MET AD 675 Midterm

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1523
subject Authors Alvin C Burns, Ronald F. Bush

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One advantage of observation studies is that the subjects are not aware that they are
being studied and therefore act in a natural manner.
Marketing researchers make use of samples because obtaining information from every
single person in a market is impractical.
Discontinuous panels are sometimes called omnibus panels.
Moderators of focus groups need not be hired until the focus groups are actually ready
to begin.
The manager of the city's professional hockey team conducted a large survey. He
wanted to know if there was an association between fans being 'season ticket holders"
versus "non-season ticket holders" and whether they "bought" versus "didn't buy"
hockey team merchandise at the game. Because his survey included these
measurements, he used SPSS to run a cross-tabulation analysis and selected the
chi-square test to test for the significance of any association. The Pearson Chi-Square
turned out to be 81.6 with an Asymp. Sig. value of .001. This meant there is a
significant relationship.
Observation techniques allow researchers to observe rather than communicate with a
person to obtain information.
Q Scores measures the appeal of different performers such as actors/actresses,
announcers, sports celebrities, and so on. The ratings of different performers are made
available to all subscribers, so a client firm may be in a better position to select a
company spokesperson for their company. Q Scores is an example of:
A) syndicated data.
B) packaged services.
C) Entertainer Employment Act Services.
D) customized services.
E) Nielsen Ratings services.
Which situations are particularly relevant for the use of protocol analysis?
A) purchases involving a long time frame and several decision factors
B) purchases involving a short time frame and only one or two decision factors
C) purchases involving a long time frame and only one or two decision factors
D) purchases involving a short time frame and several decision factors
E) routine purchases, such as purchasing chewing gum
Longitudinal studies can be described as techniques that:
A) measure the population at only one point in time.
B) develop an understanding of a phenomenon in terms of "if-then" conditional
C) search for and interpret existing information relevant to the research problem.
D) repeatedly measure the same sample units from the population over a period of time.
E) conduct parallel studies, which allows for comparisons to be made between such
Which of the following is the online report writing tool provided by the authors of your
A) iReportWriter Assistant
B) Online Report Writing Module
D) iWriter
E) Marketing Research Assistant
An amusement park owner is considering a survey to determine customer preferences
for a new water ride. The owner and the researcher discuss the concept of the level of
accuracy. The owner accepts a level of accuracy of ±5 percent. Assuming that the
survey finds that 70 percent of the survey respondents indicate they want the ride, what
does having a level of accuracy of ±5 percent accuracy actually mean?
A) that there will be a 5 percent chance that the owner will make the wrong decision as
to whether or not to build the new water ride
B) that the real percentage of the park's customers who prefer the new water ride falls
between 0 and 5 percent
C) that there is a 95 percent chance that the owner will make the right decision as to
whether or not to build the new water ride
D) that the real percentage of the park's customers who prefer the new water ride falls
between 65 and 75 percent
E) that there is a 5 percent chance, ±, that the owner will make the right decision
When a computed z value (for a test for differences between two percentages), 4.21, is
larger than the standard z value, 1.96, then this amounts to:
A) support for the null hypothesis; the two percentages are different.
B) no support for the null hypothesis; the two percentages are not different.
C) support for the null hypothesis, the two percentages are not different.
D) no support for the null hypothesis; the two percentages are different.
E) None of the above; a z value is inappropriate for testing the differences between two
Which of the following is a characteristic of a nontraditional focus group?
A) meet in a dedicated room
B) use a one-way mirror for client viewing
C) meet for about 2 hours
D) have 6-12 persons
E) may have 25 or even 50 respondents
Jack McCombs is the owner of several Firehouse Subs sandwich shops in Anytown. He
has been spending $200,000 a year in various media in Anytown in an attempt to build
awareness of his stores. Instead of continuing to spend the same amount on advertising
every year, Jack wants an assessment as to what he has gained from the advertising he
has paid for. He is interested in knowing what percentage of the population in Anytown
is aware of his store's name, menu, and locations - three factors for which he has
attempted to build awareness. His advertising agency quoted him a price for a survey
and told him they would use a sample size of 150, and that they were assuming 35
percent of the respondents would be aware of his advertising. Jack was reluctant to use
the advertising agency to conduct the survey. He felt like he needed another firm so as
to avoid any conflict of interest. He found a marketing researcher in town who was
certified as a CPR by the Marketing Research Association. The CPR asked Jack how
accurate he wanted the results of the survey to be. Jack said he wanted the percentage to
be within ±3 percent of the real population percentage. Assuming he wanted to be 95
percent confident of the accuracy of the results, the CPR used the following formula to
determine the accuracy of the survey recommended by the ad agency: ± sample error
percent = 1.96 the square root of pq/n. Using the formula, what would be the sample
error if Jack were to use the ad agency survey recommendation?
A) ±3 percent
B) ±4 percent
C) ±5 percent
D) ±6 percent
E) ±7 percent
What type of analysis would be used to answer a question such as "Which customer
is most strongly related to product purchase/nonpurchase"?
A) association or relationship analysis
B) predictive analysis
C) predictive or relationship analysis
D) analysis of variance
E) canine/feline regression analysis
In your text, you learn to test for significant differences between:
A) two percentages or two means.
B) two percentages or three percentages.
C) two means or three percentages.
D) three or more percentages.
E) differences between a percentage and a mean.
Questionnaire organization refers to:
A) the way questionnaires are organized in a filing system.
B) the sequence of statements and questions that make up a questionnaire.
C) organizations mainly existing to construct questionnaires.
D) determining if the question looks right.
E) the clarity of a question.
Which of the following was NOT discussed as a method of evaluating secondary data?
A) What was the purpose of the study?
B) How readily available is the information to the public?
C) Who collected the information?
D) How consistent is the information with other information?
E) How was the information obtained?
In an experiment, over which type of variable does a researcher have control and wish
to manipulate?
A) dependent variable
B) extraneous variable
C) independent variable
D) complex variable
E) deductive manipulative variables
In selecting the proper survey method, researchers balance:
A) the cost of the project with what the client is willing to pay.
B) the time limitation of the client with the speed at which surveys must be conducted
in order to have a profitable research firm.
C) the quality of information desired with the requirement to take advantage of today's
D) the quality of information desired with time deadlines and budget constraints.
E) what their employer wants, in addition to what the researchers want.
Which of the following is true regarding probability samples?
A) They are as perfect as a census and contain no errors caused by competitors.
B) They will always contain some inaccuracy (sample error).
C) They contain serious mistakes, but can be adjusted by statistical weighting
D) They are particularly susceptible to nonsampling errors.
E) When they approach large values, say 1,000, they are equivalent to a census.

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