NUR 99630

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 4798
subject Authors Carol Ren Kneisl, Eileen Trigoboff

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Creutzfeldt"Jakob disease is thought to be caused by:
1. A response to multiple medications.
2. A rare genetic disorder.
3. An infection caused by a prion.
4. Ischemic vascular disease.
Which of the following client behaviors would indicate a need for further intervention
in the anxious patient on a benzodiazepine?
1. The client asking to be taken off the medication gradually
2. The client relying more on coping skills and taking less medication
3. The client inquiring about behavior methods for anxiety control
4. The client requesting a higher dose of drug to achieve the intended effect
Sullivan's interpersonal theory focusing on the client's relationships with others and
modes of interacting with others is most similar to the theory developed by:
1. Emil Kraepelin.
2. Karl Menninger.
3. B. F. Skinner.
4. Sigmund Freud.
Which of the following laboratory studies is performed because the client is taking
1. Hemoglobin
2. CBC
3. Liver function
4. Thyroid function
A client is certain she has cancer and peritonitis despite her doctor's reassurance she
does not. She most likely is experiencing:
1. Malingering.
2. Conversion disorder.
3. Hypochondriasis.
4. Factitious disorder.
Domestic violence is often associated with:
1. High school dropouts.
2. The poor and undereducated.
3. Blue-collar workers.
4. All levels of society.
The nurse is taking the history of a psychiatric client suspected of abusing alcohol.
Which assessment question is best to ask?
1. When was your last drink?
2. Do you drink regularly?
3. Are you experiencing blackouts?
4. Who are your drinking partners?
A client with a mood disorder is admitted to the mental health unit. The priority nursing
activity should be to:
1. Orient the client to group therapy.
2. Complete the mental and physical assessment.
3. Work on client's current stressors.
4. Teach social skills.
The nurse is caring for a client with depression who is withdrawn. Which of the
following statements suggests that the nurse is able to challenge his or her dogmatic
1. "I understand that clients with depression have anger turned inward."
2. "I realize that if clients would just change their negative thoughts, they wouldn"t be
3. "I realize that clients with depression are not just avoiding their problems."
4. "I understand that if clients would just develop strong interests, they wouldn"t be
A client complains of feeling angry whenever he sees families relating well with one
another. During a family group session, the nursing student observes a family member
belittling every statement made by the client. The nursing student knows that the
client's thinking is often:
1. What leads the client to negative behaviors.
2. Erratic and problematic.
3. Conscious and deliberate.
4. Automatic, without active or conscious effort.
The nurse cares for several clients with somatoform disorders, regularly reassessing
their status. The nurse is aware that it is:
1. Easy to be kind, nonjudgmental, and understanding.
2. Challenging because of the psychobiologic factors involved.
3. Best to include objective information only.
4. Best to include subjective information only.
A client admitted for a heroin overdose receives naloxone (Narcan), which relieves his
altered breathing pattern. Two hours later, he complains of muscle aches and abdominal
cramps. He also displays a runny nose and is shivering. What assessment can be made?
1. The client should be placed on seizure precautions.
2. The client is experiencing relapse.
3. The client is experiencing symptoms of narcotic withdrawal.
4. The client is experiencing a side effect to the naloxone.
The nurse knows that when designing a plan of care for a client with serious mental
illness, the recovery and rehabilitation goals must be:
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Attainable
2. Realistic
3. Permanent
4. Immediate
5. Flexible
The nurse is taking the history of a psychiatric client who is of Puerto Rican descent.
Which assessment question would evaluate for the presence of fatalism?
1. When was your last hospitalization?
2. How do you manage your health?
3. Who accompanied you to the hospital?
4. Are you experiencing problems getting to the doctor?
The psychiatric nurse states that today's nursing practice is based on contemporary
theories concerning the etiology of mental disorder. Given this theoretical basis, the
nurse would most likely give priority to which of the following assessments?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Family communication patterns
2. Psychotropic medications
3. Family history of mental disorder
4. Early childhood interactions
5. PET and CT scans of the brain
Which of the following statements made by the nursing student best summarizes the
medical"psychobiologic position on mental disorders?
1. Factors related to mental disorders can include excesses or deficiencies of brain
neurotransmitters as well as alterations in biologic rhythms, including the sleep"wake
cycle and genetic predispositions.
2. Mental illnesses with an organic cause have an unpredictable course and poor
3. Mental disorders rarely respond to physical or somatic treatments without careful
monitoring of progress by clinicians in medical settings.
4. Biological interventions such as hormones, diet, and medications must be changed
frequently as they are only effective for short periods of time.
A 15-year-old client was depressed due to the loss of the client's mother and was placed
on venlafaxine (Effexor). Two weeks later the client returns to the clinic and says, "I am
feeling worse and have no hope." What nursing action is a priority?
1. Assess for suicidality.
2. Ask what the client enjoys.
3. Assess if the client is sleeping at night.
4. Evaluate how the client's other family members are coping.

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