Marketing 632 Homework

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 2254
subject Authors Delbert Hawkins David Mothersbaugh

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The technology segment of consumers labeled Apprentices are disconnected from
emerging technology and resistant to change.
Banner ads are one way to drive a firm's information to consumers.
The process of encouraging partial responses leading to the final desired response is
known as classical conditioning.
There is evidence that affect or brand preference may be increased by mere exposure.
Flashbulb memory is acute memory for the circumstances surrounding a surprising and
novel event.
Consumers might experience guilt by the use of a product or a service.
Gillette's advertising for the M3 Power razor which claimed that "gentle micropulses
stimulate hair up and away from skin" was deemed to be literally false by the court
hearing the case.
Adjusted gross income (AGI) is an estimate by the consumer of how much money he or
she has available to spend on nonessentials.
CARU guidelines which prohibit price minimizations such as "only $19.99" are related
to concerns regarding advertising effects on health/safety/values.
Which segment of mature consumers is physically and mentally healthy and is thus
active, independent, and out to enjoy life?
A. Healthy Indulgers
B. Ailing Indulgers
C. Ailing Outgoers
D. Frail Recluses
E. Healthy Hermits
Shelby wears Tommy Hilfiger clothing and drives an expensive automobile. He likes
these types of brands because he feels they communicate his image to others. These
brands are satisfying Shelby's _____.
A. need for attribution
B. need for autonomy
C. need for tension reduction
D. need for reinforcement
E. need for expression
One marketer for a brand of shampoo learned through research that consumers in the
target market engage in limited decision making but that this marketer's brand is not
part of their evoked set. Which marketing strategy is appropriate for this company?
A. capture strategy
B. acceptance strategy
C. maintenance strategy
D. preference strategy
E. intercept strategy
A(n) _____ is a group of persons who have experienced a common social, political,
historical, and economic environment.
A. census age group
B. age cohort
C. cognitive group
D. chronological group
E. demographic group
Which type of consumer decision making does NOT include alternative evaluation?
A. routine decision making
B. nominal decision making
C. extended decision making
D. simple decision making
E. limited decision making
In regulatory focus theory, _____ motives revolve around a desire for growth and
development and are related to consumers' hopes and aspirations.
A. Promotion-focused
B. Latent-focused
C. Manifest-focused
D. Prevention-focused
E. all of the above
Paul's grandchildren gave him a computer for Christmas, but he seldom uses it to shop.
He only goes to the grocery store to restock his pantry once a month. In which online
shopping segment does Paul belong?
A. Virtual Shoppers
B. Status Strivers
C. Just the Essentials
D. Original Traditionalists
E. Shopping Lovers
Which of the following statements is true regarding consumer choice processes?
A. Attitude-based choices require the knowledge of specific attributes at the time the
choice is made.
B. The greater the motivation to make an optimal decision, the more likely an
attitude-based choice will be made.
C. Motivation, information availability, and situational factors interact to determine the
likelihood that attitude-based choices are made.
D. Consumers do not use attitude-based choices for important products.
E. Attitude-based choices require the comparison of each specific attribute across all
brands considered.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs includes all EXCEPT which of the following?
A. cognition
B. physiological
C. safety
D. belongingness
E. esteem
Angie is a teenager, living at home with her parents and two brothers. Even though she
wants to venture out more on her own, her parents will not allow it, and she obeys their
wishes. Her family represents a(n) _____ group.
A. primary group
B. secondary group
C. consumer group
D. restrictive group
E. intimate group
A product's position refers to _____.
A. its shelf location in retail stores
B. an image of the product in the consumer's mind relative to competing products
C. its price relative to other products in the firm's product line
D. its price relative to competitors' products
E. its stage in the product development process
You are a marketing manager and want to use the power of reference groups to
influence consumers. Reference group influence can take three forms. Name and
describe each, and explain how you could use each type of influence in an
If a consumer decides to get rid of a product and/or its package, what are his or her
Jason is planning a business trip to Japan, and it is his first time doing business in that
country. Discuss some value differences between Japanese culture and American
culture that are most relevant to him in a business meeting situation.
Compare and contrast the terms brand image, brand equity, product positioning, and
brand leverage.
List and briefly describe applications of consumer behavior.
Define interpretation and discuss individual characteristics affecting it.

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