Marketing Chapter 15 2 Easy Kathy Champ e Public Relations Specialist For

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subject Pages 9
subject Words 2144
subject Authors Gary Armstrong, Philip Kotler

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61) Which of the following is a new digital medium that is used by advertisers to reach
consumers directly?
A) mobile phone
B) direct mail
C) newspapers
D) billboards
E) television
62) Television, as a medium of advertisement, is characterized by ________.
A) high audience selectivity
B) low absolute costs
C) poor mass-marketing coverage
D) fleeting exposure
E) high cost per exposure
63) You want to advertise your new product. You want good mass marketing coverage and low
cost per exposure. You also want to combine sight, sound, and motion and make the
advertisement appealing to the senses. You should choose ________ as your advertising media.
A) newspaper
B) radio
C) magazines
D) television
E) direct mail
64) Snappy Cameras is launching a new advertising campaign to demonstrate the high quality of
its digital cameras. Which media option would give the audience the most control over exposure
to the ads and interactive capabilities?
A) the Internet
B) newspaper
D) radio
E) billboard
65) Which of the following is an advantage of using newspapers as an advertising medium?
A) long life
B) good reproduction quality
C) large pass-along audience
D) broad acceptability
E) no ad competition within the same medium
66) Which of the following statements about magazines as an advertising medium is true?
A) Magazines have long ad purchase lead times.
B) Magazines cannot offer high geographic selectivity.
C) Magazines lack credibility.
D) Magazines provide better local coverage than newspapers.
E) Magazines have poor reproduction of images.
67) Which of the following is a disadvantage of using direct mail as an advertising medium?
A) low audience selectivity
B) no flexibility
C) severe ad competition
D) relatively high cost per exposure
E) lack of personalization
68) Franklin & Marshall College wishes to contact high school seniors at independent schools in
Pennsylvania. Which of the following media would be most effective and efficient?
A) a Facebook page for the college
B) local newspapers ads throughout the state
C) radio ads throughout the state
D) a direct mail piece sent to selected students
E) billboards throughout the state
69) Which of the following statements is most likely true about radio as an advertising medium?
A) Radio advertising is typically quite expensive.
B) Radio ensures good attention from the target audience.
C) Radio offers very low audience selectivity.
D) Radio prohibits the use of segmentation strategies.
E) Radio advertising is characterized by good local acceptance.
70) Which of the following statements about outdoor media is true?
A) It has no creative limitations.
B) It is characterized by higher costs per exposure.
C) It has good positional selectivity.
D) It has very limited flexibility.
E) It has high audience selectivity.
71) A Spanish-language channel runs its ads only in Hispanic neighborhoods . This is an
example of ________.
A) broadcasting
B) buzz marketing
C) narrowcasting
D) media multitasking
E) personal selling
72) The term "media multitaskers" refers to ________.
A) competing brands which use the same media vehicle
B) people who absorb more than one medium at a time
C) media planners who also head the creative department
D) media planners who use more than one advertising medium
E) ad agencies whose clients are competitors of each other
73) 30 Rock and BusinessWeek are both examples of ________specific media within each
general media type.
A) alternative media
B) major media
C) media vehicles
D) media multitaskers
E) micromedia
74) When selecting a media vehicle, the media planner looks both at the total cost of using a
medium and at the ________.
A) cost per thousand persons reached
B) cost of premium offers
C) cost of the magazine it is using
D) profit margin
E) continuity cost
75) When a media planner determines whether an advertisement for diapers should be placed in
Parents magazine or Sports Illustrated, the planner is evaluating the media vehicle's ________.
A) profit margin
B) flexibility
C) rate of depreciation
D) audience quality
E) cost per exposure
76) Audience quality, audience engagement, and editorial quality are most likely to be
considered when a media planner ________.
A) decides on media timing
B) selects an execution style
C) selects a media vehicle
D) evaluates return on investment
E) measures the communication effects of an advertisement
77) In the context of media timing, ________ means scheduling ads unevenly over a given time
A) routing
B) continuity
C) sequencing
D) narrowcasting
E) pulsing
78) In the context of media timing, ________ means scheduling ads evenly within a given
A) sequencing
B) narrowcasting
C) continuity
D) routing
E) pulsing
79) In the context of media timing, the idea behind ________ is to advertise heavily for a short
period to build awareness that carries over to the next advertising period.
A) continuity
B) pulsing
C) shuffling
D) sequencing
E) segmenting
80) Which of the following is most likely true about using a pulsing schedule for an ad?
A) The ads would achieve maximum awareness.
B) The costs of advertising would be low.
C) The only effective medium would be radio.
D) The ads would negatively affect the image of the brand.
E) The ads would lack flexibility.
81) To measure the ________ effects of an ad after it has aired, the advertiser can evaluate how
the ad affected consumer recall, product awareness, and preference.
A) sales
B) profit
C) communication
D) continuity
E) associativity
82) Which of the following characterizes standardized global advertising?
A) higher advertising costs
B) no global advertising coordination
C) higher appeal to varying demographics
D) a more consistent worldwide image
E) lower reach
83) Which of the following promotion tools involves building up a positive corporate image and
handling unfavorable stories and events?
A) sales promotion
B) personal selling
C) direct marketing
D) public relations
E) advertising
