NUR 68689

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 2336
subject Authors Jane W. Ball DrPH RN CPNP, Kay J. Cowen, Ruth C. Bindler

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A teenager is accompanied by his mother to the annual physical examination. The nurse
is aware of privacy issues related to the teenager. While the mother is in the room,
which topic should the nurse avoid?
1. School performance
2. Cigarette smoking
3. School friends
4. Seatbelt use
An adolescent complains of recurrent abdominal pain with diarrhea and bloody stools.
The nurse should recognize these as symptoms of which inflammatory bowel disease?
1. Necrotizing enterocolitis
2. Ulcerative colitis
3. Crohn's disease
4. Appendicitis
The pediatric nurse's best defense against an accusation of malpractice or negligence is
that the nurse:
1. Is a nurse practitioner or clinical nurse specialist.
2. Met the Society of Pediatric Nurses standards of practice.
3. Was acting on the advice of the nurse manager.
4. Followed the physician's written orders.
The eating disorders clinic sees a number of overweight adolescent girls. In addition to
monitoring these adolescents for the health problems related to obesity, the nurse will
monitor the girls for which mental health problem?
1. Substance abuse
2. School phobia
3. Spiritual distress
4. Negative self-esteem
The nurse wants to do a quick evaluation of a one-month-old infant's hearing. Which
assessment will provide the best information?
1. Examining the ear canal with an otoscope
2. Using a vibrating tuning fork placed against the child's skull
3. Using tympanometry
4. Using a noisemaker in the infant's presence to evaluate the child's response
A group of children on one hospital unit are all suffering separation anxiety. When
determining the stages of separation anxiety, the nurse recognizes that the child in the
"despair" phase is the child who:
1. Lies quietly in bed.
2. Does not cry if his parents return and leave again.
3. Appears to be happy and content with staff.
4. Screams and cries when his parents leave.
An adolescent is being seen in the clinic to discuss health promotion behaviors. The
nurse develops and implements a health promotion plan. What will the nurse include in
the evaluation of the plan?
1. The effectiveness of the health promotion plan and methods to expand and sustain
successful approaches
2. Instruction on what is considered healthy behavior
3. Advice to the adolescent that promoting health behaviors will maintain a healthy
4. Information on the adolescent's attitude toward health
While inspecting a five-year-old child's ears with an otoscope, the nurse notes that the
right membrane is red and there is an absence of light reflex. In view of these findings,
which vital sign parameter would most concern the nurse?
1. Heart rate
2. Temperature
3. Blood pressure
4. Respirations
A child who has chronic pain of long duration will exhibit which behavior?
1. Increased respiratory rate
2. Normal temperature
3. Normal heart rate
4. Decreased blood pressure
After the infant is diagnosed as a child with a chronic health condition, the family is
assigned a nurse working as a case manager. The nurse would explain that as a case
manager, the nurse's role will include:
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Limiting the number of visits to the health care facility.
2. Preventing duplication of services.
3. Improving the quality of life for the child and parents.
4. Recognizing the equipment needs of the child and providing assistance with
equipment acquisition.
5. Visiting the child in the home to assist with physical care.
The nurse is caring for a two-year-old child in the postoperative period. The pain
assessment tool most appropriate for assessment of pain intensity in a two-year-old is
1. Poker Chip Tool.
2. Oucher Scale.
3. Faces Pain Rating Scale.
4. FLACC Behavioral Pain Assessment Scale.
During a well-child visit, the mother tells the nurse that her 11-year-old child is having
problems controlling his temper. The mother states that when he gets mad, he often
destroys things including his own possessions. The child recently smashed his bicycle,
and the mother wonders how she should handle him. The nurse would suggest:
1. Spanking him when he displays this behavior because he knows better.
2. Not replacing the bike and explaining to him that when he breaks something, it will
not be replaced.
3. When the child gets angry, the mother will need to yell at the child in order for the
child to hear her response.
4. Discussing the child's behavior with the pediatrician so that the child can be placed
on mood-altering medications.
A nurse is taking care of four different pediatric clients. Which of the following children
is at greatest risk for dehydration?
1. Seven-year-old child with migraine headaches
2. Four-year-old child with a broken arm
3. Two-year-old child with cellulitis of the left leg
4. 18-month-old child with tachypnea
A nurse working in the newborn nursery notes that an infant is having frequent episodes
of apnea lasting 10 to15 seconds without any changes in color or decreases in heart rate.
Which intervention would be the most appropriate?
1. Continue to observe the infant and call the physician if the apnea lasts longer than 20
2. Suction the infant's mouth and nares.
3. Call the physician immediately.
4. Turn the infant on its right side.
A child has been diagnosed with Ewing sarcoma and is being started on a chemotherapy
protocol. The mother questions the nurse on why more than one drug is being used as it
would seem that using fewer drugs would decrease the side effects. The best response
by the nurse would include the information that:
1. The child's cancer is a severe form and needs additional drugs to remove the cancer.
2. A protocol is a proven means of treatment.
3. A protocol is used in children but not adults due to the chemotherapy's effect on
4. A protocol involves a group of drugs that work in different modes and have different
side effects.

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