Marketing Chapter 18 1 Each element of an integrated marketing communication

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subject Authors Dhruv Grewal, Michael Levy

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Chapter 18
Test Bank
1. It is difficult, but not impossible, to integrate marketing communications across all platforms, including social media.
2. Each element of an integrated marketing communication (IMC) strategy must have a well-defined purpose and support, and extend the message
delivered by all the other elements.
3. Integrated marketing communications (IMC) represents the product element of the four Ps.
4. As the number of communication media has increased, the task of understanding how best to reach target customers has become easier.
5. Encoding means converting the sender's ideas into a message, which could be verbal, visual, or both.
6. Though a picture may be worth a thousand words, the most important facet of encoding is not what is received but what is sent.
7. In the communication process of marketing communications, the marketing department often functions in the role of transmitter.
8. If there is a difference between the message that is sent and the message that is received, it is probably due to noise.
9. The sender of an integrated marketing communication controls the meaning individual receivers take from the message.
10. Though advertising experts wish it were true, there is not always a direct link between a particular marketing communication and a consumer's
11. Even the best marketing communication can be wasted if the sender does not gain the attention of the consumer.
12. If the marketing communication has piqued the interest of its target market, the goal of subsequent IMC messages should be to move the consumer
from "I want it" to "I like it."
13. Top-of-mind awareness is when consumers indicate that they know the brand when the name is presented to them.
14. Betty is assessing the effect of her firm's marketing communications. She should remember that the ultimate goal is to drive the receiver to action.
15. After seeing advertisements for the Toyota Prius, Joel becomes interested and does some Internet research. However, after seeing the price for a new
model, he decides to purchase a Ford Fusion instead. This is an example of the lagged effect.
16. Public relations is the component of IMC that has received the greatest increase in aggregate spending.
17. Mobile marketing involves marketing to customers through wireless handheld devices such as mobile phones.
18. The cost of communicating directly with a potential customer is low compared with other forms of promotion.
19. The message originates from the transmitter, who must be clearly identified to the intended audience.
20. Twitter is a form of blogging, and is increasingly used to reach current or potential customers.
21. Because the goals of IMC are only part of the overall promotional plan, they do not need to be explicit or measurable.
22. When using the rule-of-thumb method for IMC budgeting, prior sales and communication activities are used for guidance.
23. It may take several exposures to marketing communications before consumers are moved to buy.
24. Personal selling can be successful only through the use of print, newspapers, and radio.
25. Gross rating points (GRP) measure how often the audience is exposed to a communication within a specified period of time.
26. Frequency describes the percentage of the target population exposed to a specific marketing communication, such as an advertisement, within a
specified period of time.
27. The basic goal of integrated marketing communications is to
28. Especially for marketers with new products or services, IMC is needed because
29. Integrated marketing communications represents the __________ element in the four Ps of a firm's marketing mix.
30. Integrated marketing communications include all of the following except
31. Carlos owns a chain of retail electronic stores. He is evaluating how he allocates his firm's IMC budget. He receives offers from a variety of
advertising media, spends money on his firm's public relations efforts, and is considering electronic media alternatives. Carl must recognize that each
IMC alternative
32. The three elements of any IMC strategy are the consumer, the channels, and
33. As the number of communication media has increased, the task of understanding how best to reach target customers has
34. The IMC communication process includes all of the following except
35. The IMC communication process begins with __________, who (which) must be clearly identified.
36. In the IMC communication process, the __________ encodes the marketing communication message.
37. ___________ means converting the sender's ideas into a message, which could be verbal, visual, or both.
38. In integrated marketing communications, encoding involves
39. Though a picture can be worth a thousand words, the most important facet of encoding is
40. In the IMC communication process, the __________ is the medium that carries the message.
41. All of the following are a communication channel used in the IMC process except
42. The right communication channel to use in IMC is
43. In the IMC communication process, the __________ is the person who reads, hears, or sees and processes the message being communicated.
44. The sender of an IMC message hopes the receivers are
45. __________ refers to the process by which the receiver interprets the sender's message.
46. If you ever watched a television commercial and at the end of the message wondered what they were promoting, you may have had trouble
__________ the IMC message.
47. __________ is any interference in the IMC process.
48. In the IMC process, noise can occur as a result of lack of message clarity, a flaw in the medium, or
49. Advertising agencies often provide the IMC function of comparing their customer's target audience with the viewer, listener, or reader profile of the
communication channel being considered. The agency is most likely trying to avoid noise problems associated with
50. National manufacturers and retailers often pay a service provider to monitor television ads around the country, to ensure that their ads are shown in
their entirety during the time frames that were purchased. This service provider is monitoring for IMC noise problems associated with
51. The _____________ loop allows the receiver to communicate with the sender in the IMC process and thereby informs the sender whether the
message was received and decoded properly.
52. Most manufacturing and retailing marketers worry constantly about whether or not their IMC efforts are paying off. They assess various forms of
__________ to determine what is working and what is not.
53. Sales data, complaints, compliments, and redemption rates for coupons and rebates are types of __________ marketers use to assess the
effectiveness of their IMC efforts.
54. Loretta would like to know which, if any, of her firm's IMC efforts are working. She could use all of the following except __________ to provide
feedback from her efforts.
55. Marketers often use focus groups to learn how consumers interpret their IMC messages. Experience has shown that
56. The sender of an integrated marketing communication
57. Though advertising experts wish it were true, there is not always a direct link between a particular form of marketing communications and
58. Julia is driving down Interstate 95 on her way from New England to Florida and sees a billboard saying "South of the Border Restaurant and Motel
is just 100 miles away." Julia has never heard of South of the Border before. After seeing the sign, she will most likely need additional exposure to the
product before deciding whether to stop at South of the Border. This is an example of
59. All of the following are steps in the AIDA model except
60. In simple terms, the AIDA model is also known as the __________ model.
61. In the AIDA model, awareness leads to
62. In the AIDA model, the think stage is the __________ stage.
63. __________ refers to a potential customer's ability to recall that the brand name is a particular type of retailer, product, or service.
64. Even the best marketing communication can be wasted if the sender does not first
65. Cheryl asked Nadia to help her buy some aftershave for her boyfriend. Nadia was going through a list of different brand names, when Cheryl
stopped her and said, "I recognize that one." Marketers call this
66. In the AIDA model, the do stage is the __________ stage.
67. The highest level of awareness occurs when customers mention a specific brand name when asked about a product or service. Marketers call this
68. After creating awareness that the firm's products or services exist, the next goal of integrated marketing communications is to
69. In the movie Field of Dreams, one of the memorable phrases is, "If you build it, he will come." The AIDA model would suggest that after marketers
"build" a product or service and create awareness among consumers, they need to
70. Several years ago, changes in advertising restrictions allowed pharmaceutical companies to begin promoting their products through traditional
media. Today, it is common to see ads on television ending with, "Ask your doctor about [our medicine]." In addition to creating awareness about their
drugs, the companies are most likely hoping to
71. Once the marketing communication has captured the interest of its target market, the goal of subsequent IMC messages should be to move the
consumer from
72. Betty is assessing the effectiveness of her firm's marketing communications. She knows the ultimate goal is to
73. If marketing communications are effective, they will
74. One of the difficulties in measuring the effectiveness of IMC efforts is the __________, where consumers do not act immediately after receiving a
marketing communication.
75. Reaching the right audience with marketing communications is becoming more difficult because
76. When comparing the various communication channels available to marketing professionals, it becomes apparent that
77. The goal of any marketing communication is to
78. All of the following are interactive elements of an IMC strategy except
79. The proliferation of new media alternatives has led many firms to shift their promotional budgets from

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