LAWS 30074

subject Type Homework Help
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subject Words 2462
subject Authors Larry J. Siegel

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It is illegal to possess animated depictions of child pornography even though they do
not contain any pictures of real children.
Deviant behavior is behavior that departs from social norms.
Most reported crimes occur during the holidays in November and December.
The perpetrators of thrill seeking hate crimes rationalize their behavior as a defensive
stand taken against outsiders whom they believe threaten their community or way of
As with other violent crimes, the rate of rape has been on a decade-long rise with the
highest monthly rates occurring in December and January.
Employees may be involved in systematic theft of company property, commonly called
The subarea of criminal statistics involves measuring the amount and trends of criminal
The Sherman Antitrust Act is aimed at individuals who are engaged in a conspiracy.
According to the victim precipitation view, some people may actually initiate the
confrontation that eventually leads to their injury or death.
According to Agnew, criminality is the direct result of negative affective states that are
produced by a variety of sources of strain.
Etailing is Internet jargon for the crime of cyber stalking.
Rational choice theory has roots in the positivist school of criminology developed by
Life experiences resulting from encounters with formal social control mechanisms, such
as police and other authority figures, limit criminal behavior opportunities. Sampson
and Laub's age-graded theory refers to such experiences as "turning points in crime."
When an offender views the world as a corrupt place with a dog-eat-dog code, it is
known as denial of injury.
According to latent trait theories, while the _____ to commit crime is stable, the
opportunity to commit crime fluctuates over time.
a. desire
b. ability
c. motivation
d. propensity
Sharing files with friends who did not pay for them is an example of:
a. cyber copying
b. cloning
c. deceptive copying
d. copyright infringement
Cashing forged checks because of a financial crisis that demands an immediate
resolution is known as:
a. shutting
b. heeling
c. closure
d. constructive possession
According to ______, crime is a type of social problem rather than the product of other
a. personality syndrome
b. psychological syndrome
c. emotional syndrome
d. problem behavior syndrome
Brightly displaying "no littering" signs is an example of eliminating:
a. excuses
b. rewards
c. risks
d. payout
Criminologists who focus their attention on crime victims refer to themselves as:
a. victimologists
b. sociologists
c. psychologists
d. behaviorists
Not all instances of computer theft and computer fraud fall under existing statues
because the property stolen:
a. may be difficult to recover
b. may be intangible
c. may be difficult to identify
d. may be shipped overseas
One example of health care fraud involves billing for more expensive services or
procedures than were actually provided or performed. This practice is termed ______
and requires "inflation" of the patient's diagnosis code to a more serious condition
consistent with the false procedure code.
a. ladder coding
b. trade coding
c. upcoding
d. step coding
One method of controlling white-collar crime is through the use of compliance
strategies. How do compliance strategies work?
a. Compliance strategies aim for law conformity without the necessity of detecting,
processing, or penalizing individual violators.
b. Compliance strategies require cooperation and self-policing from businesses.
c. Compliance strategies provide economic incentives for obeying the law.
d. Compliance strategies do all these things.
Critics of the USA Patriot Act are concerned that it erodes:
a. international support
b. economic stability
c. military operations
d. civil rights
Arson for ____ involves a business owner burning his or her property to escape
financial problems.
a. profit
b. embezzlement
c. relief
d. fraud
For the government to prove tax fraud, the minimum dollar amount that must be
involved is:
a. $50
b. $100
c. $1000
d. There is no minimum dollar amount
Violent acts that vent rage, anger, or frustration are known as:
a. instrumental violence
b. expressive violence
c. rational violence
d. irrational violence
The earlier the onset of criminal behavior, the ______ the criminal career.
a. more frequent, more varied, and more sustained
b. less frequent, less varied and less sustained
c. less frequent, more varied, and shorter
d. more frequent, less varied and more sustained
When caught, shoplifters try to rationalize their behavior. Cromwell and Thurman
found widespread use of which social process theory?
a. neutralization theory
b. social bond theory
c. labeling theory
d. differential enforcement theory
If petty offenses were subject to the same punishment as more serious crimes, offenders
would choose the worst crime. This is referred to as the concept of:
a. marginal deterrence
b. "the tipping point"
c. specific deterrence
d. general deterrence
The crime category of ______ emerged from Edward Sutherland's criminal behavior
analysis of business-related offenses.
a. opportunity-based crime
b. white-collar crime
c. strict liability offenses
d. economic offenses
__________ is a characteristic of pre-industrial society, held together by traditions,
shared values and unquestioned beliefs.
a. organic solidarity
b. anomic solidarity
c. mechanic solidarity
d. systematic solidarity
Positivism has two main elements. The first is that all true knowledge is acquired
through direct observation and not through conjecture and/or belief. The second is:
a. the use of scientific method
b. that crime is a learned behavior
c. the use of criminal justifications
d. that crime exists to benefit particular groups within society
Some law violators describe the adrenaline rush that comes from successfully executing
illegal activities in dangerous situations. This integration of danger, risk, and skill, is for
some, a seduction of crime and is referred to as:
a. rushwork
b. edgework
c. riskwork
d. thrillwork
Crimes that are ______ are more likely to be reported.
a. less serious
b. more serious
c. property
