NUTR 478 Quiz 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1681
subject Authors Ellie Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes

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1) Approximately how much water is contained in a loaf of bread?
a.2% of the loaf
b.5% of the loaf
c.20% of the loaf
d.35% of the loaf
2) Which of the following is NOT one of the three major factors affecting world
population growth?
a.Birth rates
b.Death rates
c.Standard of living
d.Scientific knowledge
3) The organism H. pylori has been identified as one of the major causes of
d.gastric ulcers
4) Peripheral resistance is affected primarily by the resistance of
a.the ventricles in the atria
b.blood flow in the arterioles
c.the carotid arterial flow in the brain
d.blood flow in the portal venous system
5) In comparison to a low-density lipoprotein, a high-density lipoprotein contains
a.less lipid
b.less protein
c.more cholesterol
d.more carbohydrate
6) What is the chief reason why people living in poverty and hunger bear numerous
a.Birth control expenses are prohibitive
b.Only a small percentage of the children may survive to adulthood
c.The low educational level of adults limits their understanding of family planning
d.The parents seek greater fulfillment through having more children since there are few
other interests in their lives
7) What minimum concentration of alcohol in the blood is usually fatal?
8) Which of the following is characteristic of the lipase enzymes?
a.Gastric lipase plays a significant role in fat digestion in adults
b.Intestinal mucosal lipase is responsible for most dietary fat digestion
c.Salivary gland lipase (lingual lipase) plays an active role in fat digestion in infants
d.Pancreatic lipase hydrolyzes most dietary triglycerides completely to glycerol and
free fatty acids
9) What entity coordinates nutrition-related research activities of federal agencies?
a.U.S. Public Health Service
b.Food and Drug Administration
c.Dietary Reference Intakes committee
d.The National Nutrition Monitoring program
10) Which of the following is NOT among the characteristics of oysters in the diet?
a.They are the primary factor in travelers diarrhea
b.Eating them raw is a risk factor for some bacterial infections
c.Some oyster-borne microbes are destroyed when the consumer drinks alcohol
d.Many oyster-borne bacteria, but not viruses, are destroyed by some hot sauces
11) What amino acid is used to synthesize the neurotransmitter serotonin and the
vitamin niacin?
12) Which of the following is NOT a symptom of metabolic syndrome?
a.Low blood glucose
b.Low HDL cholesterol
c.Elevated blood pressure
d.High blood triglycerides
13) The classification of underweight is achieved when the BMI first drops below
14) Jennifer has just had a baby. When she brings Thomas home, she regales you with
the details of her hospital stay. She mentions that shortly after the birth, Thomas
received an intramuscular injection of vitamin K, and she wondered why this was done,
as it made him cry. You explained that it
a.was needed to prevent eye disease
b.prevented possible bleeding events
c.protected the baby from lipid oxidation
d.was needed to promote good bone growth
15) Which of the following is a feature of water in infancy?
a.Breastfed infants in hot, dry climates need supplemental water
b.Bottle-fed infants in hot, dry climates need supplemental water
c.Much of the infants body water content is located extracellularly
d.Conditions such as diarrhea and vomiting may be successfully treated with lower
doses of adult medications
16) What population group is most vulnerable to vitamin A toxicity?
17) The duration of exercise warm-up and cool-down periods should be
a.1-2 minutes each
b.5-10 minutes each
c.15 minutes each
d.2 minutes warm-up and 4 minutes cool-down
18) Absorption efficiency of vitamin D supplements is markedly improved when they
are taken
a.with a large meal
b.with a small meal
c.with orange juice
d.on an empty stomach
19) What is the approximate increase in energy needs (kcal/d) in the first trimester of
20) What is the recommended daily calcium intake for young adults?
a.500 mg
b.800 mg
c.1000 mg
d.1500 mg
21) How is vitamin E thought to play a role in reducing the risk of heart disease?
a.It inhibits absorption of dietary cholesterol
b.It slows oxidation of low-density lipoproteins
c.It interferes with cholesterol synthesis by the liver
d.It speeds removal of blood cholesterol by the liver
22) Which of the following is NOT among factors known to correlate strongly with risk
for cancer of the head and neck?
a.Tobacco use
b.Alcohol intake
c.Food additives and pesticides
d.Low intake of vegetables and fruits
23) For every decade beyond the age of 30, what is the percentage decrease in the need
for total kcalories?
24) Allen is 20 years old and asks for help in selecting a fiber-rich diet. After he ranks
the kinds of foods he likes to eat, you provide him with a list of food items consisting of
a.1 cup of cooked barley and 1 cup of garbanzo beans, 1 kiwi, and 1 slice whole-wheat
b.3 slices of whole-wheat bread, 2 cups of black beans, 1 ounce 100% bran cereal, and
1 cup apple juice
c.16 ounces of low-fat cheese, 3 medium apples, 2 cups blackberries, 1/2 cup spinach,
and 1/2 cup of broccoli
d.1 cup baked beans, 1 medium apple, 1 banana, 1 1/2 cups oatmeal, 1 ounce 100%
bran cereal, and 1/2 cup chopped raw carrots
25) In searching for a recipe for homemade jelly, you come across a recipe by a notable
food scientist, who emphasizes the importance of the correct amount of sugar in the
jelly as it serves as the products antimicrobial agent. What is the rationale behind this
a.Sugar is not a sustainable food source for most microbes
b.Sugar phagocytizes the microbes that are present in the jelly
c.Sugar captures water and makes it unavailable for microbes
d.Sugar wards off offending bacterial agents present in the jelly
26) Which of the following is NOT an association between the environment and food
a.Distractions generally appear to reduce food intake
b.The greater the number of foods at a meal, the more likely people will overeat
c.The mere sight or smell of food prompts people to commence eating even if they are
not hungry
d.Small portions of food on large plates lead people to underestimate the amount of
food eaten
27) Approximately how many kcalories per week should be expended in physical
activity in order to maintain a weight loss?
28) The most likely explanation for why women readily store fat around the hips
whereas men readily store fat around the abdomen is gender differences in
a.blood insulin levels
b.the activity of lipoprotein lipase
c.circulating lipid transport proteins
d.the activity of lipoprotein synthetase
29) Which of the following is NOT known to be a risk factor for osteoporosis in men?
a.High BMI
b.Alcohol abuse
c.Corticosteroid use
d.Low testosterone levels
30) An essential nutrient is one that cannot be
a.found in food
b.degraded by the body
c.made in sufficient quantities by the body
d.used to synthesize other compounds in the body
31) Which of the following is NOT a reason that an emotionally insecure person might
a.To relieve boredom
b.To ward off depression
c.In preference to socializing
d.To satisfy energy needs only
32) In an adult who gains 20 pounds of excess body weight, about how much of this is
lean tissue?
a.0 lbs
b.2 lbs
c.5 lbs
d.10 lbs
33) What is the RDA for iron for females 19-50 years old?
a.8 mg
b.10 mg
c.18 mg
d.32 mg
34) What are the signs and symptoms of zinc deficiency? Which ones have similarities
to other nutrient deficiencies?
35) Explain the meaning and significance of cardiorespiratory endurance.
36) Why was pellagra once believed to be caused by a pathogen instead of a vitamin
37) Compare and contrast the requirements for production of animal foods versus plant
38) Compared to breast feeding women, formula feeding women
have identical nutrient needs
have fewer nutrient needs
need more water
need less water
39) In order to gain muscle size and strength, it is necessary to
increase protein intake well above the RDA
train intensely with adequate rest periods in between
train every day at the highest intensity possible
all of the above
40) What are the potential adverse effects from consuming foods rich in

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