84) Kathy Champe, a public relations specialist for a regional chain of pharmacies, regularly
contacts members of the local and state-wide media with information about community events
and charity fundraisers sponsored by her company. This is an example of the ________ function
of public relations.
A) press relations
B) product publicity
C) investor relations
D) lobbying
E) development
85) One of the functions performed by a PR department is ________, which involves building
and maintaining relations with legislators and government officials to influence legislation and
A) direct marketing
B) press relations management
C) investor relations management
D) lobbying
E) public affairs management
86) One of the functions performed by a PR department is ________, which involves working
with donors or members of nonprofit organizations to gain financial or volunteer support.
A) direct marketing
B) press relations management
C) investor relations management
D) development
E) lobbying
87) The National Pork Board developed "Pork. The Other White Meat" campaign. The campaign
provided nutritional information and pork recipes in an attempt to encourage people to view pork
as a tasty alternative to poultry and fish. Which of the following functions was the goal of this
public relations campaign?
A) influencing government regulations on pork
B) gaining financial support for pork producers
C) creating newsworthy information about pork
D) maintaining relationships with pork producers
E) rebuilding consumer interest in pork
88) Which of the following statements is most likely true of public relations?
A) It requires participating companies to pay for media space or time.
B) It can have the same impact on public awareness as advertising at much lower costs.
C) It is always handled by a third-party agency hired by the firm.
D) It forms a huge portion of the overall marketing budget of most large firms.
E) It plays an insignificant role in brand-building with the increasing popularity of advertising.
89) Which of the following best explains why public relations is often overlooked as a tool for
supporting product marketing objectives?
A) Public relations departments are typically large divisions within corporations.
B) The time and costs associated with public relations prohibit its extensive use.
C) Public relations specialists lack the skills necessary to work with marketing experts.
D) Many public relations professionals see their jobs as communicating not brand building.
E) The public relations department handles stockholders and legislators but not employees.
90) Which of the following is a major tool used by PR professionals?
A) standardized global advertising
B) market penetration
C) news
D) bait-and-switch strategy
E) product packaging
91) News conferences, press tours, and grand openings are examples of ________, a type of tool
commonly used by public relations professionals.
A) public service activities
B) special events
C) social networking
D) development
E) investor relations
92) Which of the following would most likely be included in the written materials prepared by
PR professionals to reach and influence target markets?
A) employee code of conduct
B) annual reports
C) memorandum of association
D) advertisement jingles
E) white papers
93) Which of the following is an example of an audiovisual material used by PR professionals?
A) blogs
B) logos
C) vision statements
D) brochures
E) online videos
94) Logos, uniforms, brochures, and company trucks are all examples of ________ materials that
can be used to help a company create a visual image which the public can immediately
A) direct marketing
B) social marketing
C) public service
D) corporate identity
E) buzz marketing
95) In an attempt to set the company apart from its competitors, Central Parcel Service (CPS) has
its employees wear brown uniforms and drive brown trucks. What type of public relations tool is
being used by CPS?
A) buzz marketing
B) corporate logos
C) corporate identity materials
D) product publicity
E) public service materials
Refer to the scenario below to answer the following questions.
Most clients of Second Avenue have learned about the store through word-of-mouth
communication. This small retailer of quality secondhand children's clothing thrives on the sale
of a vast inventory of children's clothing placed there on consignment. "Because small children
grow so quickly," Second Avenue's owner commented, "they often outgrow many of their
clothes before they've hardly been worn!"
Second Avenue provides a way for people to sell their children's clothing, earn a few dollars, and
buy the next larger size. "We're extremely picky about the condition of the clothing we stock,"
the owner stated, "but we sell most items at a 60 percent discount."
96) Which of the following media options would be the LEAST costly for Second Avenue's
promotional efforts?
A) periodic advertising in a local newspaper which follows a pulsing schedule
B) daily advertisements on a cable television station
C) daily commercials during the local evening news
D) a billboard placed on the nearest interstate highway
E) a billboard placed in a supercenter
97) Second Avenue has just developed a 30-second television ad that features three different
shoppers enthusiastically shopping in the store and appreciating its products. This ad uses the
________ execution style.
A) slice-of-life
B) technical expertise
C) personality symbol
D) fantasy
E) image
98) The owner of Second Avenue wants to establish a community clothing drive to collect
clothes for a local children's shelter. The owner is planning to set up collection barrels outside
Second Avenue. In this case, which of the following public relations tools is being used by the
A) press relations
B) product publicity
C) lobbying
D) development
E) public affairs
99) Advertising is the least used of the major promotion tools, although it has great potential for
building consumer awareness and reference.
100) A specific communication task to be accomplished with a specific target audience during a
specific period of time is called an advertising objective.
101) Informative ads are used primarily in the growth stage of the product life cycle.

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