HST 79099

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 1779
subject Authors John A. Garraty, Mark C. Carnes

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In his decision on the Dred Scott case, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United
States Roger Taney argued that the Missouri Compromise __________.
A) violated the due process of law
B) needed to be preserved for the sake of the union
C) was an abolitionist conspiracy
D) validated the concept of popular sovereignty
How did Thomas Jefferson build his political capital?
A) He promised different congressional districts federal funding for their pet projects.
B) He accumulated dirty secrets on congressmen and blackmailed them when
C) He appealed to voters directly to contact their congressmen, thereby putting political
pressure on his opponents.
D) He got to know every congressman personally and worked his charm on them.
What was one consequence of American industrialization in the early nineteenth
A) an increase in the need for foreign goods and thus in the business of merchants
B) a decline in commercial agriculture and thus in the speed of westward settlement
C) the rapid development of labor unions
D) a decline in the dependence on imports and thus in the business of merchants
Which of the following was a reason for the postwar demographic change that resulted
in the "rise of the suburbs"?
A) the federal government's commitment to reduced spending
B) cheap home mortgages under the G.I. Bill of 1946
C) approval of loans by the Federal Housing Authority in older residential areas
D) expensive housing built especially for veterans
Which of the following accurately describes the concept of virtual representation?
A) Colonists could make their positions known to Parliament through writs.
B) Parliament paid almost no attention to colonial representatives.
C) Members of Parliament represented specific districts within the empire.
D) All members of Parliament stood for the interests of the entire empire.
The British practice of forcibly removing British deserters from American ships was
called __________.
A) impressment
B) dragoonment
C) involuntary recruitment
D) de-naturalization
Which of the following was a co-organizer of the Seneca Falls Convention and author
of its Declaration of Sentiments?
A) Elizabeth Cady Stanton
B) William Lloyd Garrison
C) Susan B. Anthony
D) Margaret Fuller
Most Republican politicians defended emancipation on which grounds?
A) Blacks deserved it.
B) Northern blacks would all move to the South.
C) The war's purpose was to end slavery.
D) Blacks could then be better assimilated.
Who transformed baseball during the 1920s with his hitting prowess, and became
known as the "Sultan of Swat"?
A) Babe Ruth
B) Christy Mathewson
C) Lou Gehrig
D) Cy Young
The original Bank of the United States that Hamilton proposed __________.
A) was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1814
B) did not have its charter renewed when it expired in 1811
C) was strongly supported by southern planters
D) was unable to interest foreign investors in purchasing its stock
Abraham Lincoln's announcement of the Emancipation Proclamation freed
A) only slaves in the border states controlled by the Union
B) no slaves directly
C) only slaves in areas of the South controlled by the Union army
D) all slaves in the South
During his last weeks in office, Carter devoted himself to which of the following?
A) ratifying the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
B) ending the Iranian hostage crisis
C) negotiating the Camp David Accords
D) appointing Democrats as federal judges
In the mid-1840s, there were about 150,000 Indians in California. How many were
there in 1860?
A) 230,000
B) 130,000
C) 35,000
D) 3,500.
Southern white Republicans often controlled the black vote by the influence of the
A) Freedmen's Bureau
B) Free Soil party
C) Ku Klux Klan
D) Union League of America
Which of the following was a typical theme of the Second Great Awakening?
A) God had predestined either salvation or damnation for everyone.
B) People did not need to worry about judgment day.
C) Those who were saved were filled with God's grace and need not be bound by
human laws.
D) People could take their salvation into their own hands.
The Supreme Court's decision in Dartmouth College v. Woodward (1819) upheld the
A) right of a state to take over a private college
B) principle of the sanctity of contracts
C) right of a state to tax federal properties within its boundaries
D) principle of national supremacy over the states
Which of the following was true of Russian immigrant Emma Goldman?
A) She strongly opposed birth control.
B) She lived and died in almost total obscurity.
C) She was careful to avoid arrest for her activities.
D) She sought basic changes in bourgeois society.
Scholars argue that the settlement of Cahokia first became unsustainable when