d. among a victim and offender who know each other
The term _____ terrorism means terrorism involving citizens or the territory of more
than one country.
a. political
b. domestic
c. global
d. international
According to the Monitoring the Future survey, in 2010 about ____ percent of youths
have used drugs.
a. 13
b. 24
c. 48
d. 63
Deriving sexual pleasure from receiving pain or inflicting pain is a paraphilia known as:
a. voyeurism
b. asphyxiophilia
c. frotteurism
d. sadomasochism
Which type of expense receives the largest coverage by victim compensation programs?
a. medical expenses
b. support for lost wages
c. funeral expenses
d. mental health counseling
Which Act requires companies to disclose information about toxic chemicals they
release into the air and water?
a. Clean Water Act
b. Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act
c. Endangered Species Act
d. Oil Pollution Act
Women are most likely to be stalked by:
a. a stranger
b. a casual acquaintance
c. older males
d. an intimate partner
As the threat of terrorism and cyber crime grows, so too may tolerance for invasions of
privacy to combat these threats. What belief may sway public opinion and justify the
use of IT by law enforcement?
a. the belief that there is not much to fear from law enforcement's use of IT
b. the belief that IT increases safety and that intrusions into personal space are
warranted if lives are saved
c. the belief that IT is not invading homes but gathering information from public spaces
d. These are all beliefs that may sway public opinion.
Criminal acts designed to bring financial reward to an offender are known as:
a. financial crimes
b. situational inducements
c. economic crimes
d. fiscal crimes
Cloward and Ohlin's theory of differential opportunity states that people in all strata of
society share the same success goals but those in the lower class have limited means
(opportunity) for achieving them. Because of differential opportunity, kids are likely to:
a. find menial jobs
b. seek role models
c. join gangs
d. feel shame
According to latent trait theories, why are people who are antisocial during adolescence
the most likely to persist in crime?
a. because latent traits are stable
b. because adolescents tend to associate with deviant peers
c. because educational achievement is more difficult during an adolescent's middle and
high-school years
d. because cognitive ability is fully formed by adolescence
The Oil Pollution Act was enacted after which aftermath?
a. BP oil leak
b. Exxon Valdez oil spill
c. east coast pollution scare
d. Compass oil spill
The view that criminals are not automatons who engage in random acts of antisocial
behavior reflects _____ crime.
a. offense specific
b. offender specific
c. target specific
d. risk specific
Churning, front running, and bucketing are types of:
a. influence peddling
b. blue-collar fraud
c. bank fraud
d. securities fraud
The sexual equality view of prostitution considers the prostitute a victim of:
a. double-standards
b. the legal system
c. male dominance
d. social circumstances
Violent crimes are more likely to be solved than property crimes because police devote
more resources to these more serious acts.
Voter or election fraud is a contemporary crime with its roots in recently formed
third-world countries.
Clearly indicating a rational thought process, robbers avoid victims who may be armed
and dangerous.
Societies held together by traditions, shared values, and unquestioned beliefs (i.e.,
mechanical solidarity) are the most likely to develop anomie.
Specific deterrence is aimed at deterring all potential offenders from committing crime.
Biophobia is the belief that serious consideration should be given to biological
factors when attempting to understand human nature.
_____ is a crime-reducing social event. Research proves it to be a key element of social
capital and informal social control that allows offenders to lead more conventional
a. Unemployment
b. Marriage
c. Exiting prison
d. Being a victim
Discuss the work of Shaw and McKay focusing upon transitional neighborhoods and
concentric zones.
Thirty years ago, the Knapp Commission found that police corruption in New York City
was pervasive and widespread, ranging from officers taking small gratuities from local
businesspeople to senior officers receiving payoffs in the thousands of dollars from
gamblers and narcotics violators.
Professional shoplifters who use complex methods in order to avoid detection are called
According to critical criminologists, crime is a ___ concept designed to protect the
power and position of the upper classes at the expense of the poor.
A number of biosocial theorists believe that abnormal levels of male sex hormones
called _________ produce aggressive behavior and may explain gender differences in
the crime rate.
The most important and widely used victim survey is the _________ _________
_________ _________.
Shaw and McKay found that the most poverty-ridden _________ neighborhoods
suffered high rates of population turnover and were incapable of inducing residents to
remain and defendant the neighborhoods against criminal groups.
According to the principles of age-graded theory, repeated negative life experiences
create a condition called _________ _________ .
People in the United States live in a stratified society.
The term _________ _________ is used to signify illegal acts that are designed to
undermine an existing government and threaten its survival.
Which of the following elements would have legally constituted burglary during the late
middle ages?
a. an occurrence during daylight hours
b. an occurrence by an invited guest
c. an occurrence during nighttime hours
d. an occurrence involving an item worth less than ten dollars
When referring to the evolution of criminal law, which statement is inaccurate?
a. The globalization of crime will prompt changes in the criminal law.
b. Highly publicized cases may generate fear but rarely prompt changes in the law.
c. Criminal law may shift to reflect tolerance of behavior previously condemned.
d. Criminal law will constantly evolve to reflect social and economic conditions.
Developmental theories attempt to provide a more global vision of a criminal career,
encompassing its onset, persistence, and desistence.

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