Marketing Chapter 06 What Behavior Objective Something You Want Your

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 2
subject Words 573
subject Authors Nancy R. Lee, Philip Kotler

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CHAPTER 6 Setting Behavior Objectives and Target Goals
Type: E
1. What is a Behavior Objective?
2. Give an example of a Behavior Objective for an effort with a purpose decrease senior falls with a focus
on strength and balance exercises.
3. What is a Knowledge Objective?
4. Give an example of a Knowledge objective for the physical activity effort targeting seniors.
5. What is a Belief Objective?
6. Give an example of a Belief Objective targeting seniors?
Describe each of the criteria for choosing a behavior objective:
Type: E
7. Impact
8. Willingness
9. Measurability
10. Market Opportunity
11. Market Supply
Answer Q12-14 and then complete the grid that follows using hypothetical behaviors and scores.
Type: E
12. First, what is your campaign purpose for this set of questions?
13. What is your hypothetical campaign focus?
14. Who is your target audience?
15. Using a scale of 1-5, where 1 is lowest and 5 is highest, score each of the following: Potential
Behaviors, Hypothetical Impact, Hypothetical Willingness, Hypothetical Measurability, Hypothetical
Market Opportunity, and Hypothetical Supply. Lastly, calculate an Average Score.
16. Given your hypothetical scores, which behavior would be a priority?
17. Given your hypothetical scores, which behavior would be a priority?
18. What does the acronym SMART, describing the nature of a goal statement, stand for?

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