HUN 584

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 8
subject Words 2202
subject Authors Eleanor Noss Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes

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1) How many mg of calcium are present in a 500-mg tablet of calcium carbonate?
a. 100
b. 200
c. 300
d. 400
e. 500
2) Iron overload is also known as
a. ferrocyanosis.
b. hemoglobinemia.
c. hemochromatosis.
d. metalloferrothionosis.
e. hyperferrotosis.
3) What is a "limiting" amino acid in a protein?
a. A nonessential amino acid present in high amounts, which inhibits protein synthesis
b. An amino acid of the wrong structure to be utilized for protein synthesis efficiently
c. An essential amino acid present in insufficient quantity for body protein synthesis to
take place
d. An amino acid that limits the absorption of other essential amino acids by competing
with them for transport sites within the GI tract
e. An amino acid that has the paradoxical effect of causing catabolism
4) Genetic engineering of broccoli to increase the selenium content has inadvertently
lowered the content of
a. fiber, an indigestible carbohydrate.
b. vitamin C, a water-soluble antioxidant.
c. sulforaphane, an anticancer phytochemical.
d. chlorophyll, a magnesium-containing substance.
e. vitamin E, a fat-soluble antioxidant.
5) What component accounts for the usually sweet taste of fruits?
a. fats
b. fiber
c. simple sugars
d. complex carbohydrates
e. starches
6) Exchange of oxygen, nutrients, and waste materials takes place across the walls of
small vessels called ____.
a. ducts
b. venules
c. arterioles
d. capillaries
e. lymphatics
7) Describe the similarities and differences in fluid and nutrient losses between
vomiting and diarrhea.
8) Which of the following is a feature of aspartame?
a. Its sweetness increases with heat.
b. It is made up of three amino acids.
c. It is recommended for people with PKU.
d. Two of its breakdown products include methanol and formaldehyde.
e. It has been removed from the market by the FDA.
9) Approximately how many people, in millions, are served by the U.S. Supplemental
Nutrition Assistance Program?
a. 15
b. 25
c. 35
d. 45
e. 55
10) What is a bolus?
a. An enzyme that hydrolyzes starch
b. A portion of food swallowed at one time
c. A device used to analyze the contents of the stomach
d. A sphincter muscle separating the stomach from the small intestine
e. A food item that has passed through the small intestine into the colon
11) Discuss the need for water in maintaining physical performance.
12) ____________________ is a craving to consume nonfood items.
13) Outline the recommendations for reducing the risk of coronary heart disease.
14) Describe the known functions of vitamin E and proposed therapeutic treatment for
specific disorders.
15) Blood leaving the digestive system goes by way of the ____________________ to
the liver.
16) Discuss some of the consequences of eating in response to emotions.
17) Discuss the role of physical activity in reducing the risk for osteoporosis.
18) Discuss the role of dietary cholesterol and the endogenous production of cholesterol
and heart disease. What is meant by "good" and "bad" cholesterol?

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