NRSG 68743

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 5202
subject Authors Carol Ren Kneisl, Eileen Trigoboff

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The family of a client with a diagnosis of dementia of the Alzheimer's type (DAT) has
expressed concern that they may inherit the disorder. The nurse tells the family which
of the following?
1. There appear to be genetic links in the development of early onset DAT.
2. There are no genetic links.
3. There is evidence to suggest increased cerebral blood flow causes DAT.
4. There is evidence to suggest massive neuronal death causes DAT.
The nurse educator is discussing the family systems explanation for substance abuse
with the nursing students. Which of the following is included in the family systems
explanation of substance abuse?
1. Addiction can be managed through pharmacologic intervention.
2. Addiction shifts the family focus.
3. Addiction is a disease.
4. Addiction is due to genetic causes.
A client with a long history of experiencing domestic violence tells the nurse, "There is
no way out for me, this situation will never change." What nursing diagnosis would be
most appropriate?
1. High Risk for Violence
2. Self-Esteem Disturbance
3. Alteration in Health Maintenance
4. Powerlessness
In comparing the major features of psychiatric theories, the nurse correctly concludes
1. Medical"psychobiologic and psychoanalytic theories focus on the individual client.
2. Social"interpersonal and medical"psychobiologic theories seek to change behavior
through pharmacology.
3. Social"interpersonal and medical"psychobiologic theories are in direct opposition to
the other.
4. Cognitive behavioral and psychoanalytic theories share the premise that behavior
stems from the unconscious and requires the client to develop insight.
The parents of a premature infant are visiting their baby in the neonatal intensive care
unit for the first time. The nurse observes the couple standing beside the incubator.
Which of the following interventions will help facilitate the infant's immediate mental
health needs?
1. Notify the infant's physician to come and talk with the parents
2. Facilitate stroking and touching their infant
3. Continue to observe their interactions to rule out a problem with bonding
4. Have them meet with other parents of premature infants
The heart of the psychiatric"mental health nurse's therapeutic and caring role is
characterized by:
1. Bringing unconscious childhood traumas into awareness.
2. Focusing on basic life issues of eating, sleeping, grooming, and hygiene as they
relate to mental functioning.
3. Using the nurse"client relationship to support the client in exploring new definitions
and actions for life situations.
4. Providing educational information about the client's mental illness.
A nurse educator is teaching a group of students about humanism. The educator knows
that humanism is a philosophy of service to benefit humanity through applying which
of the following concepts?
1. Science is the core consideration of humanistic philosophy.
2. Caring practices and compassion must be approached holistically.
3. Limitations of life in today's world have little effect on planning effective
4. Mental health clients must rely on clinicians for difficult decision-making and care.
A client who is being discharged offers the nurse a ceramic bowl made during
hospitalization as a symbol of the open "vessel" the client has become for accepting
new ideas. What is the best response by the nurse?
1. "This is a beautiful gesture, I will place it in the day room for everyone to enjoy."
2. "I wish I could accept this, but you know I"m not allowed to."
3. "Let me pay you for this. I don"t feel I should just accept it after all the hard work
you put into it."
4. "You worked very hard on becoming receptive to new ideas this past month; I would
be honored to accept this symbol of your progress."
Nursing roles associated with shifts in the delivery of psychiatric services to social and
community settings would not include:
1. Leading community support groups for couples receiving genetic counseling.
2. Providing case management as part of an interdisciplinary team.
3. Participating as a member of a community board for social planning activities.
4. Providing individual therapy in a private practice setting.
A client with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder has had several hospitalizations to treat this
mental illness and feels that the care he received was not consistent with his best
interests. The client's experience is indicative of which of the following needs?
1. Informed consent
2. Psychiatric advance directive (PAD)
3. Right to treatment
4. Competency
In preparing the care plan for a client to reduce negative thinking and promote
improved self-esteem, identify all of the appropriate short-term goals. Client will:
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Wash and comb hair.
2. Eat meals and snacks to meet daily calorie requirements.
3. Sit and walk erectly.
4. Participate in activities that can be completed successfully.
5. Verbalize positive aspects of self.
A client presents to the community clinic describing abdominal pain, refuses to
complete informational forms, and dismisses the nurse's assessment attempts while
demanding to be seen immediately by a doctor. Which approach would be best for the
nurse to use when assessing for somatoform disorders?
1. Realize client judgment is intact.
2. Avoid personalizing the behavior by recognizing that somatization is part of the
3. Have sympathy for the psychopathology of the disorder.
4. Expect the client to respond appropriately to the nurse's need to complete the
A teen comes to the school nurse to get help with anxiety about singing in front of the
school. The teen states, "I just know everyone is going to laugh. What if I sing
off-key?" What does the nurse recognize as the teen's source of anxiety?
1. Unmet expectations important to self-integrity
2. Inability to gain or reinforce self-respect from others
3. Discrepancies between self-view and actual behavior
4. Anticipated disapproval by significant others
During the shift report, a nurse describes a client as "crazy." Which approach by the
nurse would be best?
1. Ask the staff what terminology they wish to use.
2. Say nothing.
3. Suggest that staff use the term "mentally ill."
4. Role model using the term "nervous breakdown."
During an admission assessment on an adult unit, the nurse is thinking that the client's
beliefs and actions regarding commonly accepted health practices are "bizarre." To help
establish the presence of a mental disorder, the nurse should first collect information
about the client's:
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Occupational history.
2. Psychiatric history.
3. Culture.
4. Age.
5. Family history.

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