MGMT 446 Which situational

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1231
subject Authors Delbert Hawkins David Mothersbaugh

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Which situational characteristic deals with the effect of time on consumer behavior?
A. physical surroundings
B. social surroundings
C. temporal perspective
D. task definition
E. antecedent states
Advertising run by a firm to cause consumers to unlearn inaccurate information they
acquired as a result of the firm's earlier advertising is called _____.
A. controvertible advertising
B. redundant advertising
C. conforming advertising
D. corrective advertising
E. retractive advertising
Mimi is a teenager and wants to be accepted by her friends. In fact, she might act a
certain way not because she really wants to, but rather, she does it because others
around her are doing it. The influence these others have on Mimi represent which
situational characteristic?
A. temporal perspective
B. physical surroundings
C. task definition
D. antecedent states
E. social surroundings
Carl is doing his homework and has the television on in the background. While it is on,
several commercials aired. What stage of the information-processing model does this
A. exposure
B. attention
C. interpretation
D. memory
E. action
Karl and his wife are considering putting a built-in pool in their backyard. They were
discussing who they could get to do it for them, and they realized they knew of five
pool contractors in their city. These five pool contractors that they thought of as
potential contractors for them represent their _____.
A. awareness set
B. evaluative criteria
C. alternative set
D. preferred set
E. consideration set
According to the Census Bureau, a _____ household is a householder living alone or
exclusively with others to whom he or she is not related.
A. family
B. nonfamily
C. traditional
D. blended
E. consumption
Consumers who actively complain when a product is not satisfactory are probably
fulfilling _____ need.
A. a modeling
B. a consistency
C. an affiliation
D. an assertion
E. attribution of causality
Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding marketing to Hispanics?
A. Hispanic consumers tend to be highly brand loyal.
B. Hispanics tend to be more receptive than the general market to store brands.
C. Serious attempts to target Hispanics will often involve Spanish-language media.
D. Hispanics have historically lagged behind the general population in terms of Internet
E. The primary retailing responses to this market have been increasing the number of
bilingual salespeople, the use of Spanish language signs, directions, and
point-of-purchase displays, and merchandise assortments that reflect the needs of the
local Hispanic community.
Which type of decisions involve very little effort or thought on the part of the
A. primary decisions
B. top-of-mind decisions
C. low-involvement decisions
D. automatic decisions
E. self-related decisions
Which factor affecting attention includes stimuli in the environment other than the focal
stimulus (i.e., the ad or package) and temporary characteristics of the individual that are
induced by the environment, such as time pressures or a crowded store?
A. individual factors
B. external factors
C. transient factors
D. situational factors
E. nonprogrammatic factors
Which of the following is NOT considered an emotional dimension?
A. pleasure
B. arousal
C. dominance
D. feeling
E. all of the above are emotional dimensions
Which type of organizational purchase situation is characterized by low purchase
importance, low choice complexity, level of decision-making unit (DMU) at low levels
of the organization, a very small DMU, very brief time to decision, and very limited
decision search?
A. nominal
B. straight rebuy
C. modified rebuy
D. new task
E. limited
Cameron was searching the Internet for information on digital cameras. He went to a
search engine (i.e., Google) and searched the key words "digital camera." Unbeknownst
to him, several banner ads for brands and retailers of digital cameras appeared on the
results page that were activated based on the terms he used in his search. These banner
ads are known as _____.
A. product placement
B. zoned banners
C. smart banners
D. smart placements
E. behavioral ads
Which dimension of store image consists of quality, selection, style, and price
A. merchandise
B. service
C. physical facilities
D. store atmosphere
E. institutional
Procter & Gamble is a major consumer packaged goods manufacturer. Which age
category provides the greatest opportunity for P&G in terms of growth between 2010
and 2020?
A. < 10
B. 20-29
C. 40-49
D. 60-69
E. > 69
Which online shopping segments found by Experian is 10 percent more likely on
average to have shopped online in the past 12 months looking for good deals?
A. Virtual Shoppers
B. Status Strivers
C. Mall Maniacs
D. Fun Seekers
E. Mall Rats
Men are more involved than ever in the grocery shopping task because of _____:
A. generational shifts (younger women are now more educated than men)
B. economics (the recent recession resulted in more men out of work)
C. masculine/feminine values (there is a shift to more balance)
D. a and b
E. all of the above
A store's atmosphere can influence which of the following?
A. consumers' judgments of the quality of the store
B. store's image
C. shoppers' moods
D. shoppers' willingness to visit and linger
E. all of the above

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