MPCS 13383

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 18
subject Words 2151
subject Authors David J. Auer, David M. Kroenke

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MySQL uses the MySQL LAST_INSERT_ID() function to provide the value of the
most recently created surrogate key.
The recommended SQL Server security is Windows-only security.
One of the properties of all collections is Count, which is the number of objects in the
A flat file is a file that has repeating groups.
Data models are created during the component design step.
An entity needs to be examined according to normalization criteria before creating a
table from it in the relational database design.
Processing responsibilities should be documented and encoded into manual procedures.
The second step in assessing table structure is to examine data values and determine
dependencies and keys.
To count the number of rows in a table, use the SQL construct COUNT(ROWS).
The CAP theorem defines the three properties, one of which is consistency.
The use of a doubly nested set of NOT EXISTS SELECT statements is a famous
pattern in SQL use.
When using queries with EXISTS and NOT EXISTS, the processing of the associated
SELECT statements must be nested.
The condition that a non-key attribute determines another non-key attribute is known as
transitive dependency.
Undesirable consequences of changing the data in a relation are called modification
Database processing and document processing are unrelated to one another.
Correlated subqueries can be used to verify functional dependencies.
Nonrepeatable reads occur when a transaction rereads data it has previously read and
finds modifications or deletions caused by a committed transaction.
The last step in creating a table is to verify table normalization.
An ADO.NET DataSet has all the characteristics, features, and functions of a regular
Surrogate keys usually slow performance.
Both rollforward and rollback require the use of a log of transaction results.
A transaction is sometimes called atomic because it is performed as a unit.
The key-value database uses columns.
The Oracle SQL Developer has no facility for executing SQL statements.
Two-phased locking is a scheme for achieving serializability of transactions.
In MySQL, surrogate keys that use a sequence maintained by MySQL should be given
a data type of IDENTITY.
A correlated subquery looks very different from a noncorrelated subquery.
Changes in the database structure usually involve only one application.
HTML is an application of a document markup language called Standard Generalized
Markup Language (SGML).
The degree of a relationship is the number of entity classes in the relationship.
XML designers created a system that allows document structure, data content, and
materialization to be mixed.
When a trigger is fired, the DBMS makes the appropriate data available to the trigger
When transforming supertype/subtype entities into a relational database design, the key
of the supertype table is placed into the subtype table typically as the key.
A semantic object must represent something with a physical existence.
In a correlated subquery, the same table is used in the upper and lower SELECT
Report authoring includes responsibility for delivery of the report.
Column family databases may use columns, super columns, column families, and super
column families.
In IDEF1X, a category cluster includes BLACK and WHITE, which are the only
possible categories. This is an IDEF1X ________.
A) complete category cluster
B) incomplete category cluster
C) inherited category cluster
D) inconclusive category cluster
In addition to the standard Ribbon command tabs, Microsoft Access 2013 also includes
A) optional command tabs
B) contextual command tabs
C) quick access tabs
D) gallery tabs
In IDEF1X, the two kinds of domains are ________.
A) base and column
B) base and type
C) type and column
D) entity and type
A key consisting of one or more columns that is a primary key in another relation is a
A) composite key
B) candidate key
C) foreign key
D) surrogate key
Which of the following is true of Oracle Database when the isolation level is set to
A) It will update any row having an SCN greater than the Transaction SCN.
B) It will delete any row having an SCN greater than the Transaction SCN.
C) It will read any row having an SCN greater than the Transaction SCN.
D) It will wait for a blocking transaction to release an exclusive lock.
Which transaction isolation level scope(s) is (are) available in MySQL?
D) Both B and C are correct
In IDEF1X, extended E-R model N:M relationships are called ________.
A) nonidentifying connection relationships
B) identifying connection relationships
C) nonspecific relationships
D) category clusters
Data warehouses also store the data warehouse metadata.
The first PHP element to be created is the ________.
A) Command object
B) Connection object
C) Errors collection
D) Parameters collection
Which of the following is not true about subtype entities?
