MET CJ 45351

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 1462
subject Authors Anne M. Bartol, Curt R. Bartol

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The frustration-aggression hypothesis was first proposed by
A) Berkowitz and Simpson.
B) the Dollard group.
C) Albert Bandura.
D) Konrad Lorenz.
Alcohol and drug abuse appear to
A) play a causal role in family violence.
B) exacerbate but not cause in family violence.
C) cause child abuse but not spouse abuse.
D) cause spousal abuse but not child abuse.
A boy who hits at age three, shoplifts at age ten, commits burglary at age 19 and rapes
at 26 would be considered a(n)
A) life-course persistent offender.
B) ADHD offender.
C) adolescent-limited offender.
D) incorrigible offender.
Which technique do most identity thieves use to explain their crimes?
A) Victim blaming
B) Duplication
C) Neutralization
D) Emotionality
If the court determines that an individual was robbed of her or his own free will at the
time of a homicide because of mental disease or defect, the individuals would most
likely be judged
B) incompetent to stand trial.
C) mentally ill.
Match up the terminology in the left column to the definitions in the right column.
A) Sexual contact by adults with young adolescents
B) Forced prostitution and child sex trafficking
C) The economic exploitation of an individual through force, fraud, or coercion
D) A strong sexual attraction toward children
E) Obtains sexual pleasure from the pain, fear, and physical harm he inflicts on the
F) The beliefs and attitudes of many CSOs that relationships with children are more
emotionally and socially satisfying than relationships with adults
G) Seeks children primarily to satisfy his sexual needs
H) Seeks the company of children for both social sexual needs
I) The largest female sex offender group that victimizes only males around age 12
J) Demonstrates a long-standing, exclusive preference for children as both sexual and
social companions
1. Fixated sex offender
2. Hebephilia
3. Interpersonal offender
4. Heterosexual nurturers
5. Human trafficking
6. Exploitative child sex offender
7. Emotional congruence with children
8. Commercial sexual exploitation
9. Sadistic offender
10. Pedophilia
According to Akers' theory, groups tend to adopt certain rules of conduct concerning
what is bad, right or wrong, justified or unjustified. These group attitudes are called
A) discriminative stimuli.
B) ecological norms.
C) normative definitions.
D) neutralizing stimuli.
What is the most common type of forensic assessment conducted for the criminal
A) Assessment of sex offenders
B) Evaluation of sanity
C) Assessment of dangerousness at sentencing
D) Evaluation of competency to stand trial
Families that are characterized by continuous cycles of physical aggression and
violence inside the family are called
A) multiassaultive.
B) genetically imbalanced.
C) multiaggressive.
D) maladaptively violent.
Sexual contact with immature family members by individuals from outside the family is
A) extrafamilial child molestation.
B) intrafamilial child molestation.
C) hebephilia.
D) paraphilia.
Heroin is usually classified as a
A) semi-synthetic narcotic.
B) synthetic narcotic.
C) pseudo-narcotic.
D) polymorphous substance.
In addition to the other negative effects of victimization, victims of fraud and identity
theft are most likely to experience
A) post-traumatic stress.
B) feelings of self-blame.
C) uncontrollable anger.
D) clinical depression.
Diffusion of responsibility is similar to the concept of
A) deindividuation.
B) risky shift.
C) authority conformity.
D) moral destruction.
Which statement is not true of I3 theory?
A) It organizes aggression risk factors into three categories.
B) It emphasizes the concept of self-regulation.
C) It is an expansion of the hostile attribution model.
D) It provides a structure for understanding the process by which a factor promotes
E) It specifies different ways in which aggression risk factors produce violence.
Which disorder is characterized by a persistent pattern of angry outbursts, arguments,
vindictiveness, resentment, and disobedience?
A) Oppositional defiant disorder
B) Cognitive dissonance
C) Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
D) Conduct disorder
Which of the following is an example of a commercial house?
A) An apartment
B) A school
C) A church
D) A supermarket
The Arrestees Drug Abuse Monitoring Program (ADAM) collects data through
A) urinalysis of arrestees and self-report data.
B) autopsies and hospital records.
C) local and federal police reports.
D) prison studies and forensic laboratories.
Cyberstalking is considered a crime of
A) intimidation.
B) passion.
C) opportunity.
D) communication.
Which statement is true about carjacking?
A) Women are carjacked more than men.
B) The driver is frequently killed by the carjacker.
C) Eighty-seven percent of carjackers are drinking alcohol at the time of the crime.
D) Carjacking incidents are highest in urban areas.
The likeliest candidates for elder abuse appear to be
A) African American women ages 75-85, upper class.
B) African American women ages 55-65, lower class.
C) white women ages 75-85, upper class.
D) white women ages 75-85, lower class.
According to La Fon (2002), the two basic types of psychological autopsies are
A) suicide and equivocal death.
B) empirical and anecdotal.
C) compensatory and reconstructive.
D) testimonial and random.
Most contemporary biopsychologists believe
A) genetic and neuropsychological variables play a part in criminal behavior.
B) genetic components are the sole causal agents of human behavior.
C) understanding the social environment is irrelevant in studying criminal behavior.
D) criminal behavior is an evolutionary throwback to an earlier stage in the evolution of
Psychological criminology recently shifted its focus to a more ________ and ________
approach to the study of criminal behavior.
A) forensic; scientific
B) trait-focused; instrumental
C) personality; biological
D) cognitive; developmental
In an important study of American children by Ullman and Straus (2003), it was
discovered that approximately ________ percent of adolescents participated in
child-to-parent violence during the previous 12 months.
A) 20
B) 25
C) 5
D) 10
According to the coercive perspective, gender differences in antisocial behavior are the
result of
A) poor parental monitoring.
B) different social reinforcements.
C) fetal exposure to neurotoxins.
D) presence of callous-unemotional traits.
All of the following are characteristic of juveniles with the callous-unemotional trait
cluster except
A) lack of empathetic concern for others.
B) poverty of emotional expression.
C) limited capacity for guilt.
D) tendency to commit various status offenses.
The autonomic nervous system of the psychopath appears to be
A) deformed.
B) insufficient.
C) ineffective.
D) underaroused.
Surveys estimate that the average American child sees approximately how many more
than violent episodes on television before reaching adolescence?
A) 100
B) 1000
C) 10000
D) 100,000
George and Bill walk into a bar, order a drink and begin playing pool. Several minutes
later, one of the bar's regulars, Steve, hollers across the bar and calls Bill a sissy girl.
Bill punches Steve and a fist fight ensues. This scenario depicts an example of
A) emasculated jealousy.
B) reactive aggression.
C) alcohol induced violence.
D) conduct disorder.
The core of the insanity defense involves which one of the following issues?
A) Competency to stand trial
B) Whether the person can be rehabilitated
C) Criminal responsibility
D) Past psychiatric history
Research on family violence indicates
A) participants in family violence were themselves childhood victims of family
B) no clear or consistent evidence that individuals who violently attack family members
were themselves childhood victims of family violence.
C) spouse batterers have a history of being physically and sexually abused as children.
D) the cycle of violence is virtually impossible to break.
TEDS is an acronym for
A) Twins' Early Development Study.
B) Twins Environmental Differentiation Study.
C) Traditional Environmental Development on Siblings.
D) The Early Diyzygotic Sample.
Current research has revealed that a large portion of the persistent firesetters are boys at
a ratio of ________ to 1 to girls.
A) 2
B) 3
C) 5
D) 9

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