HUN 225 Quiz 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1937
subject Authors Ellie Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes

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1) Which of the following is a feature of aerobic metabolism?
a.Little or no oxygen is consumed
b.Lactic acid is a major byproduct
c.Energy is produced more slowly than in anaerobic metabolism
d.Pyruvate is converted to glucose by reverse glycolysis to yield a net of 2 ATPs
2) Which of the following is a characteristic of iron utilization?
a.Most of the bodys iron is recycled
b.The chief storage site for iron is the intestinal epithelium
c.Iron is absorbed better from supplements than from foods
d.Iron from nonheme food sources is absorbed better than that from heme food sources
3) Which of the following two conditions are associated with televisions influence?
a.Obesity and high blood lipids
b.Anorexia and nutrient deficiencies
c.Drug abuse and teenage pregnancy
d.Hyperactivity and lower body weight
4) What vitamin undergoes the most destruction in foods preserved with sulfites?
c.Vitamin D
d.Ascorbic acid
5) A person engaged in physically active work in hot, humid weather and who wears a
rubber suit to promote weight loss is at high risk of experiencing
b.heat stroke
6) Which of the following is a result of the metabolism of energy nutrients?
a.Energy is released
b.Body fat increases
c.Energy is destroyed
d.Body water decreases
7) Which of the following does NOT have an RDA?
8) What is the principal factor related to solanine concentration in potatoes?
b.Irradiation malfunction
c.Soil heavy metal content
d.Improper storage conditions
9) Which of the following is NOT a common dietary source of trans fats?
a.Fried foods
b.Whole milk
c.Nondairy creamers
d.Microwave popcorn
10) What is meant by carrying capacity of the earth?
a.The number of tons of edible food that can be produced by all of the earths cultivable
b.The maximum number of living organisms that can be supported in an environment
over time
c.The amount of oxygen consumed by all living organisms in relation to the amount of
oxygen produced by all living plants
d.The total weight of all living organisms in relation to the weight of all non-living
material including the earths water mass
11) In pregnant women unable to meet their calcium needs, a daily supplement
providing how many mg of calcium is advised?
12) What would be the primary principle of wise diet planning as related to protein
c.Nutrient density
d.kCalorie control
13) What is the usual initial therapy for the treatment of kwashiorkor?
a.Fat replacement
b.Energy replacement
c.Protein replacement
d.Fluid balance restoration
14) A life-threatening whole-body allergic reaction is known as
a.anaphylactic shock
b.hyperhistamine response
c.hyporespiratory syndrome
d.wheezing food intolerance
15) Jenny has just has undergone a cholecystectomy. After recovery, Jenny will no
longer able to manufacture bile
b.have an extra reservoir for bile able to digest carbohydrates
d.have an extra reservoir for pancreatic juices
16) The process by which an amino acid is used to make glucose is termed
c.protein sparing
17) Which of the following is a characteristic of antibiotic use in livestock?
a.Development of antibiotic-resistant organisms is very rare
b.Proper cooking of the meat destroys any traces of antibiotics
c.Farmers use more than 5 times more antibiotic in livestock than physicians use in
d.Because the antibiotics have a short half-life, the FDA permits slaughter of the
animals at any time
18) Which of the following is an example of food intoxication?
a.Addition of alkaline and acidic agents to foods
b.Illness produced by acute overconsumption of high-fat foods
c.Addition of alcohol-containing beverages in the cooking of foods
d.Illness produced from ingestion of food contaminated with natural toxins
19) If a child is reluctant to try a new food, it is best to
a.send the child to his/her room
b.withhold dessert until all food on the plate is eaten
c.quietly remove it and present it again at another time
d.encourage other family members to coax the child to eat it
20) Which of the following is an advantage of breastfeeding compared with formula
a.There is no limit to the supply
b.It provides immunological protection
c.The mother can be sure the baby is getting enough milk
d.It is the only way to develop a true loving relationship with the baby
21) Which of the following is a characteristic of lead exposure and health?
a.Absorption of lead is higher on an empty stomach
b.Lead toxicity is most prevalent in children around the time of puberty
c.Lead-induced anemia is similar to the anemia of vitamin B12 deficiency
d.The symptoms of lead toxicity can be reversed by adding iron to the diet
22) Untreated gastroesophageal reflux increases the risk for the more serious condition
known as
a.Graves disease
b.Sinclairs gastrum
c.Barretts esophagus
d.Zollinger-Ellison cancer
23) Cooking a food in liberal amounts of water is least likely to affect its content of
c.vitamin A
24) A variation in a single nucleotide of a DNA strand is called a(n)
a.RNA switch
b.thymine substitution
c.environmental mutation
d.single nucleotide polymorphism
25) According to the FDA, what is the leading food safety concern?
