LGST 12981

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 941
subject Authors David P. Twomey, Marianne M. Jennings

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Title VII does not protect members of all nationalities from employment discrimination.
If a leased building is destroyed, the lease is not terminated, and the landlord has a duty
to restore the building to its former condition.
An executed contract is an agreement that has been completely performed.
A buyer seeking damages because of a breach of the sales contract must give the seller
notice of the breach within a reasonable time after the buyer discovers or should have
discovered it.
Marble Industries hired virtually all of its employees from Union High School, which
was overwhelmingly white in its racial makeup. Accordingly, there were virtually no
nonwhite employees employed by Marble Industries. The work these employees
performed was work that any reasonably capable high school graduate could do. When
organizations representing nonwhites questioned the policy, the personnel director
indicated that Union High School graduates were hired because they had worked
successfully for the company and because the president of the company had graduated
from that school. There was no evidence that there was any plan or intention to
discriminate against nonwhites. Discuss the possibility that this policy may violate Title
VII of the Civil Rights Act.
Checks that involve amounts of more than $5,000 generally trigger the bank reporting
requirements under the USA Patriot Act.
Under the act-of-state doctrine, the courts of one country will not sit in judgment of the
acts of the government of another country conducted within its own territory.
A right to a nonconforming use of land cannot be lost through abandonment.
The privity rule permits the filing of an accounting malpractice lawsuit by a third party
against an accountant.
Sue is an employee at an ABC store. One of Sue's duties is to prepare the bank deposit
at the end of the business day. Sue had a very busy day and made a few mistakes. All of
the checks, except two, were indorsed with the stamp "ABC, Inc." that ABC had
provided. The bank received the deposit and noticed the lack of indorsement on the two
checks. In addition, three of the checks that Sue was to include with the deposit were
lost in the parking lot after closing. Phil found the checks and deposited them into his
personal account. What is the effect of ABC's indorsement on the lost checks and the
lack of indorsement on the two deposited checks?
It is not unlawful for an employer to hire employees on the basis of religion, sex, or
national origin in those instances where religion, sex, or national origin is a bona fide
occupational qualification (BFOQ) reasonably necessary to the normal operation of a
particular enterprise.
A person who has knowledge of a limitation on an agent's authority cannot disregard
that limitation.
An assignment is a transfer of rights, and a delegation is a transfer of duties.
The obligation of all parties to perform in good faith is the same because everyone is
required to be honest.
The states may coin money as long as it is backed by gold.
The Securities Act of 1933 prohibits the offering or sale of securities to the public in
interstate commerce before a registration statement has been filed with the Securities
and Exchange Commission (SEC).
A customer who has given a purchase order to a salesperson is not bound by any
contract until the employer of the salesperson accepts the order.
Substantial impairment requires proof that goods are worthless.
Under the common law, an employer is under a duty to furnish an employee with a
sufficient number of competent fellow employees for the work involved.
Consideration is the bargained-for exchange between the parties to a contract.

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