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subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 24
subject Words 4902
subject Authors Roger Kerin, Steven Hartley

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Candy bars should most likely be sold using which type of target market coverage?
A. exclusive distribution
B. direct distribution
C. intensive distribution
D. dual distribution
E. selective distribution
In the United States, there are two major political parties whose members disagree with
each other on a variety of issues. Both Republicans and Democrats view one another as
being part of a(n) __________ group.
A. associative
B. aspiration
C. dissociative
D. reference
E. involvement
The organizational foundation sets the __________ of organizations, the organization
direction sets the __________, and organizational strategies are concerned with the
A. when; why; what
B. why; what; how
C. what; how; why
D. what; where; how
E. how; where; what
Consumer product classifications differ in terms of the: (1) effort the consumer spends
on the decision; (2) frequency of purchase; and (3) the
A. amount of money the customer is willing and able to spend.
B. number of competing or substitute products.
C. demographics of the consumer.
D. attributes used in making the purchase decision.
E. consumer segmentation characteristics.
One of the most crucial tasks of sales management is __________; it begins with a
carefully crafted job analysis.
A. salesforce evaluation
B. setting sales objectives
C. developing account management policies
D. salesforce motivation and compensation
E. effective recruitment and selection of salespeople
Three frequently used sales forecasting techniques are (1) judgments of the decision
maker; (2) surveys of knowledgeable groups; and (3) __________.
A. heuristic prognostications
B. customer contracts
C. trade association experts
D. statistical methods
E. empirical studies
In the telemarketing industry, issues such as consumer privacy, __________, and
industry standards have become a topic of discussion among consumers, Congress, the
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and businesses.
A. product quality
B. price differences
C. ethical guidelines
D. on-time delivery
E. competitive antics
In the VALS framework, a person's resources include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. material
B. physical
C. temporal
D. psychological
E. demographic
Figure 4-1
According to Figure 4-1 above, the point at which you would exchange money for your
sandwich of corned beef on rye would be found in stage __________.
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
To eliminate the need to continually monitor currency exchange rates, __________ of
the countries in the European Union (EU) have adopted a common currency called the
A. 11
B. 16
C. 20
D. 28
E. 32
Users or members to social networking websites are
A. where a social network following comes from - with fans coming from a friend
being more valuable than those coming from an ad.
B. the total number of unique individuals to a web page in a given time period - counted
each time they logon to the site during that period of time.
C. the total number of unique individuals to a web page in a given time period - counted
only once period (such as a day) - regardless of how many times they logon to the site
during that period of time.
D. individuals who have registered on a social networking site by completing the
process involved, such as providing their name, an ID, and a password.
E. the number of people who have "opted in" to a brand's messages through a social
media platform at a given time.
As the use of the Internet grows around the world, related practices and laws are
evolving. One important issue is opt-in versus opt-out. In general, European websites
have opt-in policies while U.S. websites have opt-out policies. Opt-in means customers
must ask to be involved in data collection and marketing while opt-out companies
automatically include customers in data collection unless the customer specifically asks
not to be included. Europeans believe it is unethical to invade someone's privacy.
Americans are not nearly as protective of their right to privacy. What ethical factor is
illustrated by this example?
A. industry practices
B. social legislation
C. societal culture and norms
D. changes it international law
E. organizational culture and expectations
Apple has approximately what amount of sales per square foot according to the Sales
per Square Foot Marketing Dashboard above?
A. $300
B. $600
C. $900
D. $3,500
E. $5,400
The tasks involved in managing personal selling include: (1) organizing the salesforce;
(2) __________; (3) recruiting, selecting, training, and compensating salespeople; and
(4) evaluating the performance of individual salespeople.
A. identifying potential target markets
B. using customer input to make product modifications
C. designing new promotional campaigns for the purpose of generating new sales
D. setting objectives
E. maintaining open communications between sales representatives and all other
There are five dimensions to emotional intelligence: self-motivation; self-awareness;
the ability to manage one's emotions and impulses; __________; and social skills.
A. empathy
B. sense of humor
C. the ability to read body language
D. the ability to be positive
E. a need to be in control
Specifying constraints, identifying data needed for marketing actions, and determining
how to collect data would take place during which step of the five-step marketing
research approach?
A. collect relevant information
B. develop the research plan
C. develop findings
D. take marketing actions
E. define the problem
A full-service advertising agency refers to
A. an advertising agency that not only provides a complete range of services, including
market research, media selection, copy, art, and production, it has input into actual
product design.
B. an advertising agency that specializes in one aspect of the advertising process such
as developing advertising copy or providing social media services.
C. an advertising agency that provides the most complete range of services, including
market research, media selection, copy development, artwork, and production.
D. firms that are large enough to carry their own in-house advertising staff to provide
all advertising services the company needs.
E. one that sets a firm's advertising objectives, designs the market research,
recommends media selection, suggests copy development and artwork, and then allows
the firm to implement the recommendations to save the firm money.
In a(n) __________, an individual or firm contracts with a parent company to set up a
business or retail outlet.
A. administered system
B. vertically integrated chain
C. retail-sponsored cooperative
D. franchise system
E. corporate system
When Margot called the toll-free number to order one dozen water lilies from Van Ness
Water Gardens, the firm was using __________.
A. interactive marketing
B. multichannel selling
C. inbound telemarketing
D. outbound telemarketing
E. social networking
All of the following are examples of marketing outcome data EXCEPT:
A. customer phone calls.
B. repeat sales reports.
C. accounting records.
D. salespeople's call reports.
E. sales reports by geographic region.
New product brands introduced as defensive moves to counteract and confront a firm's
competition are referred to as __________.