a.Food additives
b.Pesticide residues
c.Foodborne illnesses
d.Environmental contaminants
26) After swallowing, in what order does food pass through the regions of the GI tract?
a.Jejunum, duodenum, colon, ileum, rectum
b.Jejunum, ileum, duodenum, rectum, colon
c.Stomach, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, colon
d.Stomach, jejunum, duodenum, colon, ileum
27) Matching:
1>The principle of consuming a number of foods in proportion to each other
2>The principle of recognizing that a food has more iron than another food when
expressed per kcalorie
3>Origin of the MyPlate graphic
4>Number of major food groups
5>Legume belonging to the starch category of exchange lists
6>Part of grain richest in fiber
7>Part of grain containing most of the starch
8>Nutrient added in grain enrichment process
9>Example of a fortified food
10>Commonly used to make textured vegetable protein
11>Example of a functional food
12>Nutrient commonly added in cows milk fortification process
13>Maximum number of grams of fat recommended on a 2000-kcalorie diet based on
the Daily Value
14>Serving size (equivalent to 1 oz) of rice in the USDA Food Patterns
15>Serving size of rice on a food label
16>Agency that regulates food labeling
17>Grams of fat supplied by a 1200-kcalorie diet that is 30% fat
18>Associated in a reliable health claim allowed on food labels
19> Associated in a health claim NOT allowed on food labels without a disclaimer
20>Nutrient commonly added in soy milk fortification process
A.5 B.40 C.65 D.1/2 cup E.1 cup F.FDA G.Bran H.Iron I.USDA J.Soybeans K.Green
peas L.Balance M.Vitamin B12 N.Vitamin A O.Endosperm P.Nutrient density
Q.Sodium and hypertension R.Tomatoes and prostate cancer S.Margarine containing
plant sterols T.Orange juice containing added calcium
28) Fad diets often produce weight loss, at least initially, because
a.they dictate the correct distribution of energy among the macronutrients
b.they prevent rapid spikes and declines in ones blood glucose level
c.they dont require people to count kcal, and are thus easier to stick to
d.they are designed to limit energy intake to around 1200 kcal/day
29) How many carbon atoms are found in most common dietary monosaccharides?
30) Which of these meals is lowest in vitamin C?
a.Roast beef, carrots, noodles, and tea
b.Hot dog, cabbage, french fries, and milk
c.Roast beef, broccoli, noodles, and coffee
d.Spaghetti with tomato sauce, meatball, garlic bread, and red wine
31) What percentage of the DV for saturated fats in the U.S. diet is provided by one
32) What is the life expectancy of black males and females in the United States?
a.71 (males), 77 years (females)
b.78 (males), 85 years (females)
c.85 (males), 89 years (females)
d.90 (males), 93 years (females)
33) What nutrients are most commonly deficient in the diets of pregnant women and
what recommendations could be made for improvement?
34) Which of the following factors do experts consider a criterion for successful weight
If blood pressure went down
If diabetes improved
If some, but not necessarily all, weight was lost
Any of the above
35) Explain the role of folate in red blood cell synthesis and maintenance of cells lining
the GI tract.
36) With regard to food intake, if parents do not set limits for children, children will
probably become obese by the time they are adolescents
not learn to set limits for themselves in other aspects of life as well
become too independent as adults
all of the above
37) Choose 4 water-soluble vitamins and list their chief functions, deficiency and
toxicity symptoms, and major food sources.
38) What dietary and metabolic factors are associated with poor calcium balance in
older adults?
39) Discuss the importance of food color, flavor, and temperature in relation to food
preferences in children.
40) A person with high blood cholesterol should consider participating in an aerobic
exercise program such as walking or jogging because aerobic exercise
will raise HDL ("good") cholesterol after a period of training and decrease the risk for
heart disease
will cause a sudden increase in the heartrate to near maximal levels which lowers the
"bad" cholesterol
forces more LDL ("bad") cholesterol out of the body through waste elimination
keeps the blood circulating faster, even at rest, therefore causes a decrease in total blood

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