Management 149

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1873
subject Authors Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge

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Larry can assign Oliver work activities that Oliver finds unpleasant. Larry possesses
________ power over Oliver.
A) reward
B) expert
C) legitimate
D) coercive
E) referent
James and Neung are negotiating a purchase from Neung's Tai corporation. James
notices that Neung is very quiet. Rather than assume that Neung is upset at how the
negotiations are going, James continues to discuss the details of how the purchase will
ensue. Finally James closes the deal and later learns that Neung's quiet moments were
respectful moments to allow James to reveal his deal. Which strategy did James use to
A) assume certain universal similarities
B) emphasize description rather than interpretation
C) practice empathy
D) assume differences until similarity is proven
E) treat interpretations as a working hypothesis
Which of the following statements is definitely true regarding an informal
communication channel?
A) It traditionally follows the authority chain within the organization.
B) It generally transmits messages related to the professional activities of members.
C) It is established by the organization.
D) It is generally used for communicating personal or social messages.
E) Information regarding change in the policies of the organization is transmitted
through it.
Which of the following determinants of an organization's structure describes the way an
organization transfers inputs into outputs?
A) strategy
B) environment
C) investment
D) size
E) technology
People from which country are most likely to confront differences of opinion directly
and openly?
A) United States
B) Canada
C) Great Britain
D) Germany
E) China
Mariah is the manager in a restaurant. According to Douglas McGregor's Theory X,
which of the following is a behavior she would most likely exhibit?
A) She would empower her subordinates.
B) She would trust her employees to use discretion in most matters.
C) She would strictly control all the details of any project she is managing.
D) She would delegate authority extensively to junior managers.
E) She would let her employees choose their own goals.
Which of the following statements is true regarding stress?
A) Employees with external locus of control tend to be less prone to stress.
B) Training tends to decrease job stress.
C) Highly experienced employees tend to be more prone to stress.
D) Employees who are highly committed to their goals experience more stress.
E) Goal feedback tends to increase stress.
The phrase ________ can refer to any characteristic that makes people different from
one another.
A) lateral diversity
B) individual diversity
C) organic diversity
D) workplace diversity
E) deep-level diversity
Compared to people who have a negative core self-evaluation, people who have a
positive core self-evaluation ________.
A) are less satisfied with their jobs
B) see their work as less challenging
C) see their work as less fulfilling
D) are less likely to gravitate toward challenging jobs
E) are less likely to give up when confronting difficulties
The ________ of an environment refers to the degree of heterogeneity and
concentration among environmental elements.
A) volatility
B) flexibility
C) complexity
D) adaptability
E) permeability
When we judge someone on the basis of our perception of the group to which he/she
belongs, it is called ________.
A) confirmation bias
B) stereotyping
C) framing effect
D) distinction bias
E) bandwagon effect
Effective teams begin their work by ________.
A) allocating roles to team members according to their personalities and preferences
B) analyzing the team's mission
C) developing a climate of trust among team members
D) developing team efficacy
E) discussing individual goals
Which one of the following is an informal source of information for job applicants
joining an organization?
A) electronic communication
B) nonverbal communication
C) horizontal communication
D) vertical communication
E) grapevine communication
Connie works as a nurse at the local hospital. She was very pleased recently when she
was awarded "Employee of the Month", received her picture on the wall, and a gift card
to the hospital commissary. Which type of reward has Connie received?
A) both intrinsic and extrinsic
B) just intrinsic
C) just extrinsic
D) neither intrinsic nor extrinsic
E) variable intrinsic and extrinsic
Some of your friends like to cram all night before exams; however, you are not able to
keep your focus on the material for that length of time. Your study habits can be
attributed to which element of motivation?
A) intensity
B) direction
C) persistence
D) both A and C
E) both B and C
Marylyn is a very driven person who seeks to push ideas forward to keep people on
their toes; however, she also has a problem with stepping on peoples toes and being
overly critical of others. Marylyn probably has high ________ and low ________.
A) emotional stability; agreeableness
B) openness to experience; agreeableness
C) conscientiousness; emotional stability
D) conscientiousness; openness to experience
E) agreeableness; emotional stability
With reference to John Holland's personality-job fit theory, people belonging to the
"enterprising" type prefer ________.
A) activities that involve helping others
B) activities that involve thinking, organizing, and understanding
C) physical activities that require skill, strength, and coordination
D) ambiguous and imaginative activities that allow creative expression
E) activities in which there are opportunities to influence others and attain power
________ indicates the tendency of an individual to attribute his own successes to
internal factors while putting the blame for failures on external factors.
A) Fundamental attribution error
B) Self-serving bias
C) Distinction bias
D) Selective perception
E) Stereotyping
Your immediate supervisor is a nice person. He helps you solve your problems and
gives valuable advice. You admire your supervisor and aspire to become like him. The
power that your supervisor possesses over you is known as ________ power.
A) transactional
B) coercive
C) expert
D) reward
E) referent
Situations where an individual is required to define right and wrong conduct are termed
A) diversity issues
B) human resource problems
C) ethical dilemmas
D) organizational complexities
E) social puzzles

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