HUN 432 Final

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1829
subject Authors Ellie Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes

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1) The diseases most common today include all of the following EXCEPT
d.heart disease
2) In kwashiorkor, the loss of hair color is indirectly related to
a.inadequate intake of tyrosine.
b.elevated levels of blood homocysteine.
c.excessive exposure to the suns UV rays.
d.being nursed by a poorly-nourished mother.
3) In the body, lead is known to significantly interfere with utilization of all of the
following minerals EXCEPT
4) Which of the following is NOT among the features of bone health and smoking?
a.Bone density appears to recover in former smokers
b.Older smokers have less dense bones than older nonsmokers
c.Sedentary smokers have less dense bones than sedentary nonsmokers
d.Smokers adapt by increasing their calcium absorption and reducing their bone
resorption rate
5) Which of the following is a sure sign that muscles are using their maximum amount
of energy from fat?
a.Breathing is easy
b.Training regimen is optimal
c.Balanced diets were ingested
d.High-glycemic index foods were ingested
6) What structure functions to prevent entrance of food into the trachea?
c.Cardiac sphincter
d.Trachea sphincter
7) About how many grams of carbohydrate are contained in one ounce of foods in the
grain group?
8) Which of the following foods contains a protein that decreases bioavailability of
a.Aged wine
b.Aged cheese
c.Raw egg whites
d.Raw cauliflower
9) Which of the following describes one aspect of iron toxicity?
a.Among men in the United States, it is twice as common as iron-deficiency anemia
b.In adults, the consumption of alcohol is somewhat protective against absorption of
excess iron
c.In most people with this disorder, infections are rare because bacteria are killed by
excess iron in the blood
d.It is usually caused by a virus that attacks the intestinal mucosal cells, leading to
unregulated and excessive iron absorption
10) What is the name of the program that reports on the dietary intakes of pesticides
from our food supply?
a.Total Diet Study
b.Toxicant Monitoring Program
c.Food Safety and Health Program
d.Diet and Market Analysis Report
11) What is the primary reason for increased urine output in uncontrolled diabetes?
a.Insufficient levels of circulating insulin permit the kidneys to lose excess water
b.High levels of blood glucose spill into the urine, drawing water with it by osmosis
c.Excess circulating insulin affects the output of antidiuretic hormone, which allows
greater losses of water
d.Large amounts of body fat and glycogen are broken down, resulting in increased
release of cellular water
12) Which of the following is a characteristic of the bodys major types of adipose
a.Very little brown fat is found in adults, whereas more is seen in infants
b.White adipose is especially important in infants as a moderator of temperature
c.The uncoupled reactions in brown and white adipose are the result of LPL-induced
hydrolysis of ATP
d.Among the three types of adipose, namely, white, yellow, and brown, the white
adipocytes account for the greatest amount of heat expenditure
13) As a new assistant in a weight-loss research laboratory, you are given a tour of the
mouse laboratory. Why is the leptin-deficient mouse much larger than its
leptin-sufficient counterpart?
a.Leptin deficiency causes lower levels of ghrelin
b.Leptin deficiency enhances appetite and decreases energy expenditure
c.Leptin deficiency causes psychological depression, which leads to increased food
d.Leptin deficiency reduces the desire to do physical activity, resulting in more excess
energy available for fat storage
14) What organization is responsible for enforcing the tolerances that are set for a
pesticide on food?
15) The most common form of cardiovascular disease is
b.atheromatous disease
c.coronary heart disease
d.hypertensive aneurism
16) Which of the following is a characteristic of dietary fibers?
a.They cause diverticulosis
b.They raise blood cholesterol levels
c.They are usually found in high-fat foods
d.They are classified according to solubility in water
17) Which of the following is a feature of magnesium in nutrition?
a.Toxicity is common in people taking diuretics
b.High intakes interfere with stability of tooth enamel
c.The amounts present in hard water are poorly utilized
d.Average intakes from food are below recommendations
18) Riboflavin in its coenzyme form functions in the transfer of
a.methyl groups
b.1-carbon units
