HUN 26379

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1157
subject Authors Jack L. Smith, Sareen S. Gropper

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Basal metabolic rate represents _____.
a. the rate of energy expenditure that sustains basic life processes in all cells in the
awake state
b. the rate of energy expenditure when the body is at rest and no food has been eaten in
4 hours
c. minimal energy expenditure over a period of 24 hours
d. all energy expenditure except that is attributable to physical activity
What happens to retinal in the enterocyte?
a. it is esterified
b. it is reduced to retinol
c. it is transported into the portal blood
d. 15, 15" dioxygenase acts to form beta-carotene
Which fat-soluble vitamin has as its principal function the maintenance of membrane
a. vitamin D
b. vitamin E
c. vitamin A
d. vitamin K
Would you recommend β-carotene supplementation to a smoker to decrease risk to lung
a. Yesβ-carotene can quench singlet oxygen.
b. Yessmoking increases free radical formation; β-carotene can decrease free radicals.
c. Noβ-carotene supplements may be harmful to smokers and are their use is not
advised for the general public.
d. Noβ-carotene supplements can cause a vitamin A toxicity and liver cirrhosis.
What is the desirable amount of dietary fiber recommended for most population groups
each day?
a. 10-15 g
b. 20-40 g
c. 50-60 g
d. 70-90 g
How can metabolic syndrome be reversed during its early stages?
a. administration of statins
b. insulin or metformin administration
c. loss of at least 7% of body weight
d. loss of at least 15% of body weight
Which tissue has the least activity of the pentose phosphate pathway?
a. liver
b. adrenal cortex
c. mammary gland
d. skeletal muscle
What is the limitation that shifts the predominant use of fat for energy at low-intensity
exercise to the predominant use of carbohydrate oxidation at high-intensity exercise?
a. rate of production of ATP
b. rate of mobilization of fatty acids from the adipocytes
c. rate of transamination of amino acids
d. rate of muscle glycogen breakdown
Which of the following dietary substances inhibits uptake of non-heme iron?
a. ascorbic acid
b. lactic acid
c. tea
d. MFP
In what organ are enzymes produced that are responsible for digestion of 50% of
carbohydrate and protein and 90% of fat?
a. liver
b. esophagus
c. pancreas
d. gallbladder
Alcohol in beverages is degraded mainly in the liver cytosol with the production of one
NADH for each ethanol molecule. Predict what effect consumption of alcohol would
have on the activity of the liver malate-aspartate shuttle.
a. no change
b. increased
c. decreased
d. reversed
In what form do carbohydrates enter the bloodstream?
a. starch
b. disaccharides
c. monosaccharides
d. ketoses
If you measure the abundance of an enzyme (or any other protein) and it increases, that
increase is most likely due to:
a. decreased transcription.
b. increased translation.
c. posttranslational modification.
d. allosteric regulation.
e. two of the above
Sphingomyelins are important phospholipids found in the _____.
a. pacemaker of the heart
b. kidney tubules
c. myelin sheath of nerves
d. human blood groups A, B and O
What mineral that is released in the colon by fermentation of fiber is considered to
improve the proliferation of normal colon cells, thus inhibiting cancer?
a. zinc
b. riboflavin
c. iron
d. calcium
All components of the electron transport chain are embedded in the _____.
a. mitochondrial inner membrane
b. mitochondrial outer membrane
c. mitochondrial matrix
d. cytoplasmic matrix
Large amounts of folic acid can mask a vitamin B12 deficiency and prevent _____ from
resulting. Over time the symptoms unique to a vitamin B12 deficiency will occur, and
these are related to the _____.
a. microcytic anemia, muscular system
b. DNA and RNA synthesis, vascular system
c. one-carbon transfer, nervous system
d. macrocytic anemia, nervous system
People living in regions that contain high soil molybdenum levels may develop _____.
a. gout
b. heart disease
c. reduced urea production
d. cretinism
Which group of 20-carbon fatty acid derivatives can exhibit either pro-arrhythmic or
anti-arrhythmic physiological actions in the body?
a. prostaglandins
b. thromboxanes
c. leukotrienes
d. sterols
Which of the fat-soluble vitamins is consumed in the form of phylloquinone from plant
a. A
b. D
c. E
d. K
Which method of estimating energy expenditure requires the measurement of food
a. doubly labeled water method
b. Harris-Benedict prediction equation
c. Mifflin-St. Jeor equation
d. estimated energy requirement equation
What product produced by neck cells in the oxyntic gland of the stomach protects the
epithelium from mechanical and chemical damage?
a. amylase
b. pepsin
c. gastrin
d. mucus
Which of these enzymes is the primary system for oxidizing alcohol after 1 drink?
a. catalase
b. microsomal ethanol oxidizing enzyme
c. alcohol dehydrogenase
d. aldehyde carboxylase
Proteins attached to the membrane through hydrophobic interactions and embedded in
the membrane are called _____.
a. peripheral proteins
b. rough endoplasmic reticulum
c. integral proteins
d. Golgi apparatuses
Which apolipoprotein is key to the delivery of triacylglycerol to tissues?
a. apo-C2
b. apoA-1
c. apoE
d. apoB-100
A good source of vitamin B6 is muscle meats because PLP is predominantly bound to
the enzyme _____.
a. alanine aminotransferase
b. cystathionine synthase
c. glycogen phosphorylase
d. aspartic aminotransferase
What are the two amino acids primarily released from muscle during starvation?
a. leucine and isoleucine
b. alanine and glutamine
c. threonine and phenylalanine
d. arginine and histidine
During a marathon it is important to provide _____ to prevent dehydration from
excessive sweat loss.
a. electrolyte-fortified drinks
b. water
c. fruit juices
d. carbonated beverages
What is the normal product of the fatty acid synthase system?
a. triacylglycerol
b. myristate
c. palmitate
d. butyrate
In assessing the vitamin D status of an individual, which measure would you use?
a. circulating 25-OH cholecalciferol
b. circulating 1,25-OH2 cholecalciferol
c. circulating cholecalciferol
d. serum calcium levels

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