MGMT 618 Quiz 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 3255
subject Authors Delbert Hawkins David Mothersbaugh

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Individual characteristics affecting interpretation include traits, learning and knowledge,
and expectations.
Terminal materialism is the acquisition of things to enable one to do something.
More than 80 percent of Arab Americans are U.S. citizens.
Individuals cannot "create" the situations they face.
The term traditional family refers to a married couple and their own or adopted children
living at home.
Regulation of marketing activities aimed at adults focuses on marketing
communications, product features, pricing practices, and privacy.
Multi-channel shoppers often browse/search in one channel and use that information to
make a purchase in another channel.
Most purchases in supermarkets are planned.
Compared to the general population, gay consumers tend to be less tech savvy.
A conjunctive decision rule is very common in the first stage of a two-stage decision
process with respect to evaluation and search in an organizational buying situation.
Generation Z are more "risk takers" than Generation X or Generation Y.
Brand communities are relevant for basically any type of products.
The brands found to be completely unworthy of further consideration comprise the
excluded set.
Americans have always valued diversity.
Global citizens are highly concentrated in the United States and the United Kingdom.
John drinks Schwepps Ginger Ale for dinner as a beverage, while Jack uses it only as a
mixer in his cocktails. Which factor that influences the importance of evaluative criteria
is this?
A. usage situation
B. competitive context
C. advertising effects
D. quantity of criteria
E. temporal perspective
Which of the following is a source of increased customer profitability over time?
A. increased sales volume
B. lower costs
C. referrals
D. price premium
E. all of the above
Which of the following is NOT a critical question for developing marketing
A. Who do we want to communicate with?
B. What effect do we want to have?
C. What message will achieve the desired result?
D. What media should we use?
E. all of the above are critical questions
_____ involve(s) the use of an unexpected twist or artful deviation in how a message is
communicated either visually in the ad's picture or verbally in the ad's text or headline.
A. Rhetorical figures
B. Proximity
C. Ambush marketing
D. Contextual figures
E. Affective interpretation
A set of human characteristics that become associated with a brand is referred to as
A. brand image
B. brand equity
C. brand leverage
D. brand personality
E. brand positioning
Which social class consists of individuals who are poorly educated, have very low
incomes, and work as unskilled laborers?
A. lower-lower class
B. upper-lower class
C. working class
D. lower-middle class
E. middle class
Carmen is double majoring in fashion merchandising and graphic design in college.
When she graduates, she wants to design the physical environment of retail stores,
particularly those in women's fashions. She wants to create environments that create
specific mood responses in shoppers. Which field best describes what Carmen wants to
A. architecture
B. retail atmospherics
C. art
D. graphic design
E. marketing
Which of the following is NOT a broad form of cultural values?
A. other-oriented
B. environment-oriented
C. self-oriented
D. object-oriented
E. all of the above are broad forms of cultural values
Joyce will only drink Pepsi, and she feels an emotional attachment to it. That is the
brand she was brought up on and is the one she continues to drink every day. Joyce is
exhibiting _____.
A. brand loyalty
B. brand leverage
C. brand image
D. brand equity
E. brand bias
In which of the following consumption situations will a reference group's influence be
A. when the use of the product or brand is visible to the group
B. when the product is a necessity
C. when the consumer is confident in the purchase situation
D. when the individual's commitment to the group is low
E. when the reference group is large
The U.S. Census reports Native Americans by _____.
A. one tribe only
B. one tribe only or in combination with another tribe
C. one tribe only or in combination with another tribe plus in combination with any
other race
D. a and b only
E. a, b, and c
Which term describes consumers' purchase and use of automobiles, homes, yachts,
clothes, and so forth primarily to demonstrate their great wealth?
A. conspicuous consumption
B. outrageous consumption
C. obnoxious consumption
D. nouveaux consumption
E. "blue blood" consumption
Which of the following is Toyota doing to fix its image problem?
A. a recall information page on its website
B. a 'safety first" ad campaign
C. increased spending on technology and safety
D. star safety system made standard on every vehicle
E. all of the above
_____ is the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to
select, secure, use, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy
needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society.
A. Marketing
B. Consumer behavior
C. Psychographics
D. Demographics
E. Psychology
The trend toward later marriage and children has resulted in which of the following?
A. Over 80 percent of all married couples with children under 18 now fall into the
middle age HLC categories of delayed full nest I and full nest II.
B. Now, 71 percent of all married couples with children under 18 fall into the middle
age HLC categories of delayed full nest I and full nest II.
C. Now, the empty nest I HLC category does not begin until married couples are over
64 years old.
D. The stage of the HLC labeled empty nest I no longer exists.
E. Now, 71 percent of all married couples do not experience the empty nest II stage of
the HLC.
Bob and Stephanie purchased a new, 55" high definition television, and they spent over
$1,500. After they got it home, Stephanie started feeling anxious about this purchase
and wondered if they should have shopped a little more and become more informed
about these types of TVs and looked at a few more alternatives than just the ones they
did before purchasing this one. Stephanie is experiencing postpurchase dissonance.
Explain what she can do to reduce it.
Define online retailer image, and discuss four of the several dimensions of online
retailer image.
Define the concept of postpurchase dissonance, and discuss the factors that influence
the probability and magnitude of a consumer experiencing it.
List Maslow's hierarchy of needs, in order from lowest to highest, and the four premises
on which the hierarchy is based.
List and explain four of the seven factors that Unilever utilizes in order to successfully
sell its laundry products globally.
There are several types of groups that share a set of norms, values, or beliefs. Discuss
any three of them.
What issues must companies understand and contend with when attempting to market
to the gay consumer?
The Five-Factor Model of personality identifies five core traits. Name each trait, and
explain the manifestation of each.
Stacy owns a retail store specializing in home decor products. She is considering using
price advertising but is not sure what she needs to consider before doing so. She knows
you are a marketing major and has asked for your advice. Discuss three decisions she
needs to consider when using price advertising.

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