MPCS 51483

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 25
subject Words 1266
subject Authors Craig Van Slyke, John Day, Raymond Frost

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Selection operation retrieves a subset of columns.
Relational database is not a part of an information system.
Client/server architecture is also known as three-tier architecture.
Birth date data type is DATE.
Server control used to make changes to data in the database is called GridView.
To perform a join, a Where clause specifies that the value of the primary key in a parent
table equals to the value of the foreign key in a child table.
An ASP.NET Web site is a collection of les stored in a unique folder.
In Microsoft Access, Validation Rule field property is used to restrict entries for that
particular field to a set of specific values.
For years, QuickTax, Inc. has helped small businesses manage their taxes. The
management wants a database to keep track of clients, employees, and jobs. Managers
need to keep track of client names, addresses, contact persons, phone numbers, and
email addresses. They also need to track the employee's social security numbers, names,
and birth dates. Also, the company needs to be able to keep track of the data on each job
an employee performs for each of their clients.
For questions 13-26, please refer to the preceding paragraph.
The server control used to access qtax.mdb Access database is called the
With normalized design, updating records is not a problem.
Foreign key in the child table is defined over the same set of values as the primary key
in the parent table.
Cartesian product is a temporary table that combines all rows in one table with all rows
in another table.
A record in the data source will be removed by writing an appropriate SQL statement
under Delete tab.
In Microsoft SQL Server, creating a blank database file for the above case involves
starting the server and selecting Databases and choosing quick_tax database.
Modeling generalization/specialization hierarchies involves one table with common
attributes and additional tables for subtype attributes.
SQL implements selection, projection, and joining operations through a single
statement called the Select statement.
There can be only one instance of an entity in a table.
Each child table must be connected to its parent table through a foreign key.
The only required elements of an SQL statement are: (1) the Select statement (followed
by a list of tables), and the From keyword (followed by a list of columns).
In SQL Query Analyzer, the statement used to display all the employees, sorted first by
their names, and then by birth dates would be: Select * From employee Order by
birthdate, name.
In Microsoft SQL Server, each Column in table design view will correspond to a record
in table's datasheet view.
Distinct keyword would be used to find out how many different values there are in a
particular field.
In a query with a subquery, outer subquery always executes first.
In Oracle, the script line setting up Email as the primary key would read: email char(30)
as primary key.
Relationships are verbs (possessions) such as customer places an order.
Microsoft Web Developer Express is a subset of a powerful
development environment called Visual Studio.
In Microsoft SQL Server Relationships window for Client and Job tables, the Selected
Relationship status would read ∞ FK_Job_Client.
Oracle's default date format can be changed using alter session set nls_date_format
Large organizations use private computer networks to engage in electronic data
interchange (EDI).
Proofing and approving a computer-generated mortgage application is a completely
computerized process.
In SQL Query Analyzer, the top pane shows the SQL script.
For years, QuickTax, Inc. has helped small businesses manage their taxes. The
management wants a database to keep track of clients, employees, and jobs. Managers
need to keep track of client names, addresses, contact persons, phone numbers, and
email addresses. They also need to track the employee's social security numbers, names,
and birth dates. Also, the company needs to be able to keep track of the data on each job
an employee performs for each of their clients.
For questions 5"26, please refer to the preceding paragraph.
The statement used to retrieve all the data from the client table would be: Select Client
From *.
In Microsoft Access Edit Relationships window for two related tables, there is an option
for changing the cardinality of the relationship.
Relational databases store data in a set of overlapping tables.
An organizational system is comprised of a set of different technologies.
DetailsView control property AutoGenerateEditButton should be set to True in order to
be able to edit records in the data source.
In Microsoft Access, the most appropriate data type to store product pictures is which of
the following?
a) Text
b) Memo
c) OLE Object
d) Hyperlink
In Oracle, setting the options to feedback each command's execution on the screen is
which of the following?
a) Set feedback on
b) Set command on
c) Set screen update on
d) Set echo on
The general portion of the tax return common to all the returns would be called which
of the following?
a) Specialized entity
b) Subtype entity
c) Supertype entity
d) Sublime entity
In Microsoft Access, which of the following statements would result in contacts and
emails only for the clients in 603 area code?
a) Select Contact, Email From Client Where Phone Not Like "603*"
b) Select Contact, Email From Client Where Phone Like "603"
c) Select Contact, Email From Client Where Phone Like "603*"
d) Select Contact, Email From Client Where Phone Like "*603*"
In relational database, rows in a table are called
a) tuples.
b) fields.
c) attributes.
d) relations.
In Oracle, the statement used to retrieve all the jobs with jobid greater than 5 and less
than 8, displaying only jobids and associated dates, would be which of the following?
a) Select jobid, date From Job Where jobid between 5 and 8
b) Select jobid, date From Job Where jobid >5 And <8
c) Select jobid, date From Job Where jobid >=5 and <=8
d) Select jobid, date From Job Where jobid 5 and 8
Configuring the data source to insert a new record into employee table would use which
SQL statement?
a) Select * From employee
b) Insert Into employee (ssn, name, bdate) Values (?,?,?)
c) Update employee Set name = ?, bdate = ? Where ssn = ?
d) Delete From employee Where ssn = ?
In Oracle, the script line used to display all the data that has been entered into the client
table would be which of the following?
a) Describe data from client
b) Select all data from client
c) Select * client
d) Select * from client
In SQL Query Analyzer, the condition restricting jobs to those with jobid of 5 or more,
would be placed after which of the following keywords?
a) Select
b) From
c) Order by
d) Where
Consecutive numbers at the bottom of DetailsView control allow us to do which of the
