MK 483

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 1750
subject Authors George E. Belch, Michael A. Belch

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1) The _____ model proposed by Michael Ray involves selective learning, whereby a
consumer seeks information that supports a purchase choice made and avoids
information that would raise doubts about the decision.
A.standard learning
D.cognitive response
2) According to an integrated marketing communications planning model, which of the
following activities is best associated with the step of "analysis of promotional program
A.Developing selling roles and responsibilities
B.Setting advertising objectives
C.Analyzing consumer behavior
D.Purchasing media time and space
E.Setting a tentative marketing communications budget
3) The _____ score indicates the percentage of people who have heard of an endorser or
a performer.
C.similarity of my favorites
E.Q rating
4) The major problem with the use of readers per copy figures is:
A.determining pass-along rates.
B.determining the time spent reading a magazine.
C.calculating cost estimates efficiently.
D.determining an efficient way to estimate the effects of sweeps periods.
E.calculating costs per ratings point.
5) An advantage offered by field tests to measure advertising effectiveness is:
A.the greater control of synergistic forces.
B.the availability of realistic testing conditions.
C.the ability to avoid competitive intelligence gathering.
D.the low cost compared to other measurement tools.
E.the ability to isolate the causes of viewers' evaluations.
6) According to Standard Rate and Data Service (SRDS), magazines can be classified
A.consumer, health care, and business publications.
B.regional, national, and international publications.
C.agrarian, industrial, and specialized publications.
D.general, specialized, and niche publications.
E.affective, behavioral, and cognitive publications.
7) On the inside of its pizza box, Joe's Pizza places a $1-off coupon, which can be
redeemed at the next purchase. In this scenario, Joe's is using a(n) _____ coupon.
D.cross sell
8) Today, the Nielsen Television Index provides weekly estimates of networks and
major cable viewing audiences on a national level using an electronic device that
measures what is being watched and by whom. This device is called a(n):
B.people meter.
C.electronic diary.
D.streaming server.
9) For which of the following media is the processing of information in advertisements
likely to be externally paced?
A.Television and radio
B.Magazines and billboards
C.Magazines and newspapers
D.Transit advertising and billboards
E.Internet and direct mail
10) The process of _____ is the reinforcement of successive acts that lead to a desired
behavior pattern or response.
11) While some marketers believe that the Internet will eventually replace traditional
forms of advertising, others disagree. Which of the following weaknesses of the Internet
would support the marketers who disagree?
A.Lack of reliability of research numbers generated
B.Inability to provide in-depth information
C.Inability to offer sight and sound
D.Lack of sales potential in the business-to-business segment
E.Lack of creative flexibility in creating tailored advertising messages
12) In the context of motivation research, _____ are efforts designed to gain insights
into consumers'values, motives, attitudes, or needs that are difficult to express or
identify by having them project these internal states upon some external object.
A.projective techniques
B.focus interviews
C.assimilation techniques
D.association tests
E.subliminal tests
13) Under the _____ passed in 1991, telemarketers must follow a complex set of rules
developed by the Federal Communications Commission.
A.Federal Trade Commission Act
B.Robinson-Patman Act
C.Food and Drug Administration Act
D.Telemarketers Improvements Act
E.Telephone Consumer Protection Act
14) Coupons, bonus packs, premiums, and samples are promotional offers that are
targeted toward:
A.end users.
E. employees.
15) A promotion such as a contest or sweepstakes can avoid being considered a lottery
A.conducting the contest or sweepstake only at the regional level and not national level.
B.providing full disclosure.
C.not requiring consideration to be present.
D.publishing the odds of winning.
E.ensuring puffery is avoided in advertisements.
16) A potential problem of using advertising with a strong fear appeal to discourage
drug abuse among teenagers is that:
A.there is no appropriate medium. works only in combination with a refutational appeal. may have inhibiting effects and be tuned out by teenagers.
D.a message with high levels of fear creates low self-esteem.
E.parents may be offended if the message is perceived as too frightening.
17) _____ research involves anthropologists or other types of trained researchers
observing consumers in their natural environments.
D.Focus group
18) A major reason why some companies choose to use an in-house agency is to:
A.maintain creative freshness.
B.reduce advertising and promotions costs.
C.reduce the threat of potential lawsuits.
D.make use of top creative talent.
E.dissimilate brand management and advertising from under one roof.
19) Clave Inc., a large soap manufacturing firm, has introduced a new soap known as
Honeydew. It wants to promote the soap to broad audiences across various countries in
a persuasive and cost-effective manner. At the same time, it also wants to enhance the
overall company image. It has a promotional budget of about $1,000,000. Which of the
following forms of promotion should Clave make use of for the promotion of
A.Mass advertising
B.Direct marketing
C.Personal selling
D.Sales promotion

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