LAWS 33150

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 2399
subject Authors Larry J. Siegel

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The view held by Marx that the laboring class produces goods that exceed wages in
value is known as:
a. surplus profit
b. surplus value
c. surplus efficiency
d. surplus production
If a juvenile joins a gang where he achieves his status through violence and toughness,
which type of gang is he in according to Cloward and Ohlin's theory of differential
a. conflict
b. retreatist
c. criminal
d. status
Which of the following causal explanations for rape reflects the evolutionary view?
a. The sexual urge corresponds to the unconscious need to preserve the species by
spreading one's genes as widely as possible.
b. Rape is a legitimate response if one's sexual advances are rebuffed
c. Rape is a function of modern male socialization.
d. Infatuation and fixation with one's self drives rapists to seek power and control over
those deemed inferior to themselves.
Use of the word terrorism began in 1795 in reference to the ______initiated by the
revolutionary government during which agents of the Committee of Public Safety and
the National Convention were referred to as terrorists.
a. The Dark Ages
b. Reign of Terror
c. Middle Ages
d. Civil War
Evaluations of incarceration strategies reveal that their impact may be less than
expected. Why is it that incarceration may not work?
a. Because prison exposes young, impressionable offenders to higher-risk, more
experienced inmates who can influence their lifestyle and shape their attitudes.
b. Because most criminal offenses are committed by old offenders who are
unlikely to be sent to prison for a single felony conviction.
c. Because incarcerated criminals are too young.
d. Because not enough offenders are being incarcerated.
Most offenders' antisocial behavior peaks during adolescence and then diminishes as
they mature to around the age of 18. These offenders are known as:
a. adolescent-limiteds
b. life-course persisters
c. adolescent-diminishers
d. social-persisters
When an identity thief creates false e-mails and/or websites that look legitimate but are
designed to gain illegal access to a victim's personal information, it is called:
a. spamming
b. phishing
c. mousetrapping
d. warez
Referring to differential association theory, how does learning criminal behavior differ
from learning other behavior?
a. Learning criminal behavior is more of a peer group exercise.
b. Learning criminal behavior is a matter of imitation.
c. Learning criminal behavior is greater in frequency, intensity, priority, and duration.
d. There is no difference between learning criminal behavior and non-criminal behavior.
When an individual accepts the goals of society, but rejects the legitimate means and
instead achieves the goals through crime, it is called:
a. conformity
b. innovation
c. ritualism
d. rebellion
________ are tested using scientific methods to validate criminological theories.
a. Opinions
b. Times
c. Ideas
d. Hypotheses
Braithwaite's view of restorative justice rests on the concept of shame. What is known
about shame?
a. Symbolic shaming is more effective that actual shame.
b. Sentencing circles rely heavily on shaming the offender.
c. As a specific deterrent stigmatization is doomed to failure.
d. All of these are known about shame.
The concept of "just desert" has been proposed by Von Hirsch as a theoretical model to
guide justice policy. Which statement reflects that just desert theory is concerned with
the rights of the accused?
a. The offender should not be treated more or less blameworthy than is warranted by the
character of his or her offense.
b. An offender who violates others' rights deserves to be punished.
c. Punishment is needed to preserve the social equity disturbed by crime.
d. Retribution justifies punishment because people get what they deserve for past deeds.
Meta-analysis involves gathering compatible information and data from:
a. the social environment
b. juveniles
c. a cohort
d. previous studies
The premeditated, politically motivated attack against information, computer systems,
computer programs, and data that results in violence against noncombatant targets by
subnational groups or clandestine agents is termed:
a. cyber espionage
b. cyber spying
c. cyber terrorism
d. cyber stalking
When referring to serial killers, what is known?
a. Ten to fifteen percent of serial killers are women.
b. Serial killers come from diverse backgrounds.
c. Most experts view serial killers as sociopaths who from early childhood demonstrate
bizarre behavior.
d. All these things are known about serial killers.
The most recent findings from the United Nations Global Survey of world drug use
a. The drug epidemic is steadily rising.
b. The drug epidemic may be abating.
c. The drug epidemic has declined in industrialized countries and risen in third- world
d. The drug epidemic has remained stable across the globe.
When powerful institutions willfully violate the laws that restrain them from doing
social harm or that require them to do social good, it is called corporate crime or:
a. organized crime
b. organizational crime
c. social crime
d. antitrust crime
When is rape most likely to occur?
a. during March and April
b. during May and June
c. during July and August
d. during September and October
Howard Becker calls individuals who seek to shape the law toward their own way of
a. moral entrepreneurs
b. right-way thinkers
c. one-way thinkers
d. morality crusaders
_____ have early experiences with antisocial behavior are the ones most likely to
persist throughout their life course.
a. Boys
b. Girls
c. Boys and girls
