Marketing Chapter 5 2 They Both Viewed Commercial For Particular Sports

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 2287
subject Authors Gary Armstrong, Philip Kotler

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62) If the consumer's drive is strong and a satisfying product is near at hand, the consumer is
likely to buy it then. If not, the consumer may store the need in memory or undertake ________.
A) consumer ethnocentrism
B) buyer's remorse
C) a need recognition
D) an information search
E) cognitive dissonance
63) James has decided to buy a new vehicle. His brother John has recently purchased a new truck
and recommends the same model to James. James finally decides to buy the same truck. Which
of the following sources of information has most likely influenced James' purchase decision?
A) experiential sources
B) public sources
C) personal sources
D) commercial sources
E) market mavens
64) John has decided to buy a particular smartphone that his friend recommended. Which of the
following sources of information has most likely influenced John's purchase decision?
A) laggards
B) commercial sources
C) public sources
D) personal sources
E) market mavens
65) The information sources that are the most effective at influencing a consumer's purchase
decision are ________. These sources legitimize or evaluate products for the buyer.
A) commercial
B) public
C) experimental
D) personal
E) attitudinal
66) Marketers describe the way a consumer processes information to arrive at brand choices as
A) alternative evaluation
B) information search
C) impulse buying
D) consumer capitalism
E) cognitive dissonance
67) Generally, the consumer's purchase decision will be to buy the most preferred brand, but two
factors can come between the purchase intention and the purchase decision. Which of the
following is one of these factors?
A) economic risks
B) attitudes of others
C) cognitive dissonance
D) alternative evaluation
E) buyer's remorse
68) After the purchase of a product, consumers will be either satisfied or dissatisfied and engage
in ________.
A) consumer capitalism
B) alternative evaluation
C) postpurchase behavior
D) consumer ethnocentrism
E) information searches
69) The relationship between the consumer's expectations and the product's ________
determines whether the buyer is satisfied or dissatisfied with a purchase.
A) perceived performance
B) brand personality
C) market reach
D) consumer market
E) market share
70) Almost all major purchases result in ________, or discomfort caused by postpurchase
A) need recognition
B) cognitive dissonance
C) consumer ethnocentrism
D) conspicuous consumption
E) consumer capitalism
71) When a customer feels uneasy about losing out on the benefits of a brand not purchased, she
is likely to experience ________.
A) selective retention
B) selective attention
C) selective distortion
D) cognitive dissonance
E) consumer ethnocentrism
72) Consumers learn about new products for the first time and make the decision to buy them
during the ________.
A) need recognition stage
B) adoption process
C) evaluation process
D) trial process
E) quality assessment stage
73) Which of the following is the adoption process stage at which the consumer considers
whether trying the new product makes sense?
A) awareness
B) interest
C) evaluation
D) adoption
E) trial
74) Which of the following is the final stage in the new product adoption process?
A) awareness
B) adoption
C) evaluation
D) interest
E) trial
75) Relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, divisibility, and communicability are all
characteristics of ________.
A) alternative evaluations
B) the degree of buyer involvement
C) a product's rate of adoption
D) unexpected situational factors
E) postpurchase behaviors
76) Generation Xers, who were born between 1965 and 1976, share the childhood experiences of
higher parental divorce rates, recession, and corporate downsizing. They tend to care about the
environment and value experience over acquisition. Generation Xers make up a ________.
A) subculture
B) social class
C) social network
D) life-cycle stage
E) lifestyle
77) A shoe manufacturing company uses ads featuring the members of a country music band
with the hope that the band's fans will see them wearing the company's shoes and hence purchase
the same brand of shoes. The shoe company believes that the band portrays the image of a
________ to the band's fans.
A) membership group
B) reference group
C) status symbol
D) subculture
E) lifestyle
78) Rachel loves fashion and is always seen wearing the trendiest fashion outfits. She actively
shares her knowledge with a wide group of friends and colleagues about where to shop for the
latest fashion at great deals. Most of her friends and colleagues follow her fashion tips. Rachel
portrays the image of a(n) ________.
