NUTR 272 Quiz 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1765
subject Authors Eleanor Noss Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes

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1) What system was developed by government regulatory agencies and the food
industry to help identify and/or control food contamination and foodborne disease?
a. The Two-Forty-One-Forty rule
b. Safe Handling Certification Program
c. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points
d. North American Residue Monitoring Program
e. Precautionary Principle
2) Which item is a nonessential amino acid in human nutrition?
a. Proline
b. Threonine
c. Methionine
d. Tryptophan
e. Phenylalanine
3) What is the AMDR for fat?
4) Government agencies that set tolerance levels for pesticides first identify those foods
commonly eaten in large quantities by
a. children.
b. adolescents.
c. adults.
d. elderly.
e. animals used for food.
5) What percentage of people in the United States who use nonprescription weight-loss
products have a normal weight?
6) Matching
a. Liver
b. Olestra
c. Micelle
d. Aspirin
e. Lecithin
f. Corn oil
g. Olive oil
h. Sardines
i. Pancreas
j. Canola oil
k. Oleic acid
l. Stearic acid
m. Cholesterol
n. Potato chips
o. Tropical oils
p. Chylomicron
q. Linolenic acid
r. Cholecystokinin
s. High-density lipoprotein
t. Very-low density lipoprotein
1>An 18-carbon monounsaturated fatty acid
2>A source of medium-chain saturated fatty acids
3>A long-chain saturated fatty acid
4>A good source of monounsaturated fats
5>A phospholipid
6>Major dietary precursor for vitamin D synthesis
7>Source of bile
8>Signals the release of bile
9>Major source of lipase
10>Structure assisting absorption of long-chain fats
11>A lipoprotein synthesized within intestinal absorptive cells
12>A lipoprotein made primarily by the liver
13>The lipoprotein type with the highest percentage of protein
14>Slows the synthesis of eicosanoids
15>An essential fatty acid
16>Common source of trans-fatty acids
17>Good food source of omega-3 fatty acids
18>Good food source of omega-6 fatty acids
19>Fat replacement product made from fat
20>Oil that is characteristic of the Mediterranean diet
7) What is the Tolerable Upper Intake
a. 20 mg
b. 40 mg
c. 80 mg
d. 120 mg
e. 160 mg
8) Which of the following is the most likely side effect for a person who regularly
consumes large quantities of carrots or carrot juice?
a.Bone pain
c.Skin yellowing
d.Vitamin A toxicity
e.Renal damage
9) A feature of catabolic reactions is that they ____.
a. involve the release of energy
b. occur only in mitochondria
c. involve consumption of energy
d. occur only during loss of body weight
e. require carbon dioxide
10) What is the major intracellular anion?
a. Protein
b. Sodium
c. Phosphate
d. Bicarbonate
e. Bisphosphonate
11) A graph of the relationship between mortality (Y or vertical axis) and body mass
index is shaped like a(n) ____.
d.inverted U
12) If the diet contains precursor vitamin A, which of the following tissues can use it to
form vitamin A?
c.Adipose cells
d.Intestinal cells
13) What are the known consequences of taking a single two-tablet dose of aspirin?
a. It inhibits monoamine oxidase activity.
b. It doubles the bleeding time of wounds.
c. It increases production of prostaglandins that enhance fever.
d. It is excreted very rapidly in people taking vitamin C supplements.
e. In it insufficient to reduce risk of heart attack in at-risk individuals.
14) Which of the following is a characteristic of iron nutrition?
a. Absorption is improved on diets high in phytates
b. Iron deficiency and iron overload share some of the same signs and symptoms
c. The risk for acute iron toxicity is highest among women of childbearing age
d. Iron overload results from a genetic predisposition for excessive synthesis of ferritin
e. Consumption of calcium-rich foods increases absorption.
15) Where is interstitial water found?
a. Within cells
b. Between cells
c. Within the lungs
d. Within blood vessels
e. Within the digestive system
16) Which of the following is a feature of the substance BHT?
a. It is a food antimicrobial.
b. It is a common food colorant.
c. It contributes significantly to the total additive intake from the diet.
d. It decreases cancer formation when given in large amounts to animals exposed to
e. It shortens the lives of animals when it is fed in very large amounts.
17) Which sweetener contains a significant amount of iron?
a. molasses
b. invert sugar
c. turbinado sugar
d. high-fructose corn syrup
e. confectioners sugar
18) Which of the following is an effect of exercise on protein metabolism?
a. Protein synthesis is inhibited during exercise.
b. Protein use as a fuel is lowest in endurance athletes.
c. Protein use during physical performance is generally not related to carbohydrate
content of the diet.
d. Protein synthesis is increased slightly during exercise but thereafter diminishes by a
like amount to remain in balance.
e. Protein synthesis is unrelated to exercise.
19) What cellular organelles are responsible for producing ATP aerobically?
a. Ribosomes
b. Golgi bodies
c. Mitochondria
d. Cell membranes
e. Nucleus
20) ____________________ maintains homeostasis by regulating food intake and
energy expenditure in response to adipose tissue.
21) ____________________ are large proteins of the blood and body fluids, produced
by the immune system in response to the invasion of the body by foreign molecules.
22) List 5 common signs of dementia, and define senile plaques and neurofibrillary
23) Discuss the role of tooth loss and gum disease in maintenance of nutritional status.
24) List several unpleasant characteristics associated with safe, potable water.
25) In obese people, what are the physical and metabolic advantages from as little as a
5- to 10-lb loss of weight?
26) Define gestational diabetes and list risk factors. How is it managed?

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