NRSG 49624

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 12
subject Words 5716
subject Authors Carol Ren Kneisl, Eileen Trigoboff

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In reviewing the history of a client on risperidone (Risperdal), the nurse notes that no
previous diagnosis is available. The nurse knows that the newer atypical antipsychotic
medications are commonly given for which of the following syndromes?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Dementia with psychotic features
2. Schizophrenia
3. Antisocial personality disorder
4. Attention deficit disorder
5. Bipolar I disorder
The nurse knows that the primary task of the interactional group therapist is to make
sure events in the session take precedence over:
1. Outside events.
2. Illness prevention.
3. Family matters.
4. Individual therapy.
A few members of an outpatient group have begun meeting socially in a local restaurant
for coffee and donuts before going to work each day. What should the group therapist
leader do in this situation?
1. Discourage social meetings outside regular group sessions
2. Encourage all members to meet for coffee and donuts each morning
3. Join the members a few mornings a week
4. Suggest meeting for dinner once a week instead
The nurse is teaching a client with bipolar disorder about their newly prescribed lithium
carbonate (Lithobid). Which is the correct instructional information?
1. Serum levels must be tested regularly
2. For fine hand tremors, take a double dose of the medication.
3. Decrease salt and fluid intake
4. Discontinue the medication when feeling better
A client having a severe panic attack may require the nurse to provide:
1. Teaching about anxiety.
2. Firm reassurance and protection until the episode subsides.
3. A physical activity for the client to focus on.
4. Teaching about ways to decrease anxiety.
The nurse is admitting a client to the psychiatric unit. Which nursing action is correct?
1. Instruct the client that all information gathered during the assessment will be shared
with the mental health team.
2. Alert the client that the psychiatrist will do all the intake assessment to maximize the
efficiency of the team.
3. Discuss with the client information that is to be shared with family members and the
mental health team.
4. Instruct the client that the mental health team will decide what the client needs to do
in treatment.
When considering communication skills, the nurse caring for an older client anticipates
that the client will:
1. Interrupt frequently.
2. Take longer to respond.
3. Answer questions with one-word responses.
4. Remain silent.
A client approaches the nurse grimacing, talking in a whisper, and waving his arms.
Which of the following actions best demonstrates the nurse's ability to develop a
therapeutic relationship?
1. Greet the client by name to demonstrate caring.
2. Assist the client to leave the area to prevent distress to others.
3. Ignore the client to convey disapproval of the behavior.
4. Confront the client about the behavior to encourage insight.
Your client states, "I haven"t left my house for six years." The nurse knows that the
most helpful theory for dealing with this problem would come from the:
1. Behavioral theorists.
2. Humanistic theorists.
3. Genetic theorists.
4. Psychosocial theorists.
The nurse is caring for a client who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and who is
currently seeking treatment for drug addiction to crack cocaine. In planning care for this
patient, which of the following is a priority goal for psychiatric rehabilitation?
1. Treating the drug addiction
2. Treatment in an integrated program for both diagnoses
3. Medication compliance
4. Treating the schizophrenia
The family nurse therapist, in an effort to learn more details about family patterns and
interactions over time, may use:
1. The psychiatrist's progress notes.
2. Anecdotes from family and friends.
3. Police reports.
4. A genogram.
Despite the fact that the patient is 5"6" and weighs 72 lbs, the patient reported feeling
"fat and overweight." What is the most appropriate nursing diagnosis for this patient?
1. Chronic Low Self-Esteem
2. Ineffective Coping
3. Altered Nutrition
4. Body Image Disturbance
A client with chronic paranoid schizophrenia is scheduled to be discharged from the
inpatient psychiatric unit in two days. The nurse is working with the client's family to
develop a plan for managing psychotic symptoms and emergency behaviors after
discharge. Which of the following nursing diagnoses is most appropriate?
1. Noncompliance: Medication Regimen related to paranoid ideation
2. Self-Care Deficit: Bathing/Hygiene related to irrational thought processes
3. Knowledge Deficit: Symptom Management related to inadequate understanding of
disease processes
4. Risk for Violence Directed Toward Others related to delusional and persecutory
thought process
A nurse caring for a child is concerned about remaining therapeutic when working with
a child with anger management issues. Which of the following must the nurse avoid in
order to remain therapeutic?
1. Examining personal feelings about the child
2. Reflecting back on a situation
3. Projecting his/her feelings onto the child
4. Sharing his/her concerns with peers and colleagues
Which of the following is not related to the theory of successful versus disturbed
communication patterns during an admission assessment?
1. The appropriateness of the content of the message.
2. The quality of the feedback provided.
3. The language level of the assessment nurse.
4. How efficiently the client delivers a message.
A client who is nearing high school graduation is unable to finish out the year, cries at
night, has difficulty sleeping, and does not want to attend classes. Which type of crisis
does the nurse identify?
1. Trauma from previous crisis
2. Situational crisis
3. Recoil response
4. Maturational crisis
The nurse is working with a client who exhibits a pervasive, excessive, and unrealistic
need to receive care. This client's behavior is a characteristic of which of the following
personality disorders?
1. Histrionic personality disorder
2. Narcissistic personality disorder
3. Dependent personality disorder
4. Avoidant personality disorder
A client is admitted with the following diagnosis:
Axis I: 300.01 Panic disorder without agoraphobia
Axis II: 301.83 Borderline personality disorder
Axis III: No diagnosis
Axis IV: Unemployment
What conclusions can the nurse make relative to the client's Axis III information?
1. This client has problems with environment, but they are not related to mental
2. The client's environment has not been evaluated.
3. The client's health status has not been evaluated.
4. The client has no diagnosed physiological health problems relevant to mental
disorder at the time of admission.
The nurse's new job description at the generalist level of practice reflects the definition
of psychiatric"mental health nursing and the Psychiatric"Mental Health Nursing
Standards of Practice (ANA, APNA, ISPN). In which of the following areas might the
nurse plan programs and intervention to fulfill employment expectations?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Stress management strategies
2. Early diagnosis of psychiatric disorders
3. Parenting classes for new parents
4. Family and group psychotherapy
5. Medication teaching for anti-anxiety medications

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