A) surrogate consumer
B) laggard
C) opinion leader
D) brand personality
E) social networker
79) The latest trend in the United States involves rediscovering the benefits of home-cooked food
and the use of organic ingredients. People are choosing to spend hours in the kitchen using only
the freshest ingredients to cook healthy and nutritious meals. This change in ________ is one of
the reasons for the increasing demand for organic ingredients.
A) self-concept
B) subculture
C) lifestyle
D) personality
E) life-cycle
80) According to a customer, a Harley-Davidson motorcycle can make one feel like "the
toughest, macho guy on the block." Harley-Davidson promotes its motorcycles with images of
independence, freedom, and power. Harley-Davidson has created a(n) ________.
A) motive
B) life-cycle stage
C) self-concept
D) brand personality
E) self-actualization need
81) A marketer of women's hair care products targeting Chinese customers created an advertising
message that told women their hair could be worn any way they wanted as opposed to wearing it
straight. The message suggested the women did not need to conform to the mainstream media
definition of beauty. It is most accurate to say that this ad was based on an understanding of
customers' ________.
A) social class
B) life-cycle stage
C) self-concept
D) status
E) role
82) Mark has long supported a particular brand of footwear and has always bought that brand of
footwear. Recently, the footwear manufacturer was embroiled in a controversy for using child
labor at its manufacturing plants. Mark doubts the news reports and continues to purchase the
same brand of footwear. It is most accurate to say that Mark displays ________.
A) selective distortion
B) cognitive dissonance
C) selective retention
D) selective attention
E) consumer ethnocentrism
83) Juana looked at the September issue of her favorite fashion magazine and did not find
anything particularly interesting despite the fact that the magazine had several advertisements
that were targeted at Juana's demographic. The only thing that interested her was an article about
an upcoming fashion show. Which consumer behavior is being illustrated in this instance?
A) subliminal advertising
B) groupthink
C) selective attention
D) social loafing
E) consumer ethnocentrism
84) Stephanie and John wanted to purchase a high-end sports car. Stephanie wanted to buy one
that had a unique, superior design. On the contrary, John wanted to buy a car with a powerful
engine. They both viewed a commercial for a particular sports car which highlighted the cost,
design, and power of the car. After viewing the ad, both had differing opinions about the car.
Stephanie felt that the car's price was acceptable, considering the superior and unique design.
John thought that the car was expensive owing to the high power engine installed in it. Both used
the information in different ways, focusing on issues that they each considered important. Which
of the following concepts does this scenario demonstrate?
A) selective distortion
B) consumer ethnocentrism
C) selective retention
D) selective attention
E) cognitive dissonance
85) George is buying his first house. He has spent a month looking at houses and comparing
them on attributes such as price and location. He has contacted several real estate agents to look
at different types of houses. George is most likely exhibiting ________.
A) variety-seeking buying behavior
B) complex buying behavior
C) consumer capitalism
D) dissonance-reducing buying behavior
E) marketing myopia
86) Pat thought he had received the best deal on his new car. Shortly after the buying the car, Pat
started to notice certain disadvantages of his new car as he learned more about other cars
available in the market. Pat is experiencing ________.
A) consumer ethnocentrism
B) conspicuous consumption
C) postpurchase dissonance
D) marketing myopia
E) consumer capitalism
87) For the past ten years, Bill and Margaret have saved money to go to the Super Bowl should
their team, the Chicago Bears, reach the finals of the NFC championship. This is the year, and
several tour companies offer attractive, but very similar, packages to the game. Since all
packages are pretty much the same, they have chosen one that fits their budget. Bill and Margaret
are most likely exhibiting ________.
A) complex buying behavior
B) dissonance-reducing buying behavior
C) habitual buying behavior
D) consumer capitalism
E) consumer ethnocentrism
88) Carrie tends to purchase various brands of bath soap. She has never been loyal to a specific
brand; instead she does a lot of brand switching. Carrie exhibits ________.