d. Victims
Cyber terrorism is more efficient and less dangerous than more traditional forms of
terrorist activity because?
a. Because less industrialized countries have less sophisticated IT.
b. Because there is no need to infiltrate enemy territory.
c. Because cyber terrorism strikes more fear in the minds and hearts of citizens.
d. Because it involves little financial outlay to develop a plan of attack.
When efforts to prevent one crime unintentionally prevent another and when crime
control efforts in one locale reduce crime in other non-target areas, this is called:
a. extinction
b. diffusion of benefits
c. crackdowns effects
d. discouragement benefits
When firms divide a region into territories and each firm agrees not to compete in the
others' territories, it is illegal and is called:
a. group boycott
b. tying arrangement
c. division of markets
d. price fixing
According to the Monitoring the Future Study, the only drug showing signs of increased
use among high school students during the past decade is:
a. heroin
b. marijuana
c. crack cocaine
d. ecstasy
The life of streetwalkers is very dangerous. Research indicates ___ percent of
streetwalkers experience violence.
a. 10
b. 20
c. 30
d. 40
Laws that protect women from being questioned about their sexual history unless it
directly bears on the case are called:
a. safeguard laws
b. immunity laws
c. exemption laws
d. shield laws
In his ____, pioneering control theorist Walter Reckless argued that a strong self-image
insulates a youth from the pressures and pulls of criminogenic influences in the
a. containment theory
b. normative group theory
c. social bond theory
d. social reaction theory
Peacemaking view crime as a type of ____.
a. suffering.
b. adaption.
c. necessary action.
d. reaction to distortional power in society.
Why do cyber crimes present a significant challenge for criminologists?
a. Because cyber crimes predominately occur only in industrialized countries.
b. Because, unlike non-cyber crimes, cyber crimes defy accurate measurement.
c. Because cyber crimes defy long-held assumptions about the cause of crime.
d. Because cyber crimes are a function of the social environment.
Using illegal tactics to make profits in the marketplace is known as:
a. entrepreneurship
b. enterprise crime
c. venture enterprise
d. illegitimate enterprise
Social learning theory holds that people learn to be aggressive through their life
experiences. Which of these is not a source of this behavior modeling process?
a. family interaction
b. religious affiliation
c. environmental experiences
d. mass media
_________ _________are the unique value system that dominates life among the lower
In 1968, a group of British sociologist formed the _______ _______ _______ with 300
members who were critical of positivist criminology and rejected the conservative
stance of criminologists and their close financial relationships with government
Youths who have strong self-concepts, who feel good about themselves, and who
maintain a positive attitude, are able to resist the temptations of the street.
The book _________ was very controversial because it tells a story about two male
penguins raising a baby penguin together.
General strain theory expanded on classical strain theory to include more sources of
strain. Discuss the sources of strain according to general strain theory and provide an
example of each.
The Nigerian 419 scam, free credit reports, and account verifications scams are
common types of _________ scams.
What trends in violent and property victimizations are indicated in the NCVS data?
a. Since the early 1990s, violent and property victimizations have been in decline.
b. Since the early 1990s, violent and property victimizations have increased.
c. Since the early 1990s, violent and property victimizations have been stable.
d. Since the early 1990s, violent victimizations have increased while property
victimizations have decreased.
The concept of _________ _________ holds that crime rates are influenced and
controlled by the threat of criminal punishment.
The NCVS indicates that rural, white homes in the Northeast are the most likely to
contain crime victims or to be the target of theft offenses, such as burglary or larceny.
Building _________ _________"positive relations with individuals and institutions that
are life sustaining " supports conventional behavior and inhibit deviant behavior.
The Cambridge Five, like Aldrich and Rosario Ames, engaged in the political crime of
What ethical issues should criminologists consider when conducting criminological
research and why should these issues be considered?
_________ occurs when webmasters forward traffic to another porn site in return for a
per-consumer fee.
Discuss the different methods of drug control. In your discussion, identify the
similarities and differences in these methods.
The association between self-control, poor impulse control, and crime applies
more accurately to juvenile crime as motivations for adult crime differ. This helps to
explain the aging-out process.
Those who study __________ ___________ attempt to provide a more global vision of
a criminal career encompassing its onset, continuation, and termination.
_________ _________ _________are the majority of check forgers who do not believe
their actions will hurt anyone.
The crime of _________ _________ involves a wrongdoer's misrepresenting a fact in a
way that causes a victim to willingly give his or her property to the wrongdoer, who
then keeps it.
Individual exploitation of institutional power involves forcing victims to pay for
services to which they have a clear right.

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