Marketing 135 Midterm 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 760
subject Authors Gilbert A. Churchill, Tom J. Brown, Tracy A. Suter

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Looking for evidence that the research was done properly is a way to gauge the
accuracy of secondary data.
a. True
b. False
Refer to Scenario 17.1. What is the sample standard deviation?
a. 0.4318
b. 0.3246
c. 0.6571
d. 1.0239
e. Can't be determined from the table.
In determining the type of questionnaire and the method of administration the
researcher need not specify
a. precisely what primary data are needed.
b. how these data might be collected.
c. what degree of structure will be used.
d. what degree of disguise is warranted.
e. the method of statistical analysis to be used.
Higher response rates usually suggest
a. the sample size was too small.
b. interviewer cheating.
c. fewer problems with nonresponse bias.
d. poor questionnaire design.
e. lack of interest among respondents.
Snowball samples are an example of
a. convenience sampling.
b. judgment sampling.
c. quota sampling.
d. simple random sampling.
e. stratified sampling.
Which of the following is an accurate statement with regard to personal interviews?
a. In general they tend to be the least expensive per completed contact.
b. As the number of interviewers increases, so do problems of interviewer-related
variations in responses.
c. It takes as long to get replies from a small sample as from a large sample.
d. Interviewer-induced bias is minimal.
e. They are less costly than telephone interviews.
Unstructured observation is used for studies in which hypotheses are to be tested.
a. True
b. False
While not a formal rule, if half or more of the responses are missing on a survey, it is
recommended to drop that case entirely.
a. True
b. False
In a descriptive study, the researcher should delay data collection until
a. he has made clear judgments with respect to the questions of who, what, when,
where, why and how of descriptive research.
b. he has made a clear determination of how the data items are to be analyzed.
c. he has specified the statistical tabulations and significance tests that will be used to
uncover the relationships which exist among the variables.
d. Items A through C above should all be determined before data collection begins.
e. Data collection should not be delayed but should begin as soon as the hypothesis is
stated so as to expedite the research.
Distribution and the list price of a product can be controlled by marketing management.
a. True
b. False
Candidates for depth interviews could include:
a. Current customers
b. Members of the target market
c. Executives and managers of the company
d. Wholesalers and retailers
e. All of the above are candidates for depth interviews
What type of research is used when the problem to be solved is broad or vague?
a. Exploratory research.
b. Secondary research.
c. Primary research.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.
The main concern of the Starch Readership Service is to
a. Provide information on the demographic characteristics of a particular publication's
b. Provide advertisers with insights concerning the effectiveness of their ads.
c. Determine which magazines carry the most advertising.
d. Evaluate the fit between a magazine's geographic distribution patterns and the type of
advertising it carries.
e. Link magazine readership with certain lifestyle characteristics
Which types of measurement are used to group respondents or objects into groups or
categories and are thus referred to as categorical measures?
a. Nominal and interval
b. Ordinal and ratio
c. Ratio and interval
d. Nominal and ordinal
e. Ordinal and interval
The best way to reduce nonsampling errors is to
a. increase sample size.
b. improve data collection techniques.
c. offer incentives to respondents.
d. substitute the next house on the block for not-at-homes.
e. nonsampling errors cannot be reduced.
A popular approach to measuring the strength of the relationship between two
categorical variables is
a. cross tabulation.
b. Pearson chi-square test of independence.
c. Cramer's V.
d. regression analysis.
e. Kendall's coefficient of concordance.

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