A) European explorers practiced a relentless warfare against them
B) a cooling climate forced Cahokians to return to a nomadic lifestyle
C) deforestation in the region led to erosion, flooding, and soil erosion
D) an unfamiliar communicable disease wreaked havoc in the urban settlement
President Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative was a plan for which of the following?
A) a computer-controlled system to destroy enemy missiles in outer space
B) mutual reductions of Soviet and American stockpiles of nuclear warheads
C) an elaborate series of spy satellites to monitor Soviet military activity
D) mutual reductions of Soviet and U.S. delivery systems for nuclear warheads
Which of the following was an initial cause of the 2008"2009 financial crisis?
A) consumer refusal to spend followed by a stock market crash
B) lack of individual savings and faulty mortgages
C) the refusal of banks to extend credit or lend capital
D) the cost of the war and the ballooning federal deficit
Who led the successful Cuban revolution of January 1959?
A) Fulgencio Batista
B) Jacobo Arbenz Guzman
C) Fidel Castro
D) Che Guevara
What was the original purpose of NATO?
A) to create a mutual defense pact against the Soviet Union
B) to create a free trade zone between Western Europe and the United States
C) to create a ten-year plan for the economic recovery of Western Europe
D) to create a financial mechanism to stabilize currency exchange rates of the Western
A major improvement in the transportation network in the 1820s and 1830s was the
construction of which of the following?
A) turnpikes
B) railroads
C) flatboats
D) canals
As a result of the Glorious Revolution in 1688, __________ became a royal colony in
the early 1690s.
A) Georgia
B) Pennsylvania
C) Virginia
D) Massachusetts
Roosevelt communicated directly and effectively with the public through which of the
A) a regular newspaper column, "Ask the President"
B) frequent public appearances
C) press assistants who orchestrated his messages
D) "fireside chats"
The conflict between the president and Congress came to a head when Johnson
A) removed General Ulysses S. Grant from his command
B) dismissed Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton
C) appointed Salmon P. Chase as secretary of state
D) vetoed the Civil Rights bill
Who led the initiative to found English colonies in North America?
A) Protestant reformers
B) Queen Elizabeth
C) military leaders
D) merchant capitalists
How did large mammals from Eurasia differ from those of the Americas?
A) Due to the warmer climate in Eurasia, animal hides were thinner and thus offered far
less warmth for humans.
B) In contrast to those Eurasia, American large mammals were naturally unsuitably for
C) There were no large mammals in Eurasia, which is why people there resorted to
domesticating fowl.
D) Eurasian large mammals were not hunted into extinction but became domesticated.
The "Second" New Deal measure giving workers the right to bargain collectively and
prohibiting employers from interfering with union organization activities in their
factories was the __________ Act.
A) National Industrial Recovery
B) National Labor Relations or Wagner
C) Taft-Hartley
D) Works Progress Administration
Which staunch states' rights advocate became president when William Henry Harrison
A) Martin Van Buren
B) James K. Polk
C) Zachary Taylor
D) John Tyler
Which of the following statements about Richard M. Nixon is true?
A) He rose to high rank because of Eisenhower's mentorship and unwavering support.
B) His support for liberal measures made him attractive to independent voters.
C) He had risen to national prominence on the coattails of anticommunist paranoia.
D) He lacked political skills, but was highly regarded by the press.
The Great Depression was a worldwide phenomenon caused chiefly by which of the
A) excessive government regulations in the industrialized economies
B) faulty tax policies of the Hoover administration
C) illegal financial manipulations by large bankers
D) economic imbalances resulting from the chaos of the Great War
What was the most significant result of the Senate's failure to ratify the Versailles
A) the creation of a powerful campaign issue for the Democrats
B) the decision by Wilson to seek reelection
C) the rejection of effective world government
D) the loss of the possibility of world peace
Which businesses transformed the economy by encouraging regional concentration of
industry and by employing large numbers of salaried managers and developing complex
internal structures?
A) slave traders
B) railroads
C) textile mills
D) banks
The results of the presidential election of 1920 reflected most Americans' __________.
A) support of the League of Nations
B) dislike of the Lodge Reservations
C) continuing faith in Woodrow Wilson
D) rejection of reform and idealism

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