A) Subtypes may be exclusive.
B) The supertype and subtypes will have the same identifier.
C) Subtypes are used to avoid a situation in which some attributes are required to be
D) All subtypes of a supertype must have the same attributes.
Data in columns defined using which of the following data types in Microsoft Access
cannot be changed by the user?
A) Long Text
B) Date/Time
C) Number
D) AutoNumber
To add a NOT NULL column to a table, we ________.
A) use the REVISE TABLE command
B) use the ALTER TABLE command
C) use the MODIFY TABLE command
D) create a new NULL column, insert data values into every row, and change the NULL
constraint to NOT NULL
The INTERSECT of two relations A and B consists of all rows that are in relation B but
are not in relation A.
Which of the following is not true about document type declarations for XML
A) They are not required.
B) They are required for type-valid documents.
C) They cannot be contained inside the XML document.
D) Storing the DTD externally allows many documents to be validated against the same
The system is updated with patches, service packs and new software releases during the
________ step of the SDLC.
A) requirements analysis
B) component design
C) implementation
D) systems maintenance
The easiest way to install the NetBeans IDE is to install it at the same time as Java.
The delimiters for embedding PHP code in a web page are ________.
A) { and }
B) <php and /php>
C) <?php and ?>
D) {php and ?}
When a table is created using existing data from multiple sources, you are likely to find
that some data values have never been provided because the values are not known. This
is an example of ________.
A) the multivalued, multicolumn problem
B) the inconsistent values problem
C) the missing values problem
D) the general-purpose remarks column problem
A relation is in domain/key normal form if ________.
A) every key of the relation is a logical consequence of the definition of constraints and
B) every key of the relation is a logical consequence of the definition of constraints and
C) every constraint on the relation is a logical consequence of the definition of keys and
D) every constraint on the relation is a logical consequence of the definition of keys and
In an SQL query, which SQL keyword is used to specify the table(s) to be used?
You are given an E-R diagram with two entities, ORDER and CUSTOMER, as shown
above, and are asked to draw the relationship between them. If a given customer can
place many orders and a given order can be placed by at most one customer, which of
the following should be indicated in the relationship symbol between the two entities?
A) N:M
B) 1:1
C) 1:N
D) N:1
Read-only databases are used for ________.
A) updating
B) querying
C) data entry
D) user account management
Which of the following is not true about a NULL attribute?
A) On insertion, entering the data for that field is optional.
B) It is an important property of an attribute.
C) It must have a default value specified.
D) A primary key can't be NULL.
For triggers on insert and update actions, the new column values are stored in
A) a table named new:TableName
B) a table named old:TableName
C) a pseudotable name inserted
D) a pseudotable named deleted
When distributed databases create copies of the database on different servers, this is
known as ________.
A) replication
B) partitioning
C) disbursing
D) distributed two-phase locking
Dimensional databases use the star schema.
Based on the tables below, which of the following ANSI SQL commands would return
the average customer balance grouped by SalesRepNo?
A) SELECT AVG (Balance)
WHERE SalesRepNo;
B) SELECT AVG (Balance)
GROUP BY SalesRepNo;
C) SELECT AVG (Balance)
D) SELECT AVG (Balance)
ORDER BY SalesRepNo;
A report generated by a reporting system is delivered to the appropriate users via a
printed report on a pre-determined schedule. This system uses which of the following
report modes?
A) Push
B) Pull
C) Query
Refer to the table above. What is the definition of confidence for Drug B with reference
to Drug A?
A) The probability that Drug A will be purchased.
B) The probability that Drug B will be purchased.
C) The probability that both Drug A and Drug B will be purchased.
D) The probability that Drug B will be purchased given that Drug A has been
Which of the following is not true about representing subtypes in a relational database
A) One table is created for the supertype and one for each subtype.
B) All of the attributes of the supertype are added to the subtype relations.
C) The key of the supertype is made the key of the subtypes.
D) An instance of the supertype may be related to one instance each of several
In Microsoft Visio 2013, we can create supertype/subtype relationships in database
designs using ________.
A) Entity and Dynamic connector objects
B) Entity and Relationship connector objects
C) Category and Relationship connector objects
D) We cannot create database designs in Microsoft Visio 2013.

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