NRSG 24387

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 4498
subject Authors Carol Ren Kneisl, Eileen Trigoboff

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The nurse observes a client on an antipsychotic medication and notes a pill-rolling
movement of the fingers and a tremor of the extremities. The nurse documents this as
what type of side effect?
1. Drug-induced parkinsonism
2. Dystonia
3. Anticholinergic effect
4. Tardive dyskinesia
A nursing student expresses a belief that it is normal for older adults to experience
forgetfulness and depression. With which of the following statements should the staff
nurse respond?
1. "Impairments in memory and a depressed mood are pathologic changes that require
professional intervention."
2. "Memory impairments are normal in older adults, but a depressed mood is not."
3. "You are right. Once you pass 50, your memory is in decline."
4. "Memory impairments are not normal, but a depressed mood is fairly common in
older adults."
Which biopsychosocial theory would most support the development of depression in a
client who went to live with his father at 3 months of age when his mother was
sentenced to jail for 15 years?
1. Object loss theory
2. Gender theory
3. Genetic theory
4. Cognitive theory
The nurse is interviewing a Native American client who acknowledges seeing "spirits."
Which of the following actions will be most important for the nurse to take to assist in
assessing this client's symptoms?
1. Carefully question the client's family to prevent aggravating this symptom.
2. Observe the client's behavior to determine how the client expresses this symptom.
3. Consult the physician regarding how best to evaluate this symptom.
4. Obtain a profile of the client's cultural norms on which to interpret this symptom.
A nurse planning a staff education session would correctly explain the role of
psychopharmacologic treatment as which of the following?
1. Decrease clients' worst symptoms so that they do not require long-term treatment.
2. Promote clients' physiologic stability so that they can grow holistically.
3. Stabilize clients so that they can participate in psychoanalysis.
4. Manage clients so that they are happy and do not have to endure the stresses of
everyday life.
The client with depression was started on flurazepam (Dalmane) and looks very tired
after breakfast. What factors should the nurse assess related to the client's tiredness?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. If the client has felt hung-over from this medication in the past
2. If the client's blood pressure is elevated
3. If the client's TSH level is low
4. The level of the client's depression
5. The length and quality of the client's sleep
The sister of a client with schizophrenia asks the nurse what to do when her brother
"acts like he is talking to someone, but no one is there." Which of the following
responses by the nurse would help the sister gain insight into her brother's experience?
1. Tell your brother to go to his room to decrease the amount of stimuli he is
2. Tell your brother there is no one else in the room.
3. Give your brother medication for increased anxiety.
4. Ask your brother to describe what he is seeing and hearing.
During a group session, a client becomes very angry at a comment by another member
of the group. The therapist asks why the client became so angry. The group is using:
1. Events for emotional awareness.
2. Interpersonal conflict issues to resolve personal issues.
3. The self-reflective loop.
4. Fear.
Which of the following is important for a nurse working with a client diagnosed with a
sexual disorder to be self-aware and to self-assess periodically?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Professional standards of care about sex
2. Personal practices about sex
3. Educational practices about sex.
4. Knowledge about sex
5. Attitudes about sex
The nurse is a case manager for several older adults living in the community. Which of
the following goals are relevant for community or home based nursing care?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Educate clients and caregivers about adult daycare programs
2. Diagnose and treat psychiatric illnesses
3. Coordinate supportive services to compensate for deficits
4. Encourage relocation to assisted living or skilled nursing facilities
5. Maintain safety and optimal functional independence
The nursing student is asked which historical event was most significant in the
development of psychiatric nursing as a specialty and psychotherapeutic roles for
nurses. Which response by the nursing student indicates understanding of important
events related to development of the psychiatric nursing role?
1. Release of the report Nursing for the Future
2. Passage of the Community Mental Health Centers Act
3. Publication of Commonsense Psychiatry
4. Passage of the National Mental Health Act
When planning nursing care, the nurse understands that the main value of having
knowledge of a variety of nursing theories is to be able to do which of the following?
1. Promote consideration and use of nursing research.
2. Build the skill and effectiveness of the nurse's practice.
3. Enhance collaboration and understanding between the nurse and the mental health
care team.
4. Implement individualized nursing interventions depending on what is best for the
client's situation.
Freud identified a number of defense mechanisms. It is evident that the nurse
recognizes one of these common defense mechanisms for a client with dissociative
identity disorder when the nurse charts that the client has used:
1. Denial.
2. Fixation.
3. Repression.
4. Rationalization.
The nurse received the change-of-shift report on a 74-year-old woman admitted for
depression. She has aphasia from a recent stroke and communicates minimally by using
pencil and paper. Her college-age grandson moved in with her to help with meals and
household chores and a home health aide provides daily assistance with ADLs and
medications. For the past week, she has refused to bathe, eats poorly, and has stopped
writing. Which of the following statements best demonstrates that the nurse has the
ability to plan holistic care for this client?
1. The client's psychobiologic health, rehabilitation, self-care potential, and discharge
arrangements are interrelated.
2. Reliance on the grandson and home health aide have decreased her feelings of
self-worth and caused this episode of depression.
3. The client's quality of life and prognosis are primarily related to her aphasia and
inability to communicate.
4. Sudden life changes, such as a stroke, usually lead to depression in older clients.

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