HUN 836 Quiz 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 1845
subject Authors Eleanor Noss Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes

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1) Which statement is true of body mass index?
a.It correlates with disease risks.
b.It decreases by 1 unit for every 10 years of life.
c.It provides an estimate of the fat level of the body.
d.It is defined as the person's height divided by the square of the weight.
e.Its absolute value is less important than the rate at which it changes.
2) Which of the following diets is most likely to lead to beriberi?
a.High intakes of white rice
b.Low intakes of whole grains
c.High intakes of unrefined rice
d.Low intakes of enriched grains
e.High intakes of corn
3) How is vitamin E thought to play a role in reducing the risk of heart disease?
a.It inhibits absorption of dietary cholesterol.
b.It slows oxidation of low-density lipoproteins.
c.It interferes with cholesterol synthesis by the liver.
d.It speeds removal of blood cholesterol by the liver.
e.It enhances the inflammatory response.
4) Which of the following is a common source of resistant starch?
a. apple
b. orange
c. baked potato
d. just-ripened bananas
e. fatty fish
5) What is the composition of sucrose?
a. two fructose units
b. one glucose and one fructose unit
c. one glucose and one galactose unit
d. one galactose and one fructose unit
e. two galactose units
6) A person eating lots of white bread, white rice, and ready-to-eat cereals would have a
diet with a glycemic index that is ____.
a. very low
b. low
c. moderate
d. high
e. very high
7) What is the RDA for carbohydrate?
a. 10 g
b. 45 g
c. 130 g
d. 250 g
e. 400 g
8) A "functional fiber" is one that ____.
a. occurs naturally in the intact plant
b. performs a specific function in the plant
c. is extracted from plants and has a beneficial health effect
d. is a polysaccharide that is stored primarily in muscle and liver of animals
e. is a manufactured food additive used in refined foods.
9) What is meant by the bioavailability of a vitamin in food?
a.The total amount available from plant and animal food
b.The amount absorbed and subsequently used by the body
c.The amount that escapes destruction from food processing
d.The number of different chemical forms of the same vitamin
e.The number of kcal that can be produced from the vitamin
10) Which of the following overt side effect(s) is likely to appear after a person ingests
a high quantity of nicotinic acid?
b.Mental confusion
c.Painful, tingling, itching sensation
d.Hair loss, bloating, and photophobia
e.Sudden increase in blood pressure
11) Which of the following is true of food assistance programs for older Americans?
a. Persons aged 70 and older are eligible.
b. There are no income limits for eligibility.
c. Meals on Wheels is generally preferred to congregate meals.
d. Meals on Wheels requires that individuals be permanently disabled in order to
receive meals.
e. Congregate meals and Meals on Wheels are funded by the Social Security
12) A food scientist is developing a new and improved cereal bar. She consults with you
to about the ordering of the ingredients on a food label. The ingredients are: Sugar: 30
g, Puffed wheat: 28 g, Dry milk powder: 5 g, Red food coloring: 35 mg, Salt: 2 g. What
is the appropriate order in which to list these ingredients on the food label?
a.sugar, puffed wheat, dry milk powder, salt, red food coloring food coloring, salt, dry milk powder, puffed wheat, sugar
c.dry milk powder, puffed wheat, red food coloring, salt, sugar
d.puffed wheat, sugar, dry milk powder, salt, red food coloring
e.sugar, salt, puffed wheat, dry milk powder, red food coloring
13) What is a purpose of both the Recommended Dietary Allowance and Adequate
a.Setting nutrient goals for individuals
b.Identifying toxic intakes of nutrients
c.Restoring health of malnourished individuals
d.Developing nutrition programs for schoolchildren
e.Improving population-level health
14) Which of the following is a feature of the use of artificial sweeteners to control
body weight?
a.They may lead to weight gain in some people.
b.They automatically lower a person's daily energy intake.
c.They delay gastric emptying time, leading to enhanced satiety.
d.They trigger epinephrine secretion, which suppresses appetite.
e.They increase release of endogenous opiates.
15) What blood cholesterol carrier is of greatest concern in atherosclerosis?
a. HDL
b. LDL
c. HDK
e. NK
16) Tempeh is made from ____.
b.any legume
c.fermented leafy vegetables
d.fermented yellow vegetables
e.wheat proteins
17) Which of the following is a characteristic of lead exposure and health?
a. Absorption of lead is higher on an empty stomach.
b. Lead toxicity is most prevalent in children around the time of puberty.
c. Lead-induced anemia is similar to the anemia of vitamin B12deficiency.
d. The symptoms of lead toxicity can be reversed by adding iron to the diet.
e. Lead exposure is extremely rare in the U.S..
18) Define the term organic. How do the properties of vitamins relate to their organic
nature? Contrast these points with the properties of inorganic compounds such as
19) ____________________ involves training the muscles to store as much glycogen as
they can, while supplying the dietary glucose to enable them to do so.
20) Describe the process of cancer development. What is the role of carcinogens?
21) ____________________ refers to the accumulation of contaminants in the flesh of
animals high on the food chain.
22) Explain the roles of hormones in helping to regulate the body's water balance.

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