LAWS 39092

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 1912
subject Authors John S. Dempsey

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Law enforcement officers in this state must routinely face the problem of not having
immediate backup in most situations.
a. Maine
b. Wyoming
c. Rhode Island
d. Maryland
One of the primary purposes of police patrol is to prevent crime by creating a sense of:
a. security
b. omniscience
c. omnipresence
d. community awareness
Until the 1970s, it was presumed that women were not as capable of performing the
same type of patrol duty as men because:
a. of their gender and size
b. they could not testify in court
c. they were not good drivers
d. they would side with women in domestic disputes
When excessive or unreasonable force is used in dealing with a citizen, suspect, or
offender and there is a significant disparity between the level of compliance by the
person and the level of force used by the officer, the use of force is considered to be:
a. police misconduct
b. police malfeasance
c. police mistreatment
d. police brutality
____________________ is/are the most expensive part of a police department's budget.
a. Fuel costs
b. Equipment
c. Personnel
d. Liability insurance
Alice Stebbins Wells was the first woman appointed to the ____________________
Police Department.
a. Dallas
b. New York
c. Los Angeles
d. Chicago
Crime Stoppers is a program in which police:
a. operate decoy programs where they dress like possible crime victims
b. open up storefronts and pose as criminals who buy stolen property
c. ask television and radio stations to publicize a "crime of the week" so citizens can
call tips into a special police phone number
d. all of these choices
The primary legal and prosecutorial arm of the U.S. government is the:
a. Civil Rights Division
b. Criminal Division
c. Department of Justice
d. National Institute of Justice
The states of New York and Connecticut modeled a distracted driver campaign after the
"Click It or Ticket" seat belt campaign. The slogan for the distracted driver campaign
a. "Text TodayJail Tomorrow"
b. "TWD = Ticket"
c. "Phone in one hand. Ticket in the other."
d. "DrivePull overText"
Which type of tactics constituted the brutal and violent methods police historically
practiced to obtain confessions?
a. hammering
b. first degree
c. third degree
d. drop down
Many historians and scholars indicate that__________in the American South were the
precursor to the modern American system of policing.
a. Praetorian Guard
b. slave patrols
c. thief-takers
d. Vigiles
The Sherman Report suggested recruiting police applicants from what college program?
a. liberal arts
b. law enforcement
c. medicine
d. science and technology
Programs concentrating investigative resources on career criminals are called:
a. targeting programs
b. proactive programs
c. repeat offender programs
d. anti"career criminal programs
The book Black in Blue found that black police officers suffered from
a. double marginality
b. double taxability
c. singular marginality
d. all of these choices
Many believe that modern community policing began with James Q. Wilson and
George L. Kelling's article "____________________": The Police and Neighborhood
a. Littered Streets
b. Disordered Communities
c. Broken Windows
d. Dangerous Streets
The Guardian Angels were formed in what city?
a. Houston
b. Dallas
c. New York City
d. San Diego
Which of the following is not one of the reasons police exercise discretion?
a. If the police enforced all the laws, all the time, they would be in the station house or
court much of their time.
b. Complete enforcement would alienate the public from the police.
c. Most violations of law are minor and do not require full enforcement.
d. The police want to show they have a caring attitude toward the community.
____________________ patrol is a solution to the problem of directed patrol units
often getting interrupted by calls for service, which can affect the performance of their
a. Routine
b. Task force
c. Split-force
d. Foot
The smallest geographical area a single patrol unit can patrol effectively is called a:
a. precinct
b. sector
c. beat
d. zone
When researchers examined the reinstitution of foot patrol in Newark and Flint, they
arrived at the conclusion that when foot patrol is added in neighborhoods:
a. levels of fear decrease significantly
b. levels of fear increase significantly
c. levels of fear remain the same
d. the police who patrol on foot have less job satisfaction, more fear, and lower morale
than do officers who patrol in automobiles
Dr. Neal Trautman proposes a solution to the problem of the Code of Silence with his:
a. Additional Training Regimen
b. Basic Misconduct Survey Study
c. Code of Silence Argument
d. Code of Silence Antidote
During the 1960s and 1970s, the groups that presented the most serious problem in the
United States in terms of violence and terrorism included:
a. radical hate groups and militant student/antiwar groups
b. religious groups
c. unions
d. right-wing extremist groups
The largest special jurisdiction agency in the United States is:
a. Dallas Area Rapid Transit
b. Philadelphia Public School Police
c. Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
d. California Parks and Wildlife
Many cities have turned to civil liability (or code) enforcement teams to attempt to deal
with ____________________ that have a negative effect on the quality of life in their
a. local problems
b. local ordinances
c. homelessness
d. state laws
Informal job actions by officers in which they refuse to perform certain job functions in
an attempt to win labor concessions from their employers are called
a. blue flu
b. sit-out
c. blackout
d. blue-out
This national survey lists the number of all law enforcement employees for each
reporting town, city, and county in America.
a. Uniform Crime Reports
b. National Crime Victimization Survey
c. U.S. Census
d. Federal Criminal Justice Survey
According to the author, one of the best ways to improve relationships between the
police and minority groups is to:
a. enforce the law differentially against minority group members
b. appoint a minority member as police chief
c. ensure that minority groups are adequately represented in a jurisdiction's police
d. hold minority group members to a less strict standard of legal behavior
Officer White concentrates her efforts on helping people in trouble, rather than on
keeping society safe. According to Broderick, she would be considered a(n):
a. realist
b. optimist
c. enforcer
d. idealist
Departments that ____________________ may benefit most from differential response.
a. suffer from financial difficulties that make it hard to hire more officers
b. have more than 100 officers
c. have fewer than 50 officers
d. are located in rural areas with few officers to cover a large amount of territory
The Office of Community Policing Services (COPS) is part of the
a. NIJ
b. FBI
c. president's cabinet
d. Chicago Police Department
The members of the military appointed by Roman Emperor Augustus to protect the
palace and the emperor were called the:
a. Royal Guard
b. Praetorian Guard
c. Roman Guard
d. Praefectus Urbi
Mug shot ____________________ is a system of digitizing a picture and storing its
image on a computer so that it can be retrieved at a later time.
a. digitizing
b. storing
c. imaging
d. xeroxing
The 193l National Commission on Law Observance and Enforcement was more
popularly known as the:
a. Kerner Commission
b. Volmer Commission
c. Wickersham Commission
d. Kefauver Commission
Which researcher conducted the classic study of the police subculture in Gary, Indiana?
a. Jerome Skolnick
b. Anthony Bouza
c. William Westley
d. James Q. Wilson
The federal government has redefined its deadly force policy used by federal agents and
has adopted the __________ standard.
Detail the case of Griggs v. Duke Power Company and explain the impact that this case
has had on police hiring.
Answer varies.
Describe and discuss some state and local law enforcement efforts for homeland
Answer varies.
What are some threats to civil liberties posed by recent technology?
Answer varies.
The BlackBerry can be loaded with specialized law enforcement programs allowing the
user to query the NCIC database as well as other state and motor vehicle department
In __________ the court ruled that the Baltimore Police Department's height
requirement of 5 feet 7 inches was a prima facie case of sex discrimination.
A major concept behind the affirmative action movement, and possibly the most
disturbing concept to many, is the establishment of __________
__________ offers consultative services on cold-case serial homicides as well as
several other types of cases.
The _____ program deputizes local officers to help enforce federal immigration laws.
Recently the Department of Justice has investigated civil rights issues in only seven
police and sheriffs' departments, the smallest number in its 54-year history.
Lasers can be used to lift fingerprints from surfaces that often defy traditional powder
or chemical techniques, including glass, paper, cardboard, rubber, wood, plastic, leather,
and even human skin.
The police subculture is characterized by clannishness, secrecy, and isolation from
those not in the group.
Sting operations targeting lewd behavior have often been used around the country,
particularly in parks and areas frequented by children.
Police officers with in-car data access technology make more than eight times as many
inquiries on driving records, vehicle registrations, and wanted persons or property per
eight-hour shift than do officers without in-car computers.
Discuss why it is important for police to work with the homeless population, and
describe what types of things are being done.
Answer varies.

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