NRSG 50282

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 16
subject Words 1175
subject Authors Terry Des Jardins

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Which portion of an ECG tracing represents atrial depolarization?
a. P wave
b. QRS complex
c. T wave
d. U wave
How much oxygen can dissolve in a plasma at body temperature?
a. 0.003 mL/dL/mmHg PO2
b. 0.03 mL/dL/mmHg PO2
c. 0.3 mL/dL/mmHg PO2
d. 1.34 mL/dL/mmHg PO2
If the TLC equals 4.8 L at sea level, what would it equal at a depth of 66 feet?
a. 1.8 L
b. 2 L
c. 3 L
d. 4.8 L
Which artery supplies blood to the left atrium and posterior wall of the left ventricle?
a. circumflex branch of left coronary artery
b. anterior interventricular branch of left coronary artery
c. marginal branch of right coronary artery
d. posterior interventricular branch of right coronary artery
During a sleep study, which of the following monitors movements of the eyes?
a. EOG
b. EEG
c. EMG
d. ECG
What response would be expected if a newborn of 28 weeks gestational age received
endotracheal suctioning?
a. bradypnea or apnea would occur
b. tachypnea would occur followed by apnea
c. no change in respiratory rate rate would occur
d. the newborn would take a breath on top of a breath
Which of the laryngeal cartilages are paired?
I. Cuneiform
II. Arytenoid
III. Corniculate
IV. Cricoid
a. I, II, and III only
b. I, II, III, and IV
c. I, II, and IV only
d. II, III, and IV only
Which EEG waveform is called "busy waves" and are often seen when the patient is
awake with eyes open?
a. beta
b. alpha
c. theta
d. delta
In a healthy young male, what would the sum of VC + RV equal in mL?
a. 6000 mL
b. 7200 mL
c. 4800 mL
d. 3600 mL
Which white blood cells normally composes 65% of the total WBC count?
a. Neutrophils
b. Basophils
c. Lymphocytes
d. Basophils
How are stroke volume and stroke volume index affected by aging?
a. Both are diminished
b. Both are increased
c. The stroke volume decreases and the stroke index increases
d. The stroke index decreases and the stroke volume increases
How would left ventricular failure affect renal perfusion and urine output?
a. Renal perfusion and urine output would decrease
b. Renal perfusion and urine output would increase
c. Renal perfusion would decrease and urine output would increase
d. Renal perfusion would decrease but urine output would not be affected
What is the correct catheter placement to obtain the PCWP?
a. pulmonary artery
b. pulmonary capillaries
c. right ventricle
d. pulmonary veins
What is the term for widening of the nostrils that can occur during respiratory distress?
a. nasal flaring
b. alar collapse
c. retractions
d. grunting
What is the name for the tube placed in arteries to structurally help prevent future
a. stent
b. angioplasty
d. catheterization
What is the term for the study of forces that influence the circulation of blood?
a. hemodynamics
b. hematology
c. cardiology
d. pulmodynamics
Into which vessels do the efferent arterioles branch?
a. peritubular capillaries
b. interlobular arteries
c. arcurate arteries
d. interlobar arteries
What portion of plasma is composed of proteins?
a. 7%
b. 12%
c. 2%
d. 17%
What is the acronym for the signals sent from the peripheral chemoreceptors to the
medulla to increase ventilation ?
a. HVR
b. PBR
c. CBR
d. MBR
What are the second most prevalent bacterial infections in the United States?
a. urinary tract infections
b. respiratory tract infections
c. skin infections
d. bone infections
In a full-term newborn, how many alveoli are present at birth?
a. 24 million
b. 200 million
c. 240 million
d. 50 million
What is the secondary vital function of the larynx?
a. Valsalva's maneuver
b. Gag reflex
c. Babinski reflex
d. Moro maneuver
How does the shape of the carbon dioxide dissociation curve compare to that of
a. It is more linear than the oxygen dissociation curve.
b. It is shaped more like a sine wave
c. They both are S shaped
d. They both are almost linear
Which of the following are accessory muscles of inspiration?
I. External intercostals
II. Scalenus muscles
III. Transverse abdominus
IV. Trapezius muscles
a. I, II, and IV only
b. I, III, and IV only
c. I and II only
d. I, II, III, and IV
How does air trapping and hyperinflation of the lungs affect lung compliance?
a. lung compliance is reduced
b. lung compliance is increased
c. lung compliance is normal
d. lung compliance is unaffected by hyperinflation
What is the term for the drop in PAO2 that occurs when a breath hold diver ascends
from a deep dive?
a. hypoxia of ascent
b. the bends
c. diving response
d. decompression sickness
What is the function of carbonic anhydrase in the RBC?
a. catalyzes the hydrolysis of dissolved CO2
b. binds to form carbamino compounds
c. prevents oxygen from binding with hemoglobin
d. enhances the amount of CO2 that dissolves in the RBC
What impact does initial high altitude exposure have on the alveolar-arterial oxygen
a. It is increased
b. It is decreased
c. It is normal but will increase during exercise
d. It is not affected by changes in altitude
Which of the following are located in the medulla oblongata?
IV. apneustic center
a. I and III only
b. I and II only
c. I, II, and III only
d. II and IV only
How many alveoli would be expected in a 12 year old child?
a. > 240 million
b. 24 million
c. 50 million
d. 100 million
What is the term for prolonged breathing in the inspiratory phase which can result from
a pontine lesion?
a. apneustic breathing
b. apnea
c. dyspnea
d. arrhythmic breathing
Which alveolar cells are macrophages?
a. Type III
b. Type II
c. Type I
d. Type IV

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