LAWS 73924

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 2030
subject Authors Eric W. Hickey

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Which of the following characteristics are common to both mass and serial murderers?
a. For both, murder is means of control over life.
b. Both are usually arrested or killed at the crime scene.
c. Both often commit suicide after the crime.
d. Both elude arrest and detection.
What percentage of all criminal cases uses the insanity defense?
a. 10 percent
b. about half
c. nearly 27 percent
d. less than 1 percent
In 2012, males accounted for _____of all murder victims.
a. Only 5 percent
b. 25 percent
c. Over half
d. Over 77 percent
The United States' murder rate is _____ times higher than Japan's.
a. 5
b. 11
c. 16
d. 21
How does Miller refer to 'soul murder" in her book For Your Own Good?
a. the horrible effects of being raised in an abusive foster home
b. extraordinary beatings and sexual abuses of young children by parents and relatives
c. the desire of some serial killers to not only kill children but to first destroy them
d. the effect of pervasive violence within our penal system that precludes criminals
from ever being rehabilitated
What is the most common motivation for female serial murderers?
a. sex
b. trauma
c. money
d. enjoyment
Most serial murderers involved in cult-related killings are found to be _____.
a. self-styled Satanists
b. officers in the Church of Satan
c. advanced in their Satanic work
d. tattooed with the number 666
Which of the following is NOT a Factor 2 characteristic found in Hare's Revised
Psychopathy Checklist?
a. parasitic lifestyle
b. early behavioral problems
c. need for stimulation
d. promiscuous sexual behavior
In terms of psychopathy, Verona and Vitale note that females likely have differing
norms for aggression that may require a higher level of this in order to for them to
engage in violent behavior.
a. psychopathic traits
b. frustration
c. physical strength
d. testosterone
This offender was a respiratory therapist for nine years. He confessed to killing dozens
of terminally ill patients over 10 years. He claimed to be an "angel of death" who had
killed as many as 200 victims.
a. Charles Cullen
b. Efren Saldivar
c. Donald Harvey
d. George Clooney
What is another term for scopophilia (voyeurism)?
a. stroker
b. peeping tom
c. triolist
d. frotteur
This offender had been married seven times, then decided to try to find the perfect 'sex
slave." With the help of his wife, he killed nine females and one male.
a. Gallego
b. Clark
c. Coleman
d. Lucas
Operation Police Lure revealed that which lure was most often used by child
a. offering a ride home in their car
b. offering candy or treats
c. inviting the child to have his/her picture taken
d. asking for help
Which of the following is not true regarding Harold Shipman?
a. He came from a wealthy aristocratic background.
b. His father was a lorry driver.
c. His family lived in a small house in Nottingham.
d. His mother died sitting in her armchair.
Which of the DSM-V classifications of personality disorders is characterized by social
and interpersonal deficits, and eccentric behaviors that inhibit the development of close
a. borderline
b. schizoid
c. narcissistic
d. schizotypal
In this 1984 case in California, seven people were accused of the ritualistic torture of
children. After the longest trial in the U.S. history, the key suspects were acquitted.
a. the Manhattan Beach preschool case
b. the Annewakee preschool case
c. the McMartin preschool case
d. the Matamoros preschool case
After Donald Harvey was arrested, what was found among his possessions?
a. a letter to one of the victims expressing his remorse
b. a list of victims yet to be killed
c. pictures of all his victims
d. a Bible with passages about murder underlined
What is the hormone that inhibits the secretion of stomach acid, stimulates smooth
muscle, and acts as a neurotransmitter in brain functioning.
a. CSF 5-hiaa
b. lithium
c. Haldol
d. serotonin
What did the term "forensics" originally mean?
a. belong to or used in courts of law
b. belong to or used in medicine
c. belong to or used in psychiatry
d. belong to or used in crime labs
This is a transient attraction to corpses rather than a preference for them.
a. necrophilia
b. paraphilia
c. pseudo-necrophilia
d. coprophilia
According to Hickey, which of the following is NOT a key issue in exploring serial
murder from a global perspective?
a. Serial murder is defined or viewed differently in other cultures.
b. Motives and methods for serial murder are influenced by cultural differences.
c. U.S. serial murderer profiles are often contradicted by serial murderer profiles
created by law enforcement agencies in other countries.
d. Understanding religion as a cultural factor in serial murder.
What did Finkelhor conclude in his book Nursery Crimes?
a. Daycare centers do not have abnormally high rates of abuse.
b. Daycare centers have abnormally high rates of abuse.
c. There is no abuse at all in daycare centers.
d. Some daycare centers are set up just to abuse children.
