Management Chapter 15 7 Rodney Halpern Works The Marketing Department

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1202
subject Authors James McHugh, Susan McHugh, William Nickels

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278. Rodney Halpern works in the marketing department of a major manufacturing firm. Much
of his job involves managing the movement of materials, parts, and information from suppliers to
his firm. He tries to coordinate these flows with his firm's factory processes and assists with the
efficient movement of finished goods to final consumers. These activities suggest that Rodney's
job responsibilities focus on:
279. _________ involves planning, implementing, and controlling the physical flow of materials,
final goods, and related information from points of origin to points of consumption to meet
customer requirements at a profit.
280. __________ brings raw materials, packaging, other goods and services, and information
from suppliers to producers.
281. __________ deals with moving finished products and information to business buyers and
ultimate consumers.
282. When firms manage the return of goods from consumers either because they are
defective or for recycling purposes, they are involved in:
283. __________ is the term used to describe the use of outside firms to help move their goods
through the supply chain.
284. Currently, in the United States the greatest volume of goods and services is shipped by:
285. ____________ put many small shipments together to create a single large shipment that
can be transported more cost-efficiently to the final destination.
286. Pipelines are used primarily to transport:
287. _____________ shipping uses several different modes of transportation to complete a
single long-distance movement of freight.
288. The highest-cost transportation method is:
289. The two basic types of warehouses are:
290. __________ warehouses are used to gather and redistribute products.
291. __________ warehouses are used to hold products for a relatively long time.
292. Logistics is concerned:
293. The part of logistics that is most concerned with the flow of goods as well as work in
process within the manufacturing firm is:
294. Compared to rail transportation, one of the advantages of shipping by truck is that
295. Compared to railroads and trucks, the biggest advantage offered by air transport is that it
296. Items such as snow skis, lawnmowers, and other highly seasonal items are often held in
___________ warehouses during the months they are not in demand.
297. Businesses are using ______________ and other ways to track goods and control the flow
of goods from point of origin to point of consumption. "Tracking" is an important part of the
process of managing the flow of goods, an activity that marketers call ___________.
298. Which of the following activities would be most closely associated with inbound
299. Mardelay Industries has discovered a defect in one of its products that may result in
injury to users. The company believes it must quickly develop and implement a recall program. It
is likely that Mardelay soon will be placing a great deal of emphasis on:
300. Marketing manager Connie Smythe is concerned that her firm is doing a poor job of
managing the movement of finished products to the final consumer. If Connie is right, her firm
should work to improve its:
301. Jen Carter is trying to find ways to improve her firm's movement of materials and goods
from its warehouse to the factory floor. Jen is looking into ways of making her firm's __________
more efficient.

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