NURS 87117

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 2817
subject Authors Jane W. Ball DrPH RN CPNP, Kay J. Cowen, Ruth C. Bindler

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A nurse is preparing for the delivery of a newborn with a known diaphragmatic hernia
defect. Which equipment should the nurse prepare for use?
1. Appropriate bag-valve-mask system
2. Sterile gauze and saline
3. Soft arm restraints
4. Equipment for intubation
The nurse recognizes that the person guilty of child abuse may have which symptoms?
1. Physical illness
2. Alcoholism
3. Many friends and families nearby
4. Unrealistic expectations for their child
5. The abuser has no relationship to the child.
A six-year-old child is being seen in the clinic for a well-child visit. The child is visibly
nervous and fearful of the nurse and the nurse's actions. The nurse should:
1. Ask the parent to leave the examination room as this is probably the cause of the
child's nervousness.
2. Assure the child that you will not hurt her.
3. Say to the child: "Tell me why you are so nervous."
4. Explain to the child what you are doing in terms the child can understand. Explain
the equipment and, when possible, let the child handle the equipment first.
The nurse in a multicultural health clinic recognizes that many cultures use
non-Western means in combination with Western health care prescriptions to treat
illness. The nurse needs to recognize that the individuals most likely to combine
curanderismo with Western health care prescriptions are:
1. African Americans
2. Native Americans
3. Asian Americans
4. Mexican Americans
A child with hemophilia comes to the emergency department following an automobile
accident. The child presents with multiple injuries. When prioritizing care for the child,
the nurse would be most concerned with which injury?
1. Occipital hematoma
2. Radial fracture
3. Dislocated shoulder
4. Abdominal abrasions
The nurse is teaching a mother of a young child with a newly diagnosed seizure
disorder. The child has been put on valproic acid (Depakote) for control of seizures. The
nurse knows that the mother does not understand the effects of valproic acid when she
1. "I will not use carbonated beverages to dilute his medication."
2. "I will give his medicine on an empty stomach so he will absorb it better."
3. "I will not let him chew his tablet."
4. "I will bring him to the physician office for regular blood work to check bleeding
A child has epistaxis while at school. The school nurse appropriately intervenes by:
1. Lying the child down and applying a warm pack.
2. Tilting the child's head back, squeezing the bridge of the nose, and applying a warm
moist pack to the nose.
3. Tilting the child's head forward, squeezing the nares below the nasal bone, and
applying ice to the nose.
4. Immediately packing the nares with a cotton ball soaked with Neo-Synephrine.
A two-month-old infant has been diagnosed with severe combined immunodeficiency
disease (SCID). The physician talked with the parents about the planned treatment and
prognosis for the infant. Which statement by the parents indicates the need for
additional education?
1. "My child will receive intravenous immune globulins as a way to help him fight
2. "Within days of receiving a stem cell transplant, my child will be cured."
3. "If my child needs a blood transfusion, it should be with irradiated blood cells."
4. "Antibiotics will be used as necessary to help my child fight infections."
When the home health nurse visits the home of a 10-month-old child, she observes the
environment for risks for injury to the child. Which observation will the nurse discuss
with the mother?
1. The mother leaves the filled mop bucket on the floor while in another room.
2. The mother turns all pan handles to the back of the stove.
3. The mother fills the bath tub before bringing the baby into the bathroom.
4. When riding in a car, the child is in a car seat in the middle of the back seat.
A five-year-old is in the playroom when the respiratory therapist arrives on the pediatric
unit to give the child a scheduled breathing treatment. The nurse should:
1. Escort the child to his room and ask the child life specialist to bring toys to the
2. Reschedule the treatment for a later time.
3. Assist the child back to his room for the treatment but reassure him that he may
return when the procedure is completed.
4. Show the respiratory therapist to the playroom so the treatment can be performed.
During a well-child visit, the nurse asks the mother of a six-month-old infant, "Does
your baby sit without assistance?" and "Is the baby crawling?" Which process is the
nurse using in this interaction?
1. Disease surveillance
2. Health promotion
3. Health maintenance
4. Developmental surveillance
An adolescent has just returned from surgery after spinal fusion surgery. Which
assessment finding would take priority at this time?
1. Sleeps when not bothered but arouses easily with stimuli
2. Impaired color, sensitivity, and movement to lower extremities
3. Nausea
4. Pain
A child has been diagnosed with sickle-cell disease. Both parents deny having the
disease themselves. The parents ask the nurse how their child got this disease. The
nurse recognizes that the only possible explanation of the etiology is:
1. The father is not the biological father of the infant.
2. The mother of the child has the trait, but the father doesn't.
3. The father of the child has the trait, but the mother doesn't.
4. The mother and the father of the child have the sickle-cell trait.
While teaching the parent of school-age children about self-esteem, the nurse instructs
the parents to:
1. Limit the amount of compliments given to the child.
2. Point out the child's deficiencies in a nice way while providing suggestions for
3. Establish the goals they want the child to achieve at a predetermined time.
4. Build on the child's strengths and talents.
A teenage girl has recently been diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).
In teaching the girl about her disease, the nurse explains that the teenager needs to
avoid which typical teenage activity?
1. Receiving a manicure and a pedicure
2. Daily hair shampoos
3. Using a tanning bed
4. Attending late night parties and dances
Following carrier testing, it is determined that both the husband and wife have
sickle-cell trait. Which statement by the wife indicates correct understanding of
autosomal recessive inheritance?
1. "Because both my husband and I carry the trait but do not have the disease, I don"t
need to have prenatal testing because my baby will also be a carrier."
2. "Because both my husband and I are both carriers, I don"t need to have prenatal
testing because all of our children will have the disease.
3. "When I become pregnant, I need to have an amniocentesis or other prenatal test to
determine whether my baby is affected with sickle-cell disease."
4. "There is no use undergoing prenatal testing as sickle-cell anemia cannot be
diagnosed prenatally."
A nurse is caring for a visually impaired 20-month-old who has not begun to walk.
Which nursing diagnosis would be appropriate for this child?
1. Self-care deficit
2. Impaired physical mobility
3. Impaired home maintenance
4. Delayed growth and development
A couple is evaluated in the genetics clinic, and the male is found to be a carrier of an
X-linked dominant disorder. The couple asks the nurse what this means in regard to
their future children. The nurse's response will include the information that:
1. All girls born to the family will be affected.
2. About 25% of the boys born to the family will be affected.
3. About 25% of the girls born to the family will be affected.
4. All boys born to the family will be affected.
A four-year-old child is being emotionally prepared for open heart surgery. The nurse
will want to provide the child with which information?
1. Who will be performing the surgery
2. What the surgical procedure will entail
3. The purpose of the heart-lung machine
4. What the ICU will look and sound like when the child wakes up

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