Which of the following statements is correct?
a. Female offenders generally target specific age groups.
b. The most common method used by female offenders to kill their victims is
c. The most common motive reported by female offenders for killing victims was a
combination of motives.
d. Most female offenders acted alone.
It is believed this 15th-century killer murdered several hundred children, drank their
blood and engaged in necrophilia, sometimes having the heads of his child victims
stuck on upright rods.
a. Sawney Beane
b. Gilles de Rais
c. Peter Stubb
d. Vlad Tepes
In his novel, American Psycho, Ellis did NOT explore which of the following?
a. psychopathy
b. obsessive-compulsive disorder
c. narcissism
d. sadism
Which of the following showed the greatest variance between the Hickey and Gorby
a. percentage of accomplices
b. percentage of victims per case
c. percentage using firearms
d. percentage of males strangling their victims
Keppel examined the solvability factors involved in serial murder investigations. Which
of the following is NOT one of those factors?
a. quality of court procedures during the preliminary hearing
b. quality of police interviews with eyewitnesses
c. quality of scientific analysis of the physical evidence
d. quality of investigations at the crime scene
This killer of 10 victims, including his grandparents and mother, explained that "he was
killing his mother all along."
a. Craig Price
b. Eric Harris
c. Richard A.
d. Ed Kemper
This country executed a man, now referred to as the Tehran Vampire, for raping and
murdering nine women.
a. Iraq
b. Afghanistan
c. Iran
d. Egypt
What is part of the serial-killer stereotype?
a. They are stupid.
b. They are good-looking.
c. They are employed.
d. They are exceptionally intelligent.
In their study of 90 cases of serial murder, Yorker, et al., found that 86 percent of their
cases involved nursing personnel and that women were involved in ____ percent of the
a. 82
b. Less than 30
c. 55
d. 49
This is sometimes referred to as "no fault" homicide, and usually involves the killing of
someone out of necessity or duty.
a. homicide
b. necessary murder
c. mercy killing
d. justifiable homicide
The Green River Killer, Gary Ridgway, in response to a detective asking him to rank
himself on a scale of 1-5, with 5 "being the worst possible evil person that could have
done this kind of thing," viewed himself as a _____.
a. 2 because he only chose women who deserved to die
b. 3 because it wasn"t like he was a monster like Ted Bundy
c. 4 because he considered Jeff Dahmer to be the worst
d. 3 because he killed them fast and didn't torture them
Why did German serial killer Gerhard Schroeder kill prostitutes?
a. They were attractive.
b. He was a lust killer.
c. They were easy targets.
d. He thought they had money.
According to Brown, et al., what is the culture of honor hypothesis?
a. It describes a thinking disorder that is difficult to treat.
b. Habitual criminals who are honorable experience internal conflicts when committing
c. States that place high regard on social status and strength in regards to one's property,
reputation, and family will have higher rates of violence and aggression than states
classified as non-culture-of-honor states.
d. An idea that describes organized civil disobedience.
_____ appear to be the most resistant to change.
South Africa has a murder rate over _______ times that of the United States.
Team killers are unlikely to kill in a very specific place.
According to the DSM-V, for a person to be diagnosed with paraphilia, their fantasies,
urges, and behaviors are examined for _____, _____, and _____.
Every year in the United States, about 80,000 persons die in hospitals unrelated to the
reasons for which they entered hospital care.
The sex murderer appears to harbor deep-seated fantasies, whereas the lust murderer
kills out of fear and a desire to silence his victim.
Most serial killers are found to be legally insane.
The notion of evil becomes complicated by the generally accepted belief that those who
commit sins can _____ and virtually turn their lives around.
_____ contend that criminal behavior is a function of a socialization process.
_____ help investigators develop databases and benchmarks for serial crime.
Jenkins explains that where black murders/murderers are concerned, the public
perception is that they are all part of _____ that usually involve gang- and drug-related
In what is called a _____, some mass murderers begin killing in one location, then
move to another to continue killing.
_____ was popular for hundreds of years as a method of murder.
_____, common among violent offenders, includes a history of antisocial behavior
beginning no later than age 15 for males, and for females anytime during the teen years.
_____ also finds its roots in stressors such as rejection, abandonment, loss,
humiliation, and hatred.
Much can be learned about the offenders, of course, from their _____.
The nature and definition of "evil" is not universal and agreed upon.

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