good age to introduce solid foods to infants?
a. Two weeks
b. Two months
c. Five months
d. Nine months
e. One year
3) Which of the following is a general characteristic of sodium in processed foods?
a. Instant chocolate pudding is a low-sodium food.
b. Processed foods contribute less than half of the sodium in our diets.
c. Salted peanuts contain less sodium than cereals on a per-gram basis.
d. Dairy products represent major sources of sodium in our diets.
e. Frozen vegetables often include more salt than canned vegetables.
4) Which substance regulates the pH of the stomach?
a. Gastrin
b. Insulin
c. Secretin
d. Cholecystokinin
e. Glucagon
5) Approximately what percentage of all energy use in the U.S. is devoted to the food
a. 5
b. 10
c. 20
d. 30
e. 40
6) The most likely explanation for why women readily store fat around the hips
whereas men readily store fat around the abdomen is gender differences in
a.blood insulin levels.
b.the activity of lipoprotein lipase.
c.circulating lipid transport proteins.
d.the activity of lipoprotein synthetase.
e.women have different patterns of physical activity than men.
7) The concentration of electrolyte charges is measured in
a. solute minerals.
b. milliequivalents.
c. ionic dissociates.
d. total atomic masses.
e. millijoules.
8) Which of the following is a feature of enhanced waters for physical activity?
a. The oxygenated types are beneficial in endurance events.
b. They provide a source of lactate to stimulate the Cori cycle.
c. One serving provides about a third of the RDA for most vitamins and calcium.
d. They usually contain less carbohydrate and electrolytes than typical sports drinks.
e. They are generally more useful than sports drinks.
9) Among the following, which should be the first action taken to lower blood
a. Begin drug treatment.
b. Consume a high-protein diet.
c. Consume large amounts of fish and fish oils.
d. Achieve and maintain appropriate body weight.
e. Increase alcohol intake and/or use an antianxiety medication.
10) How many people in the United States live in poverty?
a. 19 million
b. 29 million
c. 39 million
d. 49 million
e. 59 million
11) A common genetic variation which causes a change in the amino acid sequence in
the structure of hemoglobin leads to the disease ____.
a. diabetes
b. marasmus
c. phenylketonuria
d. sickle-cell anemia
e. hemolytic anemia
12) What set of values is used to recommend the average kcalorie intake that maintains
population groups in energy balance?
a.Estimated Energy Requirement
b.Adequate Average Requirement
c.Recommended Dietary Allowance
d.Acceptable Energy Distribution Range
e.Tolerable Upper Energy Limit
13) The neural tube develops into the
a. umbilical cord.
b. liver and pancreas.
c. gastrointestinal tract.
d. brain and spinal cord.
e. cardiovascular system.
14) Excess alcohol intake leads to a reduction in the synthesis rate of ____.
a. liver fat
b. liver glucose
c. ketone bodies
d. acetyl CoA molecules
e. insulin
15) What would be the approximate weight gain of a person who consumes an excess
of 500 kcalories daily for one month?
a.0.5 lb
b.2 lbs
c.3 lbs
d.4 lbs
e.8 lbs
16) For optimal breast-feeding benefits, it is recommended that the infant be
encouraged to suckle on the first breast offered
a. for about 1-2 minutes.
b. for no more than 5 minutes.
c. before he shows signs of hunger.
d. until he stops actively suckling.
e. until he begins to cry.
17) What is the average yearly intake (gallons) per person of bottled water in the United
a. 15
b. 30
c. 45
d. 60
e. 75
18) Which of the following is a feature of taking diet histories to gauge energy intake?
a.They correlate strongly with current and past energy intakes.
b.Their accuracy correlates strongly with an obesogenic environment.
c.Only overweight and obese people report inaccurate energy intakes.
d.Both normal and obese people commonly misreport actual energy intakes.
e.Although people try to be honest, their self-reports are poorly correlated with their
actual energy intake.
19) If the diet is lacking an essential amino acid, what will be the likely course of
a. Body cells will synthesize it.
b. Protein synthesis will be limited.
c. Health will not be affected as long as other nutrients are adequate.
d. Proteins will be made but they will lack that particular amino acid.
e. Massive muscle wasting will occur.

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