HUN 219 Quiz 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1892
subject Authors Ellie Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes

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1) The absorption of which of the following vitamins is most affected by the disorder
atrophic gastritis?
b.Vitamin C
c.Vitamin B12
d.Pantothenic acid
2) Which of the following is NOT a common use for added sugars in the diet?
a.Flavor enhancement
b.Preservative in jams
c.Balances the acidity of tomato-based products
d.Provides a fermentable source of carbohydrates for GI bacteria
3) Which of the following organs is NOT required for the complete synthesis of
activated vitamin D?
d.Small intestine
4) What percentage of cells of the body are white blood cells?
5) What is the minimum daily amount of dietary carbohydrate necessary to spare body
protein from excessive breakdown?
a.10-25 g
b.50-100 g
c.150-175 g
d.200-400 g
6) What fraction of the total iron content of a normal diet is heme iron?
7) The amount of a nutrient that meets the needs of about 98% of a population is termed
a.Adequate Intake
b.Daily Recommended Value
c.Tolerable Upper Intake
d.Recommended Dietary Allowance
8) Which of the following nutrients requires the greatest time for digestion?
9) Which of the following describes a known long-term relationship among poverty,
hunger, and population growth?
a.As economic status improves, population growth rises
b.As economic status improves, population growth diminishes
c.Lack of natural resources rather than poverty is the most important contributor to
d.Over the last decade the increase in the worlds food output has been greater than the
increase in the worlds population
10) What is the usual initial therapy for the treatment of kwashiorkor?
a.Fat replacement
b.Energy replacement
c.Protein replacement
d.Fluid balance restoration
11) On average, how many miles is a food item transported before a consumer eats it?
12) In the United States, what is the adult RDA for vitamin C?
a.10-20 mg
b.50-60 mg
c.75-90 mg
d.100-135 mg
13) What is the structure of an enzyme?
c.Nucleic acid
14) Which of the following is a characteristic of lactate production by muscle cells?
a.It occurs only during intense exercise
b.When rapid it causes muscle fatigue
c.The lactate produced may eventually be used by the liver for glucose production
d,It lowers pH of the muscle cell, thereby lowering muscle performance
15) Jody is taking a nutrition class, and has been assigned to evaluate a popular diet
plan. She finds a description of a plan for her assignment in a magazine at the grocery
store. Which of the following statements in the magazine would suggest that this plan is
an unsound, fad diet?
a.On this plan, you can lose up to 2 pounds per week!
b.Once you complete this 6-month plan, youll never have to diet again
c.Keep fresh fruit or carrot sticks in the fridge at work so you wont be tempted to raid
the vending machine for a snack
d.Starting an aerobic exercise plan may seem daunting, but you can start out with
shorter, easier sessions and then build up to 3 or more hours a week
16) Which of the following is NOT a product from the electron transport chain
17) Which of the following are allowed in the diet of a lactovegetarian?
a.Plant foods only
b.Eggs and plant foods only
c.Meat, eggs, and plant foods only
d.Milk products and plant foods only
18) Which of the following is NOT among the common antioxidant agents used by food
d.Vitamin E
19) Approximately what percentage of the worlds new infants are currently born into
20) What nutrients in foods are most vulnerable to losses during food handling and
a.Trace minerals
b.Fat-soluble vitamins
c.Polyunsaturated fats
d.Water-soluble vitamins
21) Which of the following is a feature of enhanced waters for physical activity?
a.The oxygenated types are beneficial in endurance events
b.They provide a source of lactate to stimulate the Cori cycle
c.One serving provides about a third of the RDA for most vitamins and calcium
d.They usually contain less carbohydrate and electrolytes than typical sports drinks
22) Which of the following characteristics is shared by olive oil and canola oil?
a.Neither is liquid at room temperature
b.Neither contains saturated fatty acids
c.Both contain high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids
d.Both contain high levels of monounsaturated fatty acids
23) If protein needs are expressed per kilogram of body weight, which of the following
describes the requirements of infants?
a.Less than adults
b.Similar to adults
c.Greater than adults
d.Less than adolescents
24) Which of the following is a feature of caffeine use in physical activity?