A) dissonance-reducing buying behavior
B) complex buying behavior
C) habitual buying behavior
D) variety-seeking buying behavior
E) conspicuous consumption behavior
89) A particular automobile company works to keep its customers happy after each sale, aiming
to delight each one of them in order to increase their customer lifetime value. Which of the
following steps of the buyer decision process does the company exemplify?
A) need recognition
B) information search
C) evaluation of alternatives
D) purchase decision
E) postpurchase behavior
90) An invitation to go skiing over the weekend forced Donna to look at her current wardrobe.
She realized that she required a warmer coat. Which of the following stages of the buyer decision
process does Donna exemplify?
A) product evaluation
B) situational analysis
C) need recognition
D) problem screening
E) information search
91) Donna wants to buy a new coat. During the ________ stage of the buyer decision process she
will ask her friends to recommend stores that sell good quality winterwear clothing. She will also
go through newspapers and magazines to look out for offers and sales on coats.
A) product evaluation
B) alternative evaluation
C) need recognition
D) information search
E) purchase decision
92) Robert has taken up cycling as a hobby and as a way to maintain his physical fitness. He
wants to buy a hydration system since he will need a lot of water as he cycles. Having gathered a
great deal of information, he has finally narrowed down his choices to three systems: Waterbags
for Roadies, Supertanker Hydropacks, and Fast Water. Robert is in the ________ stage of the
buyer decision process.
A) need recognition
B) evaluation of alternatives
C) product trial
D) postpurchase evaluation
E) information search
93) Leona bought two different brands of wine from vineyards in Australia. When asked for her
opinion about the wines, she said that one brand of wine tasted like alcoholic grape juice, but the
other had a crisp taste that she really enjoyed. These statements were most likely made during
the ________ stage of the buyer decision process.
A) information search
B) need recognition
C) alternative evaluation
D) purchase decision
E) postpurchase behavior
94) Cameron loves to own and be up-to-date on the latest technological gadgets available in the
market. Among his friends, he is always the first to own the latest electronic gadgets. He loves
trying out new products before others. Cameron most likely belongs to the ________ adopter
A) innovator
B) surrogate consumer
C) late mainstream
D) early mainstream
E) lagging
95) Which of the following would a marketer LEAST likely do to encourage habitual buying
A) dominate shelf space
B) run frequent reminder ads
C) keep shelves fully stocked
D) stress unique features in ads
E) offer lower prices and coupons
Refer to the scenario below to answer the following questions.
The Attic Trunk opened in 1979 as an upscale dress shop in Forest Ridge's fashionable shopping
district, catering to a wealthy, mature clientele consisting mostly of older, first-generation
Hispanics. Many other specialty shops lined the main avenue over the next few years. But as
Forest Ridge began to attract a more price-conscious, younger, and more demographically
diverse population, the once-popular shopping district was increasingly perceived as stodgy and
snobby by the new segment of customers.
By the late 1980s, many of these specialty shops suffered financially. Most shops attracted only
tourists who enjoyed browsing through the displays of alligator belts and shoes, piles of scented
soaps, and so on, often laughing at the ridiculously high prices.
Owners of The Attic Trunk had noticed the shifts in buying behavior of customers by the late
1980s. In fact, the owners had observed that the once-fashionable shopping district in Forest
Ridge no longer attracted the wealthy, mature clientele. This clientele had been replaced with
price-conscious families with children, a mix of Asian and African Americans as well as
Specialty items at The Attic Trunk gradually disappeared, replaced by brand-name apparel,
colognes, and jewelry. Other owners followed suit in the early 1990s, bringing restaurants, an
outdoor cafe, and a day spa to the main avenue in Forest Ridge.
96) Which of the following best supports the idea that The Attic Trunk's mature, wealthy
clientele can remain a viable target market?
A) Older, first generation Hispanic consumers are not especially family-oriented.
B) Older, first-generation Hispanic consumers favor sellers who show special interest in them.
C) Older, first generation Hispanic consumers tend to be very price conscious.
D) Older, first generation Hispanic consumers tend to display little brand loyalty.
E) Older, first generation Hispanic consumers are motivated by mainstream marketing.

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