A. co-brands
B. private brands
C. fighting brands
D. brand extensions
E. subbrands
During the sales presentation, a prospect interrupted and said, "Wait a minute. This
looks like it's going to cost too much." The salesperson responded, "I think you'll be
delighted with how relatively inexpensive this program is. I'll address the subject of
price in just a moment." Which objection-handling technique has the salesperson used?
A. acknowledge and convert the objection
B. postpone
C. agree and neutralize
D. denial
E. ignore the objection
Which of the following is an inherent strength of publicity?
A. it can receive immediate feedback
B. it can provide the target audience with complex information
C. it can prepare messages quickly
D. it is an efficient means for reaching large numbers of people
E. it is often the most credible source in the consumer's mind
Clinique Cosmetics has a database of more than 600,000 people who registered on its
website by providing selected personal information. The registration process requested
that customers fill out a brief survey and check a box that allows Clinique to send them
product updates via e-mail. When Clinique introduced its Anti-Aging Serum, it sent
e-mails to all women over 35 who had indicated in the survey that they were worried
about wrinkles. Eight percent of the women who received the e-mail purchased the new
product. Clinique used __________ to introduce its new product.
A. opt-out marketing
B. personalization
C. viral marketing
D. buzz marketing
E. permission marketing
The law, amended by the International Anti-Dumping and Fair Competition Act, that
makes it a crime for U.S. corporations to bribe an official of a foreign government or
political party to obtain or retain business in a foreign country, is referred to as the
A. International Law for Egalitarian Ethics Act.
B. International Fair Practices Act.
C. Law of International Equity Act.
D. International Law of Ethical Business Practices Act.
E. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
Figure 14-1
Figure 14-1 above depicts the communication process, which consists of ten key
elements (Boxes A through J). The position labeled D is referred to as __________.
A. encoding
B. the message
C. decoding
D. the fields of experience
E. feedback
Most websites do not include every design element. Although every website has
__________ and _________, they differ in the use of the remaining five elements.
A. content; commerce
B. commerce; customization
C. context; content
D. communication; community
E. context; connection
Flexible Pricing Chart
Consider the dynamic pricing chart above, which shows the results of a National
Bureau of Economic Research study of 750,000 car purchases. The data indicate that
some groups of car buyers, on average, paid roughly $105, $423, and $483 respectively
for a new car in the $21,000 range than the typical purchaser. Who are the car buyers in
A. women
B. the elderly
C. Hispanics
D. African Americans
E. Asian Americans
In the VALS framework, each consumer segment exhibits unique media preferences.
Which segment would be the most likely to read national newspapers?
A. Experiencers
B. Thinkers
C. Believers
D. Strivers
E. Makers
Imagine you work for a TV production company that has been approached by one of
the broadcast TV networks to develop a concept for a new reality show. Where are you
most likely to look first for ideas?
A. conducting a survey among the 2 million people belonging to the NPD Consumer
B. observing similar reality programs that are on competing television networks like
C. contacting contestants from other reality shows like Survivor or The Amazing Race
D. brainstorming ideas from the TV production company's employees
E. reading about the stars of reality TV programs in gossip magazines like Us Weekly
and TV programs like TMZ
One tool available when trying to even out the variations in demand for services is
A. off-peak pricing
B. product lay-away
C. credit incentives
D. container sales
E. product rationing
Two prominent personal moral philosophies that have direct bearing on marketing
practice are
A. existentialism and pragmatism.
B. pragmatism and idealism.
C. moral idealism and utilitarianism.
D. social responsibility and personal ethics.
E. moral relativism and situational ethics.
Why are you, as a student, already somewhat of a marketing expert before taking this
course? Provide a specific example from your own personal experience and relate it to
something you just "formally" learned about marketing.
How are transactional and promotional websites different?
What is data mining and why is it used in marketing research?
The price-setting process includes identifying pricing objectives and constraints.
Describe the reasons these objectives may change and give examples of objectives a
firm may set.
What is the difference between a contest and a sweepstakes?
Compare and contrast routine problem solving, limited problem solving, and extended
problem solving. Give an example of when each might be used.
What role do people play in the managing of services? In answering the question,
discuss the concept of customer experience management (CEM).
Describe a profit objective used by many Japanese manufacturing firms.
What are some specific cost trade-offs that can be made in a logistics system?
Identify and describe the three phases of the strategic marketing process.
In China, many people are removing their money from the state banks and lending it
out themselves. The interest rate earned in a state bank account is about one-half the
rate of inflation. On the other hand, loaning money to friends, relatives, and even
unrelated entrepreneurs can often earn the investor a rate at least double the inflation
rate. The gray market, an underground network of investors and private businesses,
moves the cash from lenders to businesses. Did marketing occur here? Explain your
Define and describe at least one similarity and one difference between dual distribution
and a strategic channel alliance.
A campus service organization annually raises money through the sale of T-shirts. How
could it use market segmentation to increase sales of the shirts? Be sure to include a
definition of market segmentation in your answer.
Explain what a visionary organization is and the three questions (why, what, and how)
that need to be answered that formulate its strategies.
ABB is a Swiss-based manufacturer of industrial equipment with annual sales of $30
billion. At one time, its salesforce was organized by product: generators, boilers,
transformers, and so forth. Each salesperson was an expert on the product line he or she
sold. Then it adopted a customer organizational structure. Why might ABB have made
this change?

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