a.Caffeine is widely abused by endurance athletes because it cannot be detected by
blood or urine tests
b.Caffeine enhances performance by stimulating glycogen breakdown and increasing
the oxygen-carrying capacity of red blood cells
c.College and national competitions prohibit the use of caffeine in amounts greater than
that present in 5 cups of coffee when consumed within a few hours before testing
d.The usual side effects of caffeine use such as irritability, headaches, and diarrhea are
delayed or diminished in endurance athletes because of their high metabolic rates
during competition
25) Jenny is trying to lose weight by decreasing the fat in her diet. At the grocery store
she is overwhelmed by all the claims on the food product labels, and finally chooses an
expensive fat-free frozen dessert. Which of the following would be an appropriate
analysis of Jennys decision?
a.Most frozen desserts are fat free and she should not pay extra for one with a fat-free
b.Since fats contribute 9 kcalories per gram, she can eat twice as many kcalories from
this dessert and still lose weight
c.As long as she makes sure to eat the dessert before 9 p.m. it should not contribute
much to her daily kcaloric intake
d.Fat-free products typically have so much added sugar that the kcalorie count can be as
high as in the regular-fat product
26) Jim went for his annual medical check-up and was diagnosed with heartburn.
Which of the following actions is most likely causing Jims condition?
a.Inhibition of peristalsis
b.Overactive cardiac sphincter activity
c.Overactive pyloric sphincter activity
d.Defective lower esophageal sphincter activity
27) What type of diet is advised to rehabilitate a severely malnourished child?
b.High protein
c.Liberal quantities of lactose-free powdered milk until growth rate is restored
d.High energy until normal body mass index is achieved, then moderate energy
28) For the most part, all of the following are advantages of vegetarian diets EXCEPT
a.fat intake is lower
b.fiber intake is higher
c.vitamin B12 intake is higher
d.intakes of vitamins A and C are higher
29) What is the approximate percent efficiency of conversion of food energy to ATP
energy in the body?
30) Which of the following is NOT a feature of fat cell metabolism in men and women?
a.The rate of fat breakdown is higher in women than in men
b.The release of lower-body fat is more active in men than in women
c.Lipoprotein lipase enzyme activity is regulated by a gene that responds to weight loss
d.Fat storage in men develops primarily across the abdomen whereas in women it is
found chiefly around the hips and thighs
31) Which of the following is a feature of vitamin C in the body?
a.Severe deficiency is irreversible
b.Low levels are found in people who chew tobacco
c.Extremes of physical stress impair mobilization of vitamin C
d.Severe deficiency signs become apparent when blood levels fall by about 20%
32) In the metabolism of amino acids for energy, what is the fate of the amino group?
a.Excreted as urea
b.Burned for energy
c.Stored in the liver
d.Converted to glucose
33) A newly fertilized egg is known as a(n)
34) The upper safe level of intake for aspartame-sweetened soft drinks (cans/day) for a
normal 70 kg adult is approximately
35) What term may be used to describe a substance that is hydrophobic?
36) What is the major cause of iron deficiency?
Blood loss
Poor nutrition
Hereditary defect
Parasitic infections of the GI tract
37) Compare and contrast the metabolism of alcohol in men versus women.
38) When CD-4 cell count is less than 200 and people have one or more opportunistic
infections, they are defined as having
multiple sclerosis
Kaposi's sarcoma
39) Describe aging-induced physiological changes in body composition, immunity, and
the gastrointestinal tract.
40) Discuss the association between maternal nutrition and the risk for development of
chronic diseases in her child.
41) Which of the following is NOT among the recommendations by health
professionals to treat hypertension?
Increase dietary fiber
Decrease sodium intake
If overweight, reduce weight
Decrease potassium intake
42) List four common accusations made against dietary sugar. What is the evidence for
and against these accusations?
43) What are the results of research studies concerning the importance of
low-energy-dense diets in weight-reduction regimes?
44) Describe how fetal development is affected by exposure to alcohol during the first
trimester, the second trimester, and the third trimester.

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