NUR 68627

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 12
subject Words 6072
subject Authors Carol Ren Kneisl, Eileen Trigoboff

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A nursing student learns that group therapy reveals distortions in interpersonal
relationships in an effort to:
1. Learn how to stifle emotions.
2. Examine and resolve issues.
3. Process and examine emotions.
4. Effectively handle emotions.
The nurse is preparing to assess a client with a diagnosis of paranoid personality
disorder. What client characteristics will the nurse expect to observe?
1. Grandiosity
2. Superficial charm
3. Affective instability
4. Suspicions and rigidity
The nurse receives the shift report on a newly admitted client with a history of drug
abuse and prostitution. Prior to hospitalization, the client's parental rights were
terminated. Which of the following actions best demonstrates the nurse's ability to
enhance self-knowledge?
1. The nurse will examine his or her own feelings with regard to this client.
2. The nurse will ignore the challenge to his or her self-view.
3. The nurse will ask for guidance from the charge nurse.
4. The nurse will review the current literature pertaining to drug addiction.
Which statement indicates that the nurse understands the developmental"interpersonal
perspective of the self-system?
1. "A person's sense of security is primarily derived from doing well in school."
2. "Security is only achieved when a child discovers his or her autonomy."
3. "Feelings of self-worth are established during infancy."
4. "Childhood experiences influence the way people view and understand themselves."
During the morning community meeting, a client with psychosis becomes agitated,
making loud threats to no one in particular, but the other clients appear increasingly
uncomfortable. What action should the nurse facilitator take?
1. Address the client by name and say, "It sounds as if you are experiencing something
very disturbing. Please go see the nurse who may be able to help you."
2. Direct the client by saying, "You need to sit quietly and listen until it's your turn to
3. Accompany the client to his or her room so that the client can de-escalate.
4. Say to the group, "You all appear frightened by this behavior. What should we do
about it?"
A nurse manager is mentoring a junior nurse. The junior nurse models everything after
the manager, and even dresses like the manager. How would the manager address the
junior nurse's identification?
1. "You can just have a copy of my plans."
2. "I appreciate you wanting my help, but these plans have to represent your personal
desires and goals."
3. "You"re becoming too dependent on me. Can"t you just think for yourself?"
4. "I"ll be glad to look over your work after you come up with some of your own
The nurse is working with a family that has just survived a tornado. As part of the
intervention, the nurse is reviewing emotions they may be experiencing which are
considered normal reactions to a traumatic event, including:
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Each family member talks to the nurse openly and freely.
2. Each member of the family has different ways of coping.
3. Some family members have difficulty accepting help.
4. Anxiety about self and family's safety.
5. All family members will process the experience at about the same pace.
Which of the following behaviors is characteristic of a client with disorganized
1. A client tells the nurse he is being "monitored" by the FBI.
2. A client tells the nurse, "All is well, but the well is dry, so why bother with clock and
tock, mock, lock, jock."
3. A client comes to the nursing station and asks for something to "help calm my
4. A client sits in the corner rocking back and forth crying because "the voices are
telling me I am a lousy good-for-nothing."
A student nurse is working with a client on the inpatient unit who exhibits manipulative
behavior. What action should the student incorporate into interactions with this client?
1. Limit setting
2. No-harm contract
3. Confront negative self-concepts
4. Matter-of-fact approach
A client hospitalized for psychotic symptoms including auditory hallucinations and
delusions of reference is prescribed a medication with a strong dopamine blocking
action. The nurse teaches the client to recognize which symptom as a possible side
effect of the medication?
1. Muscle stiffness
2. Constipation
3. Orthostatic intolerance
4. Dry mouth
A client makes the following statement during a mental status assessment: "I can"t use
the phones; the CIA has bugged all the wires." Which of the following categories will
the nurse use to document the client's response?
1. Orientation
2. Content of thought
3. Emotional state
4. General behavior
A client with bipolar disorder is being seen for a follow up appointment in the mental
health clinic. The client asks the nurse why she is asked the same questions with each
visit. Which of the following is the most appropriate response from the nurse?
1. "Does it bother you to have to answer the same questions with each visit?"
2. "It is important to keep your plan of care up to date. This is why you are asked the
same questions at each visit."
3. "We don"t share information with others because of HIPAA regulations."
4. "I will have the doctor address this question for you."
The client on the inpatient unit who should be assessed as being at highest risk for
directing violent behavior toward others is which of the following?
1. A veteran who has a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder who was admitted for
severe sleep disturbance secondary to nightmares
2. A middle-aged woman who has completed alcohol withdrawal and is participating in
a rehabilitation program
3. An adolescent who was admitted for suicidal ideation and was suspended from
school for getting into a fight with a classmate
4. A male client in his twenties who has bipolar disorder with delusions of grandeur
The nurse is planning activities to enhance collaboration within the mental health care
team. Which activities will be helpful toward this goal?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Identification of ways to minimize diversity among team members
2. Discussion of decisions that require team unity
3. Identification of ways to ignore individual power bases
4. Review of interpersonal communication skills
5. Discussion of decisions that can be made autonomously
The client is a homeless veteran who has been staying at a shelter since discharge after
serving in Iraq. The client has become increasingly irritable over the last two weeks and
might be evicted from the shelter if the client's behavior does not improve. The nurse
learns that the client has not had more than a few hours of sleep in the last two days.
Which diagnosis would be most appropriate for this client at this time?
1. Sleep pattern disturbance related to anticipation of threat to basic needs and security
2. Alteration in self-concept related to survivor guilt
3. Potential for self-harm related to irritability secondary to sleeplessness
4. Posttraumatic stress disorder related to combat experiences
A child with ADHD is referred to the nurse practitioner for family therapy. The father
and mother are out of the country and have been out of touch for three months. The
child's older sister has assumed the role of parenting her younger sibling. This is an
example of a:
1. Disengaged family.
2. Enmeshed family.
3. Skewed family.
4. Schismatic family.
A client with an eating disorder is trying to develop new coping skills. The process the
nurse can use to help family members as they support the client is to:
1. Assist the family to explore their own coping strategies.
2. Encourage the family to avoid discussing their feelings about the client's illness.
3. Assist the family to challenge the client's behavior.
4. Teach the family how to manipulate the client's environment to avoid problem
The nurse is providing discharge teaching and anticipatory guidance to the family of a
client with schizophrenia who experiences delusions and is easily frightened. Which of
the following actions are appropriate nursing interventions?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Provide reality orientation.
2. Assure the client that the nurse does not experience delusions or hallucinations.
3. Validate the client's feelings in response to altered perceptions.
4. Inform the client that their delusions and hallucinations are just bad dreams.
5. Keep the client physically safe.
An older client comes to the health center with vague complaints of abdominal
discomfort. Assessment findings include several old and fresh bruises in the abdominal
area, and signs of malnutrition. What is the most appropriate question for the nurse to
1. "Are you dieting?"
2. "Did you have any falls lately?"
3. "Do you have an alcohol problem?"
4. "Did anyone hurt you?"
Which of the following communication theories provides the most appropriate rationale
for a nursing intervention to utilize the perceived strengths of the client in promoting
effective communication?
1. Behavioral Effects and Human Communication Theory
2. Neurolinguistic Programming Theory
3. Theory of Communication Levels
4. Therapeutic Communication Theory

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