a) Browse through the columns of associated table.
b) Browse through the fields of associated table.
c) Browse through the records of associated table.
d) Browse through fields of the displayed record.
Sorting on multiple columns in Microsoft Access query design grid involves which of
the following?
a) Placing the fields in order in which they should be sorted
b) Choosing the type of sort (Ascending, Descending)
c) Checking the boxes on fields that should be shown
d) All of the above
Selection operation does which of the following?
a) Retrieves a subset of rows
b) Retrieves a subset of columns
c) Combines data from two tables
d) Makes a link between two tables
Which of the following is an example of a one-to-many recursive relationship?
a) Students and courses they are taking
b) Courses and their prerequisites
c) Products and their components
d) Orders and products that are purchased
In Microsoft SQL Server, the most appropriate data type to store the order quantity
would be which of the following?
a) Numeric
b) Decimal
c) Smallint
d) Int
Count function does which of the following?
a) Returns the total of the values in the column for the selected rows
b) Returns the average of the values in the column for the selected rows
c) Returns the number of values in the column for the selected rows
d) Returns the highest value in the column for the selected rows
The initial step in conguring a SqlDataSource server control is which
of the following?
a) Connecting to a database
b) Saving the connection to a le
c) Creating a new data connection
d) Choosing the data provider
The fact that all specialized portions of returns retain common set of attributes from a
general portion of the return is known as which of the following?
a) Subset
b) Superset
c) Inheritance
d) Overlap
The case when all the instances of the supertype must belong to at least one of the
subtype categories is called which of the following?
a) Partial specialization
b) Total specialization
c) Disjoint rule
d) Overlap rule
In Microsoft SQL Server, forcing the removal of a record in the parent table to result in
removal of all related records in the child table, is provided by which of the following?
a) Enforce Relationship for INSERTs and UPDATEs
b) Cascade Update Related Fields
c) Cascade Delete Related Fields
d) Change Join Type
Which of the following statements about foreign key in JobClient table is true?
a) JobID is the foreign key.
b) ClientID is the foreign key.
c) Phone number is the foreign key.
d) There is no foreign key.
In Oracle, the script line used to describe the fields in the client table that was just
created would be which of the following?
a) Describe client fields
b) Describe client
c) Describe table client
d) Client fields describe
Customer/product relationship is an example of
a) one-to-one relationship.
b) one-to-many relationship.
c) many-to-many relationship.
d) difficult relationship.
Which of the following is the most appropriate candidate for primary key in client
a) Client unique ID
b) Client phone number
c) Client address
d) Client email address
The fourth step in the basic ASP model is which of the following?
a) Server sends Web Form from the Web server.
b) User requests Web Form from the user's browser.
c) Web server processes data and returns form to the user's browser.
d) User enters data and returns form to the Web server.
In SQL Query Analyzer, which of the following statements would result in contacts and
emails only for the clients in 603 area code?
a) Select contact, email From client Where phone Not Like "603*"
b) Select contact, email From client Where phone Like "603"
c) Select contact, email From client Where phone Like "603*"
d) Select contact, email From client Where phone Like "*603*"
In Microsoft SQL Server, a set of database users allowed certain type of access to the
database can be defined using which of the following?
a) Views
b) Stored procedures
c) Roles
d) Users
In a business, which one of the following is an example of an entity?
a) Employees
b) A company
c) Business owner
d) A CEO
The server control used to access an Oracle database is which one of
the following?
a) SqlDataSource
b) AccessDataSource
c) ObjectDataSource
d) XmlDataSource
Bill-of-materials relationship are (in general) an example of which of the following?
a) One-to-one relationship
b) One-to-one recursive relationship
c) Many-to-many relationship
d) Many-to-many recursive relationship
RDBMS can be best defined using which of the following?
a) A software that runs on the Web server
b) A software that runs on the mail server
c) A software that runs on the database server
d) A hardware on which the database resides
In SQL Query Analyzer, which of the following statements would result in contacts,
emails, and zip codes for the clients whose emails either end in "net", or who live in
03264 zip code?
a) Select contact, email, zipcode From client Where email Not Like "net" And zipcode!
= "03264"
b) Select contact, email, zipcode From client Where email Like "*net" Or zipcode =
c) Select contact, email, zipcode From client Where email Like "net" Or zipcode =
d) Select contact, email, zipcode From client Where email Like "*net" And zipcode =
Oracle tries to identify errors in which of the following ways?
a) It repeats the command that caused the error.
b) It identifies the line in the command that caused the error.
c) It places an asterisk under the first item in the line that it suspects of having
generated an error.
d) All of the above
A table can represent which of the following?
a) Persons
b) Things
c) Events
d) All of the above
In Oracle, the statement used to display client emails and contacts, together with all of
their job dates and times would be __.
The assistance with entering Visual Basic statements is provided by a feature called __.
Complete the design of the payment table in an Oracle database using appropriate SQL
script. Make sure to indicate which of the fields is the primary key.
3NF violation occurs when a __ field determines another __ field.
Exposures is a specialty retailer of fine gifts, picture frames, albums, scrapbooks, as
well as occasional gift ideas. Visit their Web site at, and
using the registration, billing, catalog, and shopping cart screens below, discuss the
possibility of normal design violations in the questions below.
Discuss how the violation of 1NF might potentially occur in this example.
Describe 2NF violation and how to redesign the table to correct it.
Describe 2NF violation and how to redesign the table to correct it.
Large organizations use private networks to engage in __.
Consecutive numbers at the bottom of DetailsView control allow us to browse through
the __ of associated table.
In an ER diagram, a line between two entities with a crow's foot at a single end of the
line represents a __ relationship.
In Oracle, the statement used to retrieve client's contacts with emails that are not from
zip codes 03223 and 03264, would be _.

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