NURS 87720

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 5202
subject Authors Carol Ren Kneisl, Eileen Trigoboff

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A client with a history of epilepsy has recently experienced more frequent seizures,
often followed immediately by episodes of aggressive behavior. Which biological
abnormality is likely to be present in this client?
1. A mutation on the genes that encode components of the serotonin system
2. Serum toxicity resulting from chronic exposure to lead
3. A deficit of gamma-aminobutyric acid
4. A problem with the amygdala/temporal lobe
A nursing student expresses a belief that it is hopeless to keep providing substance
abuse treatment when the rate of relapse is so high. The staff nurse should respond with
which of the following statements?
1. "Sometimes a client doesn"t show much effort."
2. "You are right. I don"t know why we bother."
3. "It is important to maintain hope that a client can make positive change."
4. "We are legally obligated to provide care."
In describing personality disorders to a group of consumers, which statement by the
nurse is accurate?
1. "People with personality disorders are unable to experience painful feelings."
2. "These disorders usually develop during the toddler stage."
3. "People with personality disorders view their problems as separate from themselves."
4. "Behavior is sporadic with no particular pattern."
The nurse in the community mental health clinic assesses a client and determines the
presence of an Axis II diagnosis. What conclusions can the nurse draw?
1. The client is in need of further evaluation.
2. The client has a personality disorder.
3. The client will need a special diet.
4. The client is a candidate for the least restrictive environment.
Which of the following must the nurse consider when deciding appropriate boundaries
for the client with eating disorders and their family members?
1. Family members of clients with anorexia become enmeshed
2. Family members of clients with bulimia are overly affectionate
3. Family members of individuals with bulimia tend to bond together
4. Family members of clients with anorexia are usually very autonomous
The nurse would assess which of the following as early signs of lithium poisoning?
1. Elevated blood pressure, paralysis, and impulsivity
2. Cardiac arrest, seizures, and change in level of consciousness
3. Vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and muscle twitching
4. Hallucinations, agitation, and anger
Which of the following are risk factors that may continue to promote disequilibrium?
1. Sudden experience, no warning signs
2. Poverty, abuse, pre-existing psychiatric disorder
3. Coping skills, strong self-esteem
4. Communication with others
The client asks the nurse if certain changes can be made in the unit milieu. Which
action by the nurse indicates understanding of the nursing role in the therapeutic
1. The nurse refers the client's requests to the psychiatric social worker.
2. The nurse discusses the desired changes with the client.
3. The nurse refers the client's requests to the psychosocial rehabilitation worker.
4. The nurse instructs the client that no changes can be made.
A client with a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder comes to the nurses' station
at 11:00 p.m. requesting to use the phone. The client insists on consulting a lawyer
immediately to discuss filing for a divorce. The unit rules prohibit phone calls after
10:00 p.m. Which of the following responses is therapeutic for this client?
1. "It is after 10:00 p.m. You can call tomorrow."
2. "You know better than to break the rules. I'm surprised at you."
3. "You really don't want to file for a divorce, do you?"
4. "You may go ahead and use the phone. I know this is hard for you."
A variety of techniques available to clients, their families, and healthcare professionals
serve to alleviate muscle tension, anxiety, fatigue, headaches, and more. The technique
that is specifically identified as adjunctive treatment for sinus headaches is:
1. Passive progressive relaxation.
2. Tai chi.
3. Alternate-nostril breathing.
4. Guided imagery.
Serving as a nurse advocate for culturally diverse clients means that the nurse:
1. Helps them make substantive changes in their health behavior.
2. Supports and defends their right to their medical beliefs and values.
3. Makes a decision about which beliefs are wrong and need radical adjustments.
4. Explains western medical concepts so they can better adapt.
The student nurse is learning how to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness.
Which of the following statements by the student nurse reflects that learning has taken
1. "We"re admitting another schizophrenic who hears God talking."
2. "A 19-year-old who reports hearing voices is being admitted with a diagnosis of
psychosis not otherwise specified."
3. "We"re admitting another crazy client."
4. "They"ve added another paranoid to the unit."
A nurse is working at a health care clinic serving the needs of the homosexual
community. A neighbor says the nurse must be brave because most of "those" people
have AIDS. What would be the nurse's best response?
1. "It's okay because I'm not intimate with any of the clients."
2. "That's an unfortunate stereotype. Can we talk about the reality?"
3. "It's very difficult for me when you discriminate like that."
4. "Hey, it's a job like any other job. All jobs have problems."
A new nurse is oriented to a position in a community health center that serves a diverse
client population. The new nurse says, "The first thing I need to do is learn everything
possible about the cultures of all the clients." What is the best response staff can give
the new nurse?
1. "You need to first understand who you are."
2. "This will come with time as you get to know clients and then encounter problems."
3. "I will give you a great book that describes all of the critical factors."
4. "You should always be nonjudgmental."
A client diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease has a catastrophic reaction during an
activity involving simultaneous music playing and a craft project. The client starts
shouting, "NO, NO, NO" and runs from the room. Which approach should the nurse
1. Administer a PRN antianxiety medication and restrict the client's activity
2. Intervene 1:1 with the client until she is calm, and then redirect her to the activity.
3. Follow the client, reassure her 1:1, and then redirect her to a less stimulating activity.
4. Discontinue the activity program since it is upsetting the clients.
The nurse would expect clients with dissociative disorders to have what in common
with clients with anxiety disorders? Anxiety that is:
1. So disabling that they are totally nonfunctional.
2. So disabling that their functioning is adversely affected.
3. Objective.
4. Nonthreatening.
When meeting with a client for the first time, the psychiatric"mental health nurse
applying psychobiological principles is most likely to make which of the following
1. "Your abnormal behavior is directly related to living in an unsupportive
2. "You have a brain lesion and can expect to be hospitalized many times over the
course of your life."
3. "We are thoroughly assessing your symptoms because an accurate diagnosis is the
basis of your treatment."
4. "It is fairly certain that your children will feel stigmatized by their peers."

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