MET 255 It was sunny when Jenny went

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 2184
subject Authors Kevin Lane Keller, Philip Kotler

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It was sunny when Jenny went to class, but by the time class was over it was raining
heavily, so Jenny stopped by the student store to buy an umbrella before she walked
back to her dorm. In this case, the umbrella is an example of a(n) ________ good.
A) impulse
B) specialty
C) homogeneous shopping
D) emergency
E) heterogeneous shopping
Which of the following statements correctly reflects a characteristic of public relations
as a marketing communications tool?
A) Public relations can reach prospects who prefer to avoid mass media and targeted
B) They incorporate some concession, inducement, or contribution that gives value to
the consumer.
C) Given their live, real-time quality, public relations tools are more actively engaging
for consumers.
D) Public relations communications can be prepared to appeal to the addressed
E) Public relations tools create an immediate and interactive episode between two or
more persons.
Of the following, which country received the highest score on the Greendex sustainable
consumption index, which suggests they minimize their environmental impact via
decisions made about transportation, household energy, resource use, and food/good
A) China
B) Brazil
C) India
D) United States
E) France
Newman Inc. is a company that manufactures saddles specifically for horses that race in
derbies in the United States and the United Kingdom. Within this context the firm is
exhibiting the role of a ________ specialist.
A) vertical-level
B) customer-size
C) product-line
D) job-shop
E) service
Appy Juices, a company that manufactures bottled water, diversified into soft drinks
before any of its opponents could launch a diversified product. This would be an
example of a(n) ________ attack.
A) flank
B) bypass
C) guerrilla
D) encirclement
E) frontal
Jose and Erika have just divorced. Which of the following demographic segmentation
subsegment formats might be used by marketers to reach Jose or Erika?
A) life stage
B) benefits
C) age segment
D) personality type
E) social class
Which of the following is an example of a trade promotion?
A) free samples
B) discount coupons
C) display allowances
D) contests for sales reps
E) premiums
________ is a key industrial marketing strategy in bidding to build large-scale industrial
products such as dams, pipelines, etc.
A) Systems contracting
B) Systems buying
C) Systems selling
D) Solutions buying
E) Turnkey logistics
________ are rules of thumb or mental shortcuts in the decision process.
A) Attitudes
B) Beliefs
C) Heuristics
D) Discriminations
E) Biases
If a marketing manager observes that his or her market shows no natural segments and
consumers seem to have roughly the same preferences, the marketing manager will
most likely be faced with a ________ preferences pattern.
A) homogeneous
B) heterogeneous
C) diffused
D) clustered
E) scattered
After determining its pricing objectives, what is the next logical step a firm should take
in setting its pricing policy?
A) It should analyze its competitors' costs, prices, and offers.
B) It should select its pricing method.
C) It should select its final price.
D) It should determine the demand for its product.
E) It should estimate the cost of its product.
Marketers at Johnny Inc. believe in putting their customers ahead of everything else.
Their products are carefully designed to meet customer requirements and the entire
focus is on achieving customer satisfaction. Johnny Inc. follows the ________ concept
in doing business.
A) production
B) product
C) selling
D) marketing
E) social responsibility
The ________ phase of marketing research is generally the most expensive and the
most prone to error.
A) contact
B) research planning
C) questionnaire design
D) interview design
E) data collection
The elapsed time between an order's receipt, delivery, and payment is called the
________ cycle.
A) variable-costs-to-payment
B) product-to-payment
C) inventory-to-sale
D) order-to-inventory
E) order-to-payment
A social marketing program which aims to alter ideas about abortion is an example of
a(n) ________ campaign.
A) cognitive
B) active
C) behavioral
D) value
E) normative
When Coca-Cola focused on developing its soft drink business but missed seeing the
market for coffee bars and fresh-fruit-juice bars that eventually impinged on its
soft-drink business, it was suffering from ________ because it defined competition in
traditional category and industry terms.
A) factor elimination
B) marketing myopia
C) factor reduction
D) category points-of-parity
E) reliance on product description
________ involves buying more goods and services from external domestic or foreign
A) Merging
B) Broadening
C) Outsourcing
D) Globalizing
E) Accelerating
Which of the following terms refers to add-on services such as credit, delivery,
installation, and repairs, and is provided by a marketing channel?
A) service backup
B) product accessories
C) external products
D) product variety
E) service extensions
The owner of supermarket chain Reynold's has realized that customers want a wider
variety of goods than is currently available. However, Reynold's cannot afford the costs
of storing excess inventory. Additionally, the owner is not willing to take the risk that
the new products will remain unsold. Which of the following types of wholesalers can
help Reynold's meet customer demand while minimizing costs?
A) producers' cooperatives
B) cash and carry wholesalers
C) truck wholesalers
D) drop shippers
E) rack jobbers
Carlos is training his new graphic design intern on the use of color in mobile ads.
Which of the following is good advice when it comes to the use of color?
A) Only use one bright color.
B) Do not use bright colors.
C) Use at least three bright colors.
D) Use at least four bright colors.
E) Use a bright color to highlight calls to action.
Flighting as an advertising timing pattern is most useful when ________.
A) purchase cycle is rather frequent
B) substantial advertising budget is available
C) items are seasonal
D) tightly defined buyer categories exist
E) there are expanding market situations
________ time begins with the promotional launch and ends when approximately 95
percent of the deal merchandise is in the hands of consumers.
A) Lead
B) Hold
C) Setup
D) Link
E) Sell-in
What are the four types of advertising timing patterns available to marketers when
launching a new product?
List and briefly define Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.
Based on the service-quality model, researchers have identified five determinants of
service quality. List and briefly explain each.
Briefly describe the process of measuring the results of marketing communications.
Identify and give examples of the four major categories of strategic alliances.
Generation Y members are often turned off by overt branding practices and "hard sell."
List and provide examples for the different approaches tried by the marketers to reach
and persuade them.
What is crowdsourcing?
The vast array of products that consumers buy can be classified on the basis of
shopping habits and are broken down into four main areas. List these four main
classifications of consumer goods and explain what elements are included within.

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