NUR 61055

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 4980
subject Authors Carol Ren Kneisl, Eileen Trigoboff

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The wife of a man with early stage Parkinson's disease expresses frustration and despair
while caring for him at home because she is unable to leave him while she plays bridge
with her friends twice a week. Which of the following community-based resources
would be most appropriate in this situation?
1. Hospice care
2. Long-term care
3. Respite care
4. Restorative care
The nurse educator knows that one strategy to integrate cultural diversity in nursing is
1. Retain students from one cultural background.
2. Work within monocultural frameworks.
3. Recruit and mentor nursing students from diverse cultures.
4. Attract students from other disciplines to nursing.
A client with paranoid schizophrenia is experiencing visual hallucinations of people
jumping out of nowhere. The client keeps striking the wall. Repeated attempts by the
nurse to orient the client to reality and reassure the client of safety have failed. What
would be the nurse's next de-escalation approach?
1. Offer the client a PRN medication
2. Apply soft limb restraints on client's wrists
3. Have several staff demobilize the client so that forcible injection can be administered
4. Call security to assist in placing the client in seclusion
A 22-year-old delivers a baby at home and calls the police who bring her to the
psychiatric unit for an evaluation. The nurse learns that the mother is unwilling to
accept the pregnancy and denies that she ever delivered a baby. The nurse continues to
work with the client and establishes a trusting relationship. How should the nurse
proceed in order to help the client?
1. Avoid talking about babies or deliveries in the client's presence.
2. Explore the protective functions of this behavior.
3. Discuss adoption proceedings.
4. Take the client to the nursery and show her the baby.
A client stays to the nurse, "Everything makes me anxious now." The nurse knows that
this free-floating anxiety is a common theme in:
1. OCDs.
2. Generalized anxiety disorders.
3. Phobias.
4. Dissociative identity disorders.
What is the most therapeutic approach of a nurse toward a victim of violence?
1. Being supportive, nurturing, and empathetic
2. Educating the client on how to avoid future incidents
3. Distracting the client to minimize feelings of despair and guilt
4. Maintaining objectivity and offering short, to-the-point responses
The advanced practice psychiatric nurse is preparing staff education on
neurotransmitters. Which statement would be included in the teaching presentation?
1. There are two classes of neurotransmitters.
2. Each neurotransmitter functions in the same manner.
3. Neurotransmitters consistently act in either an excitatory or inhibitory manner.
4. Neurotransmitters and receptors do not vary in their affinity for each other.
The nurse and client have moved from the orientation phase to the working phase of the
nurse-client relationship. Which of the following nursing strategies would assist the
client to make constructive changes in a dysfunctional response pattern that is occurring
during the early working phase of the nurse"client relationship?
1. Teach the client specific problem-solving strategies.
2. Determine a time and place for working on constructive changes.
3. Remind the client that constructive changes are expected before discharge occurs.
4. Reassure the client that confidentiality will be maintained.
The nurse gathering data from a client admitted to labor and delivery is overheard
making the comment, "You are lying. You need to tell me the truth so we can do what is
best for your baby." The nurse's communication is:
1. A perception check.
2. Nontherapeutic.
3. Necessary.
4. Therapeutic.
The nurse would be alert to assess for signs of lithium toxicity in a patient with which
of the following lithium levels?
1. 1.5 mEq/l
2. 0.1 mEq/l
3. 0.5 mEq/l
4. 1.0 mEq/l
A client is participating in therapy that explores the effects of unrealistic thought
patterns on daily life. Which type of therapy is the client likely engaging in?
1. Family therapy to explore dynamics
2. Cognitive therapy techniques
3. Alternate-Nostril Breathing
4. Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
A holistic view of the mind"body relationship is best demonstrated by which of the
nurse's comments to a student nurse?
1. "My view is that clients have physical problems that have emotional consequences
and psychological issues that cause physical problems."
2. "Psychiatric clients often blame their problems on the side effects of the
3. "Clients come and go so quickly, we can"t always complete a thorough physical
4. "We might as well be working on a medical unit. We focus mostly on medication
management now."
The nurse is reflecting on psychiatric nursing care in the 19th century. Which nursing
diagnosis is most consistent with the focus of psychiatric nursing care during the 19th
1. Ineffective individual coping
2. Self-care deficit
3. Anxiety
4. Altered thought processes
Effective planning for a client's crisis intervention is:
1. Organized with follow-up.
2. Developed prior to meeting with the client.
3. Based on complete assessment.
4. Focused on long-term problems.
The nurse is assessing a child diagnosed with conduct disorder. Which would be the
most appropriate question to ask the parents?
1. "Does your child have a history of cruelty to other people and animals?"
2. "Does your child unconsciously direct feelings and desires from other relationships
toward others?"
3. "Does your child seem to be reassured by your presence?"
4. "Does your child readily seek out caregivers in times of stress?"
A client consistently fails to accept the consequences of his or her own behavior. The
nurse identifies this behavior as characteristic of:
1. Immaturity.
2. A lack of structure.
3. A need for medication.
4. A personality disorder.
The client is being discharged from an inpatient facility. The nurse explains that part of
the outpatient treatment will be to take part in group therapy because it provides a
structure for:
1. Supporting clients on a regular basis.
2. Trying out old and new ways of acting and reacting.
3. Using health care benefits in new and exciting ways.
4. Supporting clients and families.

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