Management 852 Quiz 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 3625
subject Authors Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge

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The more management relies on formal, collective, sequential, fixed, and serial
socialization programs and emphasizes divestiture, the more likely newcomers'
differences will be stripped away and replaced by standardized predictable behaviors.
There's an increasing blurring between the work and nonwork time.
We tend to accept at face value information that confirms our preconceived views,
while we are critical and skeptical of information that challenges these views.
What psychology is to the group, sociology is to the individual.
Subcultures act to undermine the dominant culture.
If a manager incorrectly assumes that all employees want the same thing, then
according to the expectancy theory, it is most likely to result in a weak ________
A) performance-achievement
B) effort-performance
C) performance-reward
D) rewards-personal goals
E) effort-satisfaction
You have decided to use Holland's Typology of Personality and Congruent Occupations
to help your friends recognize which jobs they would be well-suited for. Monica is shy,
stable, and persistent. Neil is ambitious and energetic and likes to dominate
conversations. Jessica is idealistic, impractical, and very imaginative. Walter is efficient
and practical, but he lacks imagination and tends to be inflexible. Chris is analytical,
independent, and an original thinker. Which of your friends is best suited to being an
A) Walter
B) Neil
C) Jessica
D) Monica
E) Chris
Which of the following mood dimensions is a pure marker of high negative affect?
A) depression
B) stress
C) fatigue
D) boredom
E) nervousness
Why should managers be interested in their employees' attitudes?
A) They result from behavior.
B) They cause problems.
C) They give warnings of potential problems.
D) They are generally low.
E) They result in cognitive dissonance.
Even when we're communicating in the same language, words mean different things to
different people, and ________ and context are two of the biggest factors that influence
such differences.
A) educational qualification
B) gender
C) age
D) religion
E) social class
The periodic shifting of an employee from one task to another with similar skill
requirements at the same organizational level is called job ________.
A) enlargement
B) expansion
C) rotation
D) sharing
E) enrichment
Which of the following statements is true regarding informal groups?
A) Informal groups are defined by the organization's structure.
B) In informal groups, the behaviors team members should engage in are stipulated by
and directed toward organizational goals.
C) A group of people who come together to protest against a new law is an informal
D) The six members of an airline flight crew are an informal group.
E) Command groups and task groups are examples of informal groups.
Sharon is unhappy with her job as a salesperson at a retail store for many reasons.
Yesterday a customer asked her where the shampoo was located. Sharon listlessly
replied, "I don't know." She then turned her back on the customer and continued
stocking the shelf. This is an example of how job satisfaction can affect ________.
A) employee OCB
B) customer satisfaction
C) absenteeism
D) turnover
E) work place deviance
Limited focus of change is a major force for resistance to change that originates from an
organizational source. It indicates that ________.
A) groups in the organization that control sizable resources often resist change
B) changes in organizational patterns may threaten the expertise of specialized groups
so these groups tend to resist change
C) organizations have structural inertia that acts as a counterbalance to sustain stability
D) limited changes in subsystems tend to be nullified by the larger system
E) even if individuals want to change their behavior, group norms may act as a
Which of the following is an example of an organizational source of resistance to
A) limited focus of change
B) security
C) fear of the unknown
D) selective information processing
E) economic factors
Leaders who effectively display and manage emotions will ________.
A) not express genuine enthusiasm
B) keep the commitments they make
C) find it easier to influence the feelings of followers
D) focus on their own self-interest
E) use sympathy for those who fail to perform
Janice and Shunil are both senior software analysts. They have worked together on
projects for six years and get along great. Janice is pregnant and anticipating the arrival
of her first child and she is not willing to work full time. Shunil would like to
experiment with opening his own business as a home media installation consultant, and
does not want to continue to work full time. They both need some income. Which of the
following alternative job structures would be best for Janice and Shunil?
A) job enlargement
B) telecommuting
C) job rotation
D) job sharing
E) job enrichment
A strong culture should reduce employee turnover because it results in ________.
A) a highly centralized organization
B) narrow spans of control
C) cohesiveness and organizational commitment
D) a highly formalized organization
E) an outcome-oriented organization
Which of the following actions can extinguish risk taking and innovation?
A) long tenure in management
B) encouraging experimentation
C) rewarding for the absence of failures rather than for the presence of successes
D) using organic organizational structures
E) using an organizational structure that scores low on vertical differentiation,
formalization, and centralization
A ________ pay plan pays for individual performance based on performance appraisal
A) piece-rate
B) merit-based
C) skill-based
D) profit sharing
E) competency-based
Participative management is a method of management where ________.
A) representatives of workers form work councils and these councils must be consulted
when management makes decisions about employees
B) few representatives of workers sit on a company's board of directors
C) subordinates share a significant degree of decision-making power with their
immediate superiors
D) low-level workers meet occasionally with the CEO to discuss problems within their
E) low-level workers are responsible for making corporate policy decisions
In terms of the full range of leadership model, which leader behavior is the least
A) management by exception (active)
B) contingent reward
C) management by exception (passive)
D) individualized consideration
E) laissez-faire
What effect do stressful events typically have on mood?
A) short term positive
B) long term positive
C) short term positive but long term negative
D) negative
E) positive
Jill is overwhelmed with the new tasks that she has been assigned after the department
merger. Every day, she arrives at work and makes a list of the new tasks, writes a
number next to each one according to the urgency of completion, and schedules a time
to complete each one. Although she's still stressed, Jill is able to get most of the work
done and feels better at the end of the day. Jill is using ________ techniques to reduce
her stress.
A) job enrichment
B) goal setting
C) relaxation
D) time-management
E) job enlargement
What is the main difference between Hofstede's cultural dimensions and the GLOBE
Discuss intellectual abilities. List and describe the seven dimensions that make up
intellectual abilities.
Discuss how intellectual abilities are relevant to organizational behavior.
List and discuss the bases of personal power.
What is cooptation?
Elisa is upset with her supervisor because she was denied her requested vacation days,
which were given to another worker. She is experiencing a very low level of job
satisfaction, but cannot afford to quit her job. Describe three negative, passive
responses that Elisa might take due to her dissatisfaction. Imagine that her manager
actively catches her in a manifestation of workplace deviance. Predict the outcome of
Elisa's behavior.
What are the various individual factors that make a person more likely to engage in
political behavior?
Distinguish between high-context and low-context cultures.
Patrice has just been passed up for a promotion and is still earning less that $40,000 a
year. He is experiencing a very low level of job satisfaction. Describe two active
responses that Patrice might take due to his dissatisfaction. Design a plan that Patrice's
immediate supervisor can use to diffuse the situation and keep Patrice on board with the
Discuss the difference between a work group and a work team.

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