NURS 46405

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 5138
subject Authors Carol Ren Kneisl, Eileen Trigoboff

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The nurse knows that nursing diagnoses for cognitive behavioral assessment include:
1. Pseudohostility and Ineffective Coping.
2. Knowledge Deficit and Effective Coping.
3. Interrupted Family Processes and Hopelessness.
4. Hopelessness and Functional Family Processes.
Which of the following aspects of family communication patterns may be problematic?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Family members appear to respect individual boundaries.
2. Family members appear to be enmeshed or over-involved with each other.
3. Family members appear to be able to focus and discuss specific topics reasonably
with each other.
4. Family members allow each other to finish a sentence without interruption.
5. Family members appear to use language patterns that are unusual in that they are
characteristic of the client's family only.
In order to help improve the functioning of mental health clients and their families,
nurses must:
1. Teach the client communication skills.
2. Help each member negotiate what they need within the family.
3. Decrease the client's stress by compromising the integrity of family interactions.
4. Normalize the family's experience.
The nurse mentions to a colleague that yesterday's therapy group was developing
cohesion and understands that this is important for:
1. Flexibility.
2. Boundaries.
3. Goal attainment.
4. Communication.
When working with clients with somatoform disorders, the nurse knows the priority
intervention is to:
1. Encourage clients to participate in group therapy to receive feedback about the effect
of their behavior on others.
2. Tone down clients' characteristic extravagance.
3. Establish a trusting relationship.
4. Express respectful skepticism regarding clients' oversimplifications and
What treatment approach(es) would the nurse use for a client with dysfunctional
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Teach about maladaptive dependence on the nurse
2. Talk therapies
3. Antidepressants
4. Cognitive therapy
5. Teach anger management
The nurse should monitor for which of the following in the client taking venlafaxine
1. Increased weight
2. Prolonged QTc interval
3. Increased blood pressure
4. Tardive dyskinesia
Which of the following medications might be given to a client with Alzheimer's disease
to delay the rate of cognitive decline?
1. Donepezil (Aricept)
2. Quetiapine (Seroquel)
3. Valproic acid (Depakote)
4. Escitalopram (Lexapro)
A new nurse is being oriented to work on the psychiatric unit. Which of the following
statements reflect general principles for maintaining unit safety?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Staff should be sensitive to a client's need for privacy and personal space.
2. The staff should schedule their breaks during client mealtimes.
3. The nurse:client ratio should be at least one nurse for every four clients.
4. Staff should lock up clients' potentially dangerous items and permit use only under
direct staff supervision.
5. Staff should provide frequent, short individualized contacts with clients.
Staff have made several verbal attempts to de-escalate a client, however, the client's
level of agitation continues to increase and it becomes necessary to administer a
fast-acting pharmacological intervention. Which medication would the nurse most
likely provide?
1. Haloperidol (Haldol)
2. Methylphenidate (Ritalin)
3. Lithium carbonate (Lithobid)
4. Amitriptyline (Elavil)
A client with diabetes checks blood sugar levels daily and carefully administers insulin,
but has not been following a diabetic diet. After discussion with the nurse about the
importance of diet, the client states intentions to eat regular meals, get sugar substitute
and fresh vegetables, throw out potato chips and cookies, and buy a new nonstick frying
pan. The client's behavior is an example of:
1. Reappraisal.
2. Secondary appraisal.
3. Coping.
4. Primary appraisal.
A nurse wants to assess a client's level of anxiety in order to determine how much of an
anti-anxiety drug to administer prior to performing a painful dressing change for a deep
tissue burn. Which question would give the nurse the most accurate assessment of the
client's level of anxiety?
1. Are you ready for this change of dressing?
2. Did you find the medication helpful that you received before the dressing change
3. How are you feeling today?
4. On a scale of one to five, with one being none and five being panic, can you rate your
level of anxiety right now?
In planning care for a client who is gaining mental stability, the nurse develops
measures to confirm the client's view of self. Which of the following responses made by
the nurse would be categorized as disturbed communication?
1. "I do not understand what you are telling me."
2. "You are wrong."
3. "How might you go about that differently?"
4. "Do you want to try that again?"
A 19-year-old Native American client is admitted with a diagnosis of major depression
with suicidal ideation. What assessment is made?
1. The client is at high risk for suicide.
2. The client will benefit from a talking circle.
3. The client will need a single room.
4. The client will need a medicine man.
A client with bipolar disorder tells the nurse, "I am thinking of switching to an
alternating day/night shift because it pays more and will give me more time with my
children." The nurse's reply should be based on the knowledge of which of the
1. The client's priority is steady employment.
2. The client should contact the nurse if prodromal symptoms of the bipolar disorder
3. Disruptions in biologic rhythms can impact the client's bipolar disorder.
4. Biologic rhythms do not influence mood disorders.
Which of the following nursing techniques are appropriate for therapeutic interaction
with a client who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease?
1. Setting strict time limits and rephrasing misunderstood questions
2. Encouraging verbal and nonverbal communication, while maintaining a calm
3. Correcting errors by the client and speaking in a loud clear voice
4. Using multiple memory cues and giving several directions at once
Which of the following qualifications best explains why nurses are better suited for the
role of case management than social workers?
1. Nurses have broader clinical experiences with a variety of clients.
2. Nurses have thorough training in psychobiology and pharmacology.
3. Nurses have superior therapeutic communication skills.
4. Nurses have better therapeutic relationships with their clients.

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