c.2-carbon units
d.hydrogen atoms
19) According to body mass index values, what fraction of the U.S. adult population is
considered overweight or obese?
20) What is the first product of fatty acid catabolism?
c.Acetyl CoA
21) The seal Graded by USDA that appears on packaged meat and poultry means that
the product is
b.not hazardous of bacteria
d.assessed for tenderness
22) Approximately how many kcalories are expended per kilogram body weight when
walking a mile at a moderate pace?
23) What are the principles of diet planning?
a.Abundance, B vitamins, kcalories, diet control, minerals, and variety
b.Abundance, balance, conservative, diversity, moderation, and vitamins
c.Adequacy, bone development, correction, vitamin density, master, and variety
d.Adequacy, balance, kcalorie control, nutrient density, moderation, and variety
24) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a high-fiber diet?
a.There is a risk of not meeting energy needs
b.It may reduce risk of lung cancer but increase risk of breast cancer
c.It initially may cause bouts of gastrointestinal discomfort and diarrhea
d.It may precipitate mineral deficiency if the bodys mineral intake status is marginal
25) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of dietary phytic acid?
a.It is classified as a fiber
b.It is found in the husks of grains
c.It is synonymous with the term phytate
d.It inhibits absorption of several minerals
26) What is the predominant fuel used by muscle cells during low- or
moderate-intensity activity?
d.Blood glucose
27) Which of the following is a feature of the protein RDA?
a.The recommendations are generous
b.It is highest proportionately for adult males
c.It is established at 8 grams per kilogram of ideal body weight
d.An assumption is made that dietary protein is from animal sources only
28) When a person is performing intense physical exercise and begins to feel fatigue
and a burning pain in the muscles, the response of the muscles is to synthesize more
c.citric acid
d.fatty acids
29) Food labels express the nutrient content in relation to a set of standard values
known as the
a.Daily Values
b.FDA Standards
c.Dietary Reference Intakes
d.Recommended Dietary Intakes
30) Which of the following is an example of the difference between the chemical bonds
in starch and those in cellulose?
a.Starch bonds are single
b.Starch bonds are fatty acids
c.Cellulose bonds release energy
d.Cellulose bonds are not hydrolyzed by human enzymes
31) Which of the following is NOT among the characteristics of blood cholesterol in
a.Acceptable total cholesterol levels are up to 240 mg/d
b.Cholesterol levels at birth are similar in all populations
c.Childhood obesity and high cholesterol levels show a strong association
d.Children with high cholesterol levels usually have parents with high cholesterol levels
32) Approximately how many milligrams of cholesterol are found in an egg?
33) Which of the following is NOT a component of pancreatic juice?
d.Sodium bicarbonate
34) Which of the following artificial sweeteners has a composition similar to
35) What is an important function of mucus?
a.Helps solubilize bile
b.Stabilizes pancreatic enzymes
c.Enhances absorption of vitamin B12
d.Protects the stomach walls from digestion
36) Which of the following is a consequence of alcohol intake?
a.The MEOS is suppressed
b.Homocysteine production is reduced
c.Water content of the blood is increased
d.Antidiuretic hormone production is suppressed
37) Which of the following is more effective in preventing the formation of dental
caries than restricting intake of sugary foods?
a.Regular tooth brushing and flossing
b.Consuming more raisins between meals
c.Substituting honey or raw sugar for table sugar
d.Spreading out the intake of snack foods throughout the day
38) List the treatment recommendations for people with type 2 diabetes.
39) Multivitamin and mineral supplements are recommended to AIDS patients because
do not absorb some nutrients
typically eat only one meal/day
eat so many sweets and fatty desserts
all of the above
40) Discuss the essential nature of fluoride. What level in the diet is considered
optimal? What are the effects of excess fluoride intake and how does toxicity usually
41) What is the very first thing you should do if you suspect someone is choking on
Perform the Heimlich maneuver
Strike the person sharply on the back
Ask the person to try to talk
Attempt to dislodge the food with your fingers
42) What percent of water loss from the body could result in a life-threatening

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