MT 626

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 723
subject Authors Delbert Hawkins David Mothersbaugh

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Which generation is both cynical and sophisticated about products, ads, and shopping?
A. Generation Y
B. Generation X
C. baby boom
D. echo boom
E. boomerang
Which of the following is a characteristic associated with emotions?
A. Emotions occur independently from physiological changes.
B. Emotions are not associated with behaviors.
C. Emotions involve objective feelings.
D. Emotions are often triggered by environmental events.
E. all of the above
For products in which stage of the product life cycle are the engineering and R&D
likely to be key functions influencing the purchase decision?
A. introduction
B. growth
C. maturity
D. decline
E. fortification
Zipping, zapping, and muting are simply mechanical ways for consumers to selectively
avoid exposure to advertising messages, often referred to as _____.
A. exposure avoidance
B. selective perception
C. selective interpretation
D. exposure avoidance
E. ad avoidance
High-involvement learning often involves _____.
A. classical conditioning
B. analytical reasoning
C. iconic rote learning
D. all of the above
E. none of the above
There are several Asian American markets, based primarily on nationality and language.
Each of these in turn can be further segmented on _____.
A. degree of acculturation
B. social class
C. generation
D. lifestyle
E. all of the above
Which of the following is FALSE regarding what drives businesses?
A. Small and moderate sized businesses have a lot of potential.
B. Branding doesn't matter.
C. Personal relationships matter.
D. Businesses are consumers.
E. none of the above is false
_____ tend to feel they don't have control over the outcome of events.
A. Fatalists
B. Individualists
C. Collectivists
D. Females
E. Males
Which global elite luxury segment loves prestige brands?
A. Conspicuous Consumers
B. Information Seekers
C. Sensation Seekers
D. Utilitarian Consumers
E. Blue Bloods
Some people experience emotions more strongly than do others, which is a trait known
as _____.
A. physiological differentiation
B. psychological differentiation
C. affect intensity
D. cognitive intensity
E. psychological intensity
When consumers do not directly experience a reward or punishment to learn but instead
observe the outcomes of others' behaviors and adjust their own accordingly, which type
of learning has occurred?
A. operant learning
B. vicarious learning
C. shaping
D. analytical reasoning
E. iconic rote learning
A woman that is married where both she and her husband work and share homemaking
and child care responsibilities is classified as _____ with respect to gender orientation.
A. transgender
B. gender inconsistent
C. traditional
D. modern
E. cutting-edge
Changing behavior prior to changing affect or cognition is based primarily on _____.
A. classical conditioning
B. operant conditioning
C. iconic rote learning
D. analytical reasoning
